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Comment Re:Not that bad (Score 2) 142

Yet they never lost a satellite through an error made at that faciilty. The USSR has lost satellites through such errors. NASA has. COMSAT has. But not all those old guys in Sunnyvale.
How'd they do all that while being on top of a Hellmouth? Didn't the frequent vampire attacks make their jobs difficult?

Comment Re:Sounds cool as long as it's not... (Score 1) 116

By the way, I live in downtown "Union/Democrat mismanagement-ville" (Chicago) and pay around $6,000 in property taxes on my $500,000 condo. Combined with a low state income tax, negligible commuting costs and a high salary, I have very little to complain about.
So rampant gun violence doesn't bother you?

Comment Re:not nearly as problematic as our defense spendi (Score 1) 676

Also, I find it laughable that so many republicans are concerned about 'welfare' and 'entitlement' yet happily sign on for farm subsidy bills that cost trillions, to keep the votes from fat-ass, lazy, uneducated, corn-fed, bigoted midwesterners rollin' right in.
You do realize that a good portion of those farm subsidy bills was nutrition aid for all those single mothers and urban poor, who aren't voting for the same bunch of politicians as those bigoted midwesterners(I'll leave out an approximation as to just how uneducated or uninformed one party's base is as compared to the other). The only party that matters, the grow govt. and its power over the people party "the appropriators" is the true enemy of a free people.

Comment Re:I'm with the conservatives on this one... (Score 1) 410

Oh no, I mean 20% *more*. And I'd tax coal and gas too. Actually I want to do a 1% tax increase per year up to 100%, but nobody takes me seriously when I say that.
Unless you are a fucking plant, you 're just making food god damn expensive w/ your taxes, unless starvation is you goal at which point, that's why no one takes you seriously.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

One feature of many of the societies facing that peril is domination by men. Women have no say, not even in how many children they wish to have
Yeah, all those female dominated societies have done such a wondrous job of surviving to reach a point where overpopulation could become a concern. We should look to our Minoan cousins on how to run a society.

Comment Re:Infrastructure from the 60s, today! (Score 1) 357

A: But doesn't that same problem exist with gasoline-fired cars if you run out of gas and there's no gas station around?
Then a nice man with a nice truck brings a gas can, and(this is the important part) minutes later, one is off on their voyage.
But what if we took the time to expand the infrastructure of electric charging stations? I mean, out in the desert, for instance, you could set up solar farms to help supply the stations with power, something you can't do with gas
What if I rode around with RTGs instead of batteries? What if my car came with a huge sail I could deploy, that would be true solar power. But hey, you've solved a problem no one had, how to get power in the middle of the desert no one drives through for electric vehicles(slow clap).

Comment Re:And what about what the whole thing is for? (Score 1) 277

After 3 years he will have done untold damage and the apathetic voters will probably vote him in again. We love economic growth and we don't want the party to end. Environmental stuff is just a party spoiler. I'm ashamed of so much that is going on here.
Man, doesn't democracy suck? Esp. when the vast majority doesn't agree w/ your chicken little sky is falling alarmism?

Comment Re:Outsourcing (Score 1) 175

No you've got this wrong. Its the men who are being outsourced. Women can reproduce via sperm donor and if a computer can offer better companionship and more patience then ... well you can see where things are going.
Yes, don't build a robot to: kill spiders, open jars, or take out the trash, and you'll be fine.

Comment Re:Limited potential (Score 1) 188

he should consider modifying his personality to be more attractive to what the larger numbers of women feel they want in a man.
I noticed you used "feel" instead of "say" if this guy were independently wealthy, I am sure he could have his pick of potential mates, but since he isn't, he's trying to increase his chances of success by casting a wide net. Seeing as how the typical courtship pattern involves the man making the first move, obtaining that first date is a successful strategy.
his (later, but maybe not much later) divorce lawyer will also be suitably grateful.
Given the success rates of marriage w/out data mining, I am not sure how he could do worse.

Comment Re:this case may trun out bad for google (Score 1) 339

Don't know what this guy did, but it seems as though this woman is using a restraining order as a tool for revenge rather than to prevent violence. If this is true, for shame!
Wow, such naivete. Yes, Virginia it has been a decades long established practice esp. in divorce cases to use restraining orders as leverage and revenge. The threshold for getting such order has been reduced so low, there is little disincentive to get one for spurious reasons.

Comment Re:Aren't there any lessons learned from prohibiti (Score 1) 323

I used to think the same, but unless one can sell their backyard grown product to their neighbor (legally), then it's all just a rouse. Think about tobacco. I can grow it legally, at about the same difficulty level as pot. But I can't sell it to my neighbor. I don't even think I'm allowed to give it away. This has nothing to do with human rights or constitutional freedoms: it's because there's a lot of money to be made in taxing packs of cigarettes.
Welcome to Wickard v. Filburn only it was wheat and price controls not tax, but your 72 years late.

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