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Comment Re:Go back in time 5 years (Score 1) 581

When you install the server from a standard non-preseeded netboot image you are presented with tasksel by default. Selecting only Basic Server, SSH, and Virtual Machine Host and continuing the install supplies you with the resolvconf package on the most recent versions. No one on any of these servers selected to install specifically the resolvconf package so your argument fails spectacularly. In your haste to sound like you know what you are talking about you seemed to have missed the point.

Comment Re:Go back in time 5 years (Score 1) 581

You have no clue what you are talking about. I have never installed resolvconf. If you comprehended my message you would have gleaned that I didn't install resolvconf. It comes installed by default on the latest versions of Ubuntu Server and latest Debian. By the way i've been running Linux on servers since 95, the days of the SLS release so again you have no clue what you are talking about. You sure think you do though but sorry you don't

Comment Re:Go back in time 5 years (Score 2) 581

in the old days if you wanted to set your DNS servers on Linux you edit /etc/resolv.conf and change them.. Done. no reboot or ifdown/ifup necessary. Nowadays? on Debian and Ubuntu at least with the resolvconf package you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces then ifdown/ifup your interface and if the interface is the only one and you are connnected via ssh you are screwed. or you have to reboot the server to get the changes to take effect. Or you have to type a fucking convoluted command eg:

echo "nameserver
search example.com" | sudo resolvconf -a eth0.inet
if you want the changes to take effect immediately without rebooting or ifdown/ifup the interface.
This is ass backwards. I remember the old days when we used to make fun of Windows for having to reboot after changing DNS server settings. Here you have a modern Linux OS that basically requires you to reboot, down your interface, or type a dumb string of commands consiting of echo and pipes. Ridiculous. While i'm not a fan of systemd I hope this shit gets fixed and simplifed with the advent systemd

Comment Re:Why at a place of learning? (Score 1) 1007

I think you confuse reason with blind faith. It takes faith for me to believe that the grass is black though i may see it as green i have to discard all evidence that it is green and belieive it is black. Once i believe based on blind faith that grass is black no amount of reason will convince me otherwise.

Comment Re:Maybe it's time... (Score 2) 331

in Jamaica where I’m from the country is flooded with guns...flooded. And this is an island surrounded by water on all sides.. Guns are outright banned unless you are a politician or law enforcement. Personal gun ownership is virtually non-existent yet the country has a higher per capita gun murder rate that even the US. One of the highest in the western hemisphere. I know what I'm talking about its not a fallacy at all, in practice its a reality. They smuggle them in from the middle east and Africa where guns are ridiculously cheap. It's a culture problem. When popular media and memes glorify gun murders and guns you have a culture problem. Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the entire world yet their gun crimes are extremely low. Again this is reality. So the idea that less legal gun ownership = less criminals with with guns is a pipe dream in the western hemisphere or anywhere where you have a culture of crime.

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