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Comment Re:Is this just GM? (Score 1) 229

Now, I will grant you that a clever person could fuck the ignition timing enough to destroy the valves outright.
Don't need to be clever, when my coil pack went bad, the vibration damn near shook the engine apart. That was with me keeping the revs low to drive it to the shop. At highway speed? Even more fun.

Comment Re:They know their customers (Score 0) 203

Rich people don't give a fuck about sustainability. Gimme shiny. Here's how to fix this: Maximum speed limit of 100km/h (60mph) for all combustion engine vehicles, but not electric vehicles, even on private tracks.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Zen Fascist. Only thing missing was an exclamation of, "for the Greater Good!"

Comment Re:Seems like a great idea (Score 1, Insightful) 82

"Woke" is a buzzword that means "something I have been told is bad and evil and I'm a moron."
At the time of this post, parent post was 2, insightful. Never change Kosdot, never change. Assuming someone doesn't know what "woke" is, it is a catch-all term for the recent phenomena of viewing everything through a cultural Marxist lens, with an emphasis on intersectionality as the driving force of all human interaction. Throw in a splash of Hegelian dialectic, a belief that everything is racist, everything is sexist, and you get "Woke". People are reduced to their identity groups, with an everchanging hierarchy of grievances, and a constant need to play the victim or be offended on behalf of someone else. Merit is considered a dirty word, or a tool of the "oppressors". That is what "woke" is.

Comment Re: Xiden stole the 2020 election (Score 0) 42

Why didnâ(TM)t Trump fix the border during his tenure?
Because the cheap labor "conservatives" in his party in Congress conspired with the Democrats to not fix the border. A better question, why does anyone bargain in good faith with the Democrats on this issue after the 1986 amnesty and its shortcomings?

Comment Re:Warm Fuzzies (Score 2) 82

He lost the popular vote. Twice. No one really liked Hillary, but more people showed up to vote for her than to vote for that clown anyway. If Real Americans believed for a second that he had a chance, they'd have shown up in numbers like they did in 2020. See, Real Americans can smell a conman like him a mile away. Speaking of 2020, he lost despite being an incumbent while also being blessed with a national crisis. Oh, and his opponent was a gaff machine with zero charisma! That's reelection on easy mode. All that moron had to do was rally the country around a common cause. He couldn't even manage that. Objectively, Joe had a great four years and so now has an impressive record to run on. Donnie, not so much. I seriously doubt the trailer park vote can save him this time.
God, I hope this is sarcasm, but I doubt it, so let me lay some facts out for you. Biden managed those 81 million votes while still winning far fewer counties than Obama did in 2012. That's the real achievement. Though given the outcomes I guess ol' sleepy Joe carried Obama in those two elections as well. Speaking of AI-trickery whatever became of those 51 intelligence official who signed that letter Hunter Biden's laptop was fake? I don't recall an apology or a reprimand or any sort of fallout for that particular bit of election interference.

Comment Re:It's only *your* SUVs that are bad. Ours are fi (Score 1) 301

Parisian locals do not drive SUVs. If they did they'd have almost no way of getting them into parking places near their houses. The SUV scourge on the city is from people in the suburbs commuting in and parking in the commercial districts. Residents aren't the problem here.
Cool so how long before we get the headline, Parisian commercial district hit with losses due to lack of customers, how could this have happened?

Comment Re:I find it curious.... (Score 1) 147

Isn't that strange? Whereas once upon a time, the far right was very much at odds with Russia, now they are a fifth column.
Isn't strange the left used to hate the FBI and their bag of dirty tricks, agent provocateurs etc. But now they love the FBI and want to act as citizen informants. Almost like both parties suffer from an authoritarianism streak, and only care about abuses of power when the boot is on their neck, not when their foot is in the boot.
They are still angry about the pee-pee tapes scandal, and well, if you are a Putin loving fifth column person, of course you hate all American intel. In their eyes, Mr Schulte is probably a hero, not a criminal.
Seek medical attention immediately your TDS appears terminal. Or are you ok with 51 fomer intel officers signing a letter found to be false and never explaining why they signed it or apologizing for getting it wrong?

