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Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 213

Not so much the rock itself, there's many similar rocks with similar minerals. It's all about the mining infrastructure you build there. Or about portable infrastructure that does the mining, for convenience lets call it a spaceship. Now if I was building such an object, it'd have a lot in the way of defence systems on it, to ensure that the blood shed would be someone else's...

Comment Re:What about other devices? (Score 1) 421

Ship it with Windows for 'most people' then, and have a revocation at activation time that refunds the OEM OS cost. And stops Windows running after 15 days or whatever. More red tape, but it might keep both the 'most people' and the Linux / etc users happy. And the court system. Mac/iOS/Android appear to have solved the issue in their own way by making the OS free. (as in beer)

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