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Comment Re:If you *lourve* your job ... (Score 1) 135

Hierarchy has been the primary source of inefficiency everywhere I've ever worked. But how to design an organization that can coordinate itself without hierarchy, especially given that it's made of humans used to playing games of master and servant rather than cooperating for common goals?

Create a common goal, for starters. The rest will fall into place.

Comment Re:only "discrete" Fourier/Integral transforms (Score 1) 158

This has nothing to do with discrete transforms. "Simple" example: \int_{-\inf}^{+\inf} \delta(x) f(x) dx = f(0)

where \delta(x) is the Dirac delta distribution and f(x) a smooth function (e.g.: exp(-itx)/sqrt(2\pi) ).

This uncertainty is also the cause why every laser has a finite spectral width: even a perfect sinoidal electromagnetic wave must have a length in the time regime which is finite - else the wave would hold an infinite amount of energy.

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