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Journal Journal: another laptop, faster, more ram, but is it better?

It is very hot today in Seattle. It's been raining for most of last week, and now I guess it decided to act like it's summer (though officially I think thats still a week away). anyways, testing out this other laptop. it's faster cpu, more ram, but the screen is a Dual Scan, 800x600 max! It has a better vid chip, but then a way shitty screen. and I mean the screen is in a bad way, I guess. it's messed up at 16bit mode. don't know what's up with that, but it's better in 32bit mode. hopefully that won't be when it's in a directx mode, or I guess i won't be keeping this (I have a friend who needs a laptop, so...

Need to reboot.

Be seeing you...

User Journal

Journal Journal: mod points again?

man, I sure am loved. mod points again.

oh, and so I think I get first post. so what to post? so I sat there, stoned, stupid, and by the time I typed a lame post, i was 8th. At least someone thought it was insightful. Anyways, need to get back to what I'm doing, finaly getting a copy hopefully of something i've wanted, but need to let it download and probably got to take off. (i'm landlined into my friends router with my laptop)

User Journal

Journal Journal: today is a good day to get stoned.

you know, sometimes you just need to sit back and get stoned. I am doing what I do most days, and that is sit in a Cafe, with Free (an in doesn't cost any money to use, but you need to supply the tools to use it) WiFi Access. Been playing Half-Life. See, this laptop is a 400 mhz PII, sigh a NeoMagic 256 vidchip, 2.3 megs. Not very powerful in the games department, but good enough to browse on. See, I got 2 decent machines for gaming (well, only 1 decent vid card though, and it's getting on now, it's a Ati 9600 Pro w/128 megs mem. I also have a geforce FX 5600 (asus 9650) and Geforce FX 5200 (forget card type) both 128 megs ram. like I said, crap. at east compared to my ati it is.

Anyways, freelancers done installing, but I think it won't work on this anyone ways. so if anyone wants to donate a laptop to me, something better then what I have would be very nice.


User Journal

Journal Journal: life and how to live it...

Growing up I first noticed that I had a few dreams that repeated 2 or 3 times. I also noticed that I was aware in my dream that I had been in that same dream before. Around the time I was 12 I realised that I had some sort of control of my consious self while I was dreaming. if I was in a circumstance I didn't like, I could wake myself up. I also learned that I could control the reality a little, such as fly to get myself away from a gang of people (actual dream), but would usually wake up soon after. At first, I would notice real places I had been to in dreams, but as far as I know, never been there in reality. Then as the years pass I started to realise something. I have a couple types of dreams. My main dreams is what I'm discussing here. This type of dream was about Seattle area, but in the future, a different sort of Seattle. See, the weird part is, some of those dreams, well, the dreams aren't coming true, but the buildings, that landscape, is.

Whats it mean? that I have some cool dreams. At least, I think so.

I used to think that maybe it was another reality. That dreams were glimpse's into other "you". And maybe some of my dreams are, but I started to understand what I always felt Deja Vu alot. Because I had been there before, in my dreams!

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