Comment Re:Remove the beam from your own eye (Score -1, Troll) 93

They have bought into the Trumpian cult of victimhood. They imagine their personal lack of success is the fault of some nefarious group out to steal white men's precious bodily fluids. There isn't a news story out there, even if it was "cat rescued from tree" that doesn't somehow feed into that belief in their own righteous victimhood.
Oh boy, Kosdot in full effect I see(as of this reply parent post was +3 insightful). Let's check the bingo card, orange man bad, yep. Unironic use of victimhood by a woke individual unaware of the Marxist dialectic oppressed/oppressor that philosophy entails. And finally a bit of conspiracy theorycraft in a post-Covid world. Top Kek!

Comment Re:The stink of desperation is strong (Score 1) 87

Naa, the EU is not as stupidly lead as the US. You are free to ruin your own economy as much as you like though. Some say that concerted efforts to that effect have already been underway for a decade or longer.
I predict this comment will age as well as milk left in a hot car in July. LUL

Comment Re:Buick? (Score 1) 210

There must be a real dearth of sports cars in the US if you thought of Holden as something sporty. For the uninitiated, Holden sold large saloon (sedan) cars that were horribly unwieldly, the flagship models had downturned American V8s, a 6 litre LS that produced a whopping 270 KW. The Vette with the same era LS produced around 330 KW.
Just prior to their death in 2008, Pontiac brought over the Holden Monaro and rebadged it the GTO, It had a 6 liter V8 that wasn't completely anemic(and probably could have been modded slightly to unleash more power). That is probably where the grand parent poster got the Holden's are sporty idea. Not to mention the lion logo is way cooler than Buick's logo.

Comment Re:If you can get banks to lend you $billions... (Score 1) 196

As for the Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy... he did file bankruptcy in one of his many companies but it was due to an award of $27 million filed by a guy who claimed he was owed a cut in the speaking engagement revenue. That particular company only had about $17m and Robert had no obligation to pay from his other companies or personal assets so the company folded. It had nothing to do with financial mismanagement.
Since he was awarded 27 million I'd say his claim was pretty strong. Having liabilities(real, not this guys altered definition) exceed your assets(again) certainly sounds like financial mismanagement(not to mention I didn't think you could discharge legal claims via bankruptcy, IANAL though). As for all the geniuses running around talking about rental properties, it's a good idea until you buy into an overheated urban center, and then everybody discovers they can work from home, but that will never happen.

Comment Re:Taking her comments out of context (Score 1) 363

Maybe it's you who didn't learn. Osama wouldn't have either ability or reason to arrange 9/11 if US previously didn't fund him before for Afghanistan op(which gave him both power and connections to do what he did) and yet later insisted on supporting his enemies in Israel. Quite obviously the incompatibility of those allies was known from the start to relevant decision makers.
Look, Osama really didn't care about Israel as much as he cared about the US cock blocking his attempt to use Saddam's invasion in Kuwait to bring his newly minted Mujahideen and allow him(Osama) to replace the House of Saud. The fact we didn't see that coming and didn't lean harder on the Pashtuns to give him up when they got tired of his shit, is a failing of US intelligence. But hey no one ever said the US military was great at rebuilding a place they have helped to blow up.

Comment Re:What cheek these silly Europeans have! (Score 0) 89

What own companies? All the EU wants is for all tech companies to play by the rules that they design, and that means, among other things, that irresponsible spying on their citizens and stripping them off any privacy they may still have is not ok, along with causing havoc by spreading unfounded rumors and blatant misinformation. Yes, we do actually consider this a bad thing.
Bitch please, google or use your preferred search engine the phrase "14 eyes", then get back to me. This is about SAP and other euro tech businesses hoping that the EU with tip the scales in their favor. As for blatant misinformation, how hard is the EU cracking down on Tiktok?

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 53

If you want meaningless praise, go watch marketing material.
Perhaps the parent poster is one of those Gen Z'ers I've been hearing so much about. Probably has a shelf full of participation trophies and wonders why no one thinks they are as special as mommy told them they were. Yes, old /. would laud interesting pet projects, and they would also mock pointless reskins of bad projects or wonder why it wasn't done in Perl or Lisp or some other esoteric language of choice. Only thing that has changed is there's no Katz articles about Geek culture and way too many crypto-currency articles. Oh and the general libertarian bent has been replaced with crypto-Trotskyite authoritarians(but I blame COVID for that).

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