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Comment Re:Gotta love... (Score 2, Informative) 1131

Two more words...

George Tiller.

There are many more words, but just assume I can rattle off at a dozen Christian terrorist attacks against abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood offices without resorting to Wikipedia.

And just to save myself a round of back and forth with an apologist for these acts of Christian terrorism, let me pre-emptively give my likely response: the Ku Klux Klan. They don't exactly burn those crosses for warmth, you know...

Comment Re:If not China, why US? (Score 1) 445

you can't have security AND privacy. The government has always had the ability to spy on it's citizens and I'm sorry but the future is going to be a ZERO privacy world, there's no other way social structures can be protected without full disclosure. Besides, everyone knows that if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care who sees what.

Comment NOOOOO, my delicate preconceived notions! (Score 5, Informative) 428

So at first I felt like the kid was overreacting. Parents (or those in loco parentis, which I'll get to in a moment) have a legitimate need-to-know when it comes to what's going on in their kids' lives.

However, according to the article, this kid's mom doesn't have custody. The grandparents do, and so this doesn't seem to be due to divorce or other "ordinary" situations that would cause a parent to lose custody of their own kids. In other words, something is seriously messed up here, and so while the fact that this is a mother/son thing is good for grabbing ratings, it's not really all that relevant to the matter at hand.

Moral of the story: RTFA.

Comment Re:Night Driver FTW (Score 1) 241

Pole Position & other 2-D car racing games... made it so much easier to pass and overtake other cars...

I'm watching my 3 year old boy play that with a 8-bit 2-D Lighning McQueen game (in an inflatable McQueen car he sits in, with a built-in steering wheel which is all kinds of awesome)... and I'm thinking he's going to take Driver's Ed before I give him the keys to my car...

That said, it's an interesting control perspective. I wouldn't mind having a chase camera as one of many views while actually driving.

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