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Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 45

I've pointed out to a couple of people at work that one difference between the Soviet Republic of Georgia and the United State of Georgia is that one was eventually allowed to leave their union.

Comment You know (Score 1) 20

I saw a place in a strip mall that just had the title Pilates for its sign. My first thought was "Why would someone name a place after that guy? Maybe I should open a deli called Iscariot's."

It turns out it's some kind of exercise thing.

Also, it must of kind of sucked for the other apostle Judas. Constantly having to say "No! I'm not that Judas!"

Comment Re:Games (Score 1) 4

I liked Darksiders because of its pseudo-theological theme. And I got to play one of my avorite literary characters, War.

Comment Games (Score 1) 4

I rather enjoyed Fallout 3, but I never played either of the first two. From what I hear the gameplay is vastly different between the first two and the third. Three is a first person shooter with some character development (skills and perks at various levels) and a minor alignment/karma system. Do good things get good karma. Do bad things get bad karma. Nothing very deep or philosophical. It's pretty easy to determine what to do depending on what alignment you're shooting for.

A game I found interesting if you don't mind button mashing combat with some puzzle solving is Darksiders. The developers said they got inspiration from God of War (which I've not played so I can't really say) and Zelda. If you want to play a game where you're a disgraced Horseman of the Apocalypse (War) and want to put the smackdown on some demons and angels and don't mind the game play, I found the story interesting.

I own Dante's Inferno but the gameplay was too similar to Darksiders (which I had just finished) just with different buttons doing different things, so I shelved it until I'm done with my current game (Modern Warfare 2).

Mass Effect was a very well done game in my opinion. I think it's worth playing the first one through (even if the graphics are a bit dated) so you can import the character into the second one. The various decisions made in the first game have some minor effects on the second so it's interesting to see that.

Borderlands was another first person shooter that I enjoyed. It's got some character development aspects, but you're limited to selecting from one of four premade characters and you advance their abilities along certain skill trees. There's a nrealy infinite number of different firearms in the game. It uses a special gun generating engine where the manufacturer and various quality components all determine the final stats of a particular gun. It's got a nice post-apocalyptic/wasteland feel to it. It's not free roaming like Fallout 3 was.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 6

Good. I don't think I've ever successfully caused any kind of flaming thread.

And yeah. She used to be a regular 'round these parts. But then there was a migration to some time ago, and she mostly posts there now. That quote was from a discussion over there.

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