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Journal Nyder's Journal: life and how to live it...

Growing up I first noticed that I had a few dreams that repeated 2 or 3 times. I also noticed that I was aware in my dream that I had been in that same dream before. Around the time I was 12 I realised that I had some sort of control of my consious self while I was dreaming. if I was in a circumstance I didn't like, I could wake myself up. I also learned that I could control the reality a little, such as fly to get myself away from a gang of people (actual dream), but would usually wake up soon after. At first, I would notice real places I had been to in dreams, but as far as I know, never been there in reality. Then as the years pass I started to realise something. I have a couple types of dreams. My main dreams is what I'm discussing here. This type of dream was about Seattle area, but in the future, a different sort of Seattle. See, the weird part is, some of those dreams, well, the dreams aren't coming true, but the buildings, that landscape, is.

Whats it mean? that I have some cool dreams. At least, I think so.

I used to think that maybe it was another reality. That dreams were glimpse's into other "you". And maybe some of my dreams are, but I started to understand what I always felt Deja Vu alot. Because I had been there before, in my dreams!

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life and how to live it...

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