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Comment Re:Media is in the business of making money (Score 1) 508

You mean Greenwald is manipulating the public? Good! His goals, be they of self interest or not, coincide with my goals. I want the public outraged by this, so things will change. He wants them outraged so he can get famous. Sounds like a fare trade to me.
What could possibly go wrong? Nothing says justice like mob justice. Or nothing more democratic than a lynch mob.

Comment Re: I'd be sorry (Score 0) 496

Face it. The US kills indiscriminately. That wasn't what I was raised to believe and defend and neither were you.
Yeah, it's called war not boy scout jamboree. Did you watch too much GI Joe on TV, and think that everybody escapes the vehicle before the missile blows it up? As for indiscriminate killing, try night time bombing of cities.

Comment Re:Fascinating article. (Score 1) 372

Also, quoth the article: San Francisco is becoming a city without a middle class.
Irony of Ironies, a magazine called the New Yorker would be the one to make that point given the state of NYC and their rapidly disappearing middle class.
There actually needs to be a social and political solution through income redistribution before we start witnessing real segregation
Indeed, tovarisch we must round up the kulaks in defense of the proletariat!

Comment Re:A cynic's view (Score 1) 637

This isn't, in other words, an effort to flee Obamacare. It's an effort to fix a drafting error that prevents the federal government from paying into insurance exchanges on behalf of congressional staffers who got caught up in a political controversy.
Also know as an effort to exempt themselves or their staffers from the negative effects of Obamacare. There's a distinction without a difference.

Comment Re:unsurprising result (Score 1) 335

our society hasn't quite gotten rid of the old double-standard where guys are praised for getting laid while girls/women are condemned.
Not so much a double standard merely an appreciation of difficulty in the enterprise. See a young woman(age 20-35) barring any obvious physical flaws will probably be able to obtain 20+ sexual overtures in under 2 hours in a mixed population of over 100,000. A hetero young man must try considerably harder to achieve anything close to that. Thus the disproportionate application of praise.

Comment Re:Better plots? (Score 1) 1029

You really think Hollywood would give fair treatment to, for instance, the open relationships and line marriages in Heinlein's books? Not a chance.
Or the time travelling incest w/ your mom or your different gendered twin clones? But seriously, if you want a Sci-Fi story made you have to convince Hollywood that either Michael Crichton or Philip K. Dick wrote the story(and then the end result may or may not disappoint).

Comment Re:"may head off backlash" (Score 3, Informative) 229

"Environmentalists" Will not be happy until we live like we did back in the 1700's. " False. Please stop lying. It's also a strawman. please learn to think.
See 350.org, please follow your own advice, and learn to think about what is required to achieve a reduction of 30+ppm of CO2, hint it looks more like the Flintstones and less like the Jetsons.

Comment Re:How is it not a silver bullet? (Score 4, Insightful) 293

nuclear fuel still needs to be mined, which means a new kind of geopolitical conflict over precious resources.
Considering the fact the neither potable water nor arable land are distributed equally about the surface of the earth, there will always be geopolitical conflict over precious resources. So that's not really a problem to worry about.

Comment Re:X-actly (Score 1) 298

All the solipsistic libertarians here would quickly and unflinchingly answer that with "as many as needed, so long as it's not ME, obviously, and so long as nobody ever tells ME what to do ever again, ever".
I see your strawman, and raise one in your image, I shall call him crypto-totalitarian for all must be ready to bow down before the state, they know what is best. Right, tovarich? or is Juche more your thing?

Comment Re:Dictator hating free speech, news at 11. (Score 1) 418

(yes, I'm intimately familiar with Turkish history going as far as early Ottoman empire for reasons I would rather not disclose here).
Congrats, unfortunately, you are not very familiar with US history otherwise, you would have known that Korematsu v US had already settled the matter of indefinite detention back in '44(that's 1944).

Comment Re:Why the IC in ICBM? (Score 1) 351

The message is clear. If you can see any potential future where you might be at odds with the US you can't just rely on there being a Democrat in the White House at the time, you need Mutually Assured Destruction. Geography dictates that for most countries that means they need ICBMs to strike back.
Yeah, that worked out real will for Gaddafi, hell the democrat in the White House didn't even get authorization for the use of force from Congress. So you may need to update your antiquated believe that only Republicans are jingoists, or stop getting your history from Oliver Stone.

Comment Re:facebook is an american company (Score 1) 559

Wars of aggression are typically wars of conquest, but the international treaties defining crime of agression do not make annexation a necessary condition. A war of aggression is basically a war without the justification of self-defense.
Using that criteria clearly you believe the kinetic military action taken in Libya by Pres. Obama(without authorization from Congress) was a war of aggression?

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