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Comment Re:I was wondering when it would start.... (Score 1) 199

Yeah, especially now that even the original story does not show the OMG PONIES style anymore. Someone at Slashdot should rebuild that one just for giggles and link it to the original post. As in, I wanted to see it again just now to remind me how awesum etc it was, and found the story, but well, it didn't make sense. "We changed our layout to attract more females", and it just looks like always... meh.

Comment Re:lolcats being censored (Score 2, Informative) 401

Yep, really just lolcats, just checked, not blocked here at work. Of course, there are pictures like "Oh mai god, ceiling cat is watching me masturbate" (a cat with a surprised face), so there is your sex. And oh, a wet cat that looks like it really enjoyed their owner bathing them, so there is your animal cruelty...

Comment Re:Slashdot == The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf (Score 1) 328

(And yes, I am now in the habit of shutting down Opera before starting World Of Warcraft on my Mac, I get better frame rate that way).

I actually solved that problem by going from 2 to 4 gb ram on my Vista64 machine. Before that e.g. landing in Dalaran made the game basically unplayable for a minute or so, and alttabbing to a Firefox window that was open in the background with 20 Wowhead tabs opened was taking somewhere in the 2 to 5 minutes range - seriously. By adding the additional 2 gb of ram (actually I swapped the ram, to a faster CL setting as well, but that's a minor detail, I guess) I was able to boost my framerate from typically 1-15 fps in Northrend to 10-40 fps, and be able to alttab to Firefox in 1 to 2 seconds, and landing in Dalaran now doesn't cause hiccups at all.

So you might actually just be at the limit of your hardware as well?

To get back to the original topic, though: I felt a much bigger performance hit when going from TBC to WotLK then when going from XP32 to Vista64, all on the same hardware.


Submission + - Study contradicts RIAA on cause of CD sales drop

IBuyManyCd writes: A new research paper (PDF) published in the Journal of Political Economy contradicts the RIAA claim that illegal downloading is the main reason for the 25% drop in CD sales.
A quick overview of the article is presented on the University of Chicago Press site: Downloads are not the primary reason for the decline in music sales. "Researchers from Harvard and Kansas find that impact of P2P sharing on U.S. music sales is "statistically indistinguishable from zero".
The overview also quotes:
"We match an extensive sample of downloads to U.S. sales for a large number of albums", write Felix Oberholzer-Gee (Harvard University) and Koleman Strumpf (University of Kansas). "While file sharers downloaded billions of files in 2002, the consequences for the industry amounted to no more than 0.7% of sales."
The author compiled data on nearly 50,000 music downloads of popular songs (on pop charts) and across eleven genre from 2 major P2P servers. They then compared these with the same pop chart songs CD sales, "it is striking to see that more than 60% of the songs in our sample are never downloaded".
This underlines what many online users have lived first hand. If an album is good enough, reaching the pop chart, it will gladly be bought by fans.

Submission + - Dealing with Security Bugs: A Primer

CowboyRobot writes: "ACM Queue's current issue on Open Source Security includes a short article by Eric Allman of Sendmail on how to handle security bugs in your code. "Patch with full disclosure. Particularly popular in the open source world (where releasing a patch is tantamount to full disclosure anyway), this involves opening the kimono and exposing everything, including a detailed description of the problem and how the exploit works... Generally speaking, it is easier to find bugs in open source code, and hence the pressure to release quickly may be higher.""

Submission + - Finnish Ministry of Justice migrates to OpenOffice

An anonymous reader writes: In December 2006, the Finnish Ministry of Justice decided to migrate to the open source office suite. The ministry and its administrative sector will also adopt the OpenDocument ISO standard for the file format of office documents.

After the migration, will be the primary office suite for 8500 persons and Microsoft Office for 1500 persons. All Windows XP workstations of the ministry and its administrative sector are installed with version 2. Toimintajahallinto/Toiminnanjahallinnonarkisto/Toi mintajahallinto2007/1171362109118

Submission + - SmugMug embraces OpenID

onethumb writes: "I finally found some time to play with OpenID, and I'm happy to announce that hundreds of thousands of SmugMuggers are OpenID enabled. The spec is simple and elegant, and I really think it'll spread everywhere. I break down a little of what I did, what worked, and what didn't. Long live decentralized identity!"

Submission + - MSFT Plays up Open Source

An anonymous reader writes: One of the longest running open source databases — Postgres — has been around for nearly 11 years (I think.) The powerful object-relational database is a direct competitor to other OSS databases, as well as Microsoft's SQL Server 2005. So why is Microsoft promoting it? Thursday, Microsoft's open source software lab posted PostgreSQL on Windows: A Primer. At first, I get Redmond's interest in promoting anything that runs on Windows as a platform. But looking at this week's news: Ian Murdock visits Redmond, Microsoft and Novell announced their technical roadmap & Red Hat joins Microsoft's Interop Vendor program — is something bigger brewing in Bill's backyard? And how does Ballmer feel about this? The post is located at: resql-on-windows-a-primer.aspx

Submission + - Second Google Desktop vulnerability uncovered

zakkie writes: "According to InfoWorld, Google's Desktop indexing engine is vulnerable to an exploit (the second such flaw to be found) that could allow crackers to read files or execute code. By exploiting a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability on, an attacker can grab all the data off a Google Desktop. Google is said to be "investigating"."
The Internet

Submission + - German Universal unaware of own artist's marketing

CazazzaKid writes: The band Nine Inch Nails have been running an Alternate Reality Game called "Year Zero" to promote their upcoming album. As part of the campaign, they have distributed MP3s of songs from the album, containing hidden codes that can be used as clues in the game. A German fan, who helped distribute the intentionally leaked music on his blog, has now received a ceise and desist order from Universal, as well as a $670 fine.
Lord of the Rings

Submission + - LOTR: Shadows of Angmar MMORPG due April

zakkie writes: "A new MMORPG based on the Lord of the Rings books, not movies, is due to launch in April. Lord of the Ring Online: Shadows of Angmar has had over 350000 people involved in beta testing. A reviewer from the BBC has taken a look at it. He is pretty impressed by it overall, and mentions a few ways in which LOTRO tries to improve on existing methodologies in RPGs, including: "One neat innovation is the system of accomplishments. While all characters improve as they gain experience, also available are other ways of becoming smarter, stronger or faster that only emerge when you complete a task a certain number of times.""
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Last Week WOW Queue Estimated at 89 Years

An anonymous reader writes: Did anyone notice a skyrocket in queue times for World of Warcraft since the 2.0 patch? A few people have, including the Dailytech site owner Kris Kubicki. Kris plotted the waitlist times for his server and extrapolated it over the other high population servers. His estimates put the total amount of time WOW gamers spent over the last 9 days at approximately 89 years worth of wait time!

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