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Comment Re:good (Score 1) 69

I basically agree that we incarcerate people too long, but I also think we allow them too much communication with outside entities. I think the confinement should be solitary that's really solitary. No talking with anybody, including the jailers. No view of anybody, even the jailers. A nice, comfortable, cell suitable for a monk on retreat. Include an exercise machine. No phone. No video. No speakers. No monitoring. Think of it as a modern day equivalent to marooning alone on a desert island. And have the sentences be half what they are now, or less.

Of course, this would put most prison guards out of a job, and bankrupt the prison industries.

Comment Re:Or is that the problem? (Score 1) 122

Profit, as a motivational force, is ethically neutral. It can be either good or bad. Boeing has made it chaotic evil.

For and example of "good profit motivation" look at HP in the 1960's-70's.

The problem is that something that is ethically neutral AND is a motivational force is quite easy to corrupt. And we've seen that happen repeatedly.

Comment Re:Jumping the shark. (Score 1) 34

Sounds like Jack went full Kanye, and got booted out of Bluesky.

He didn't get "booted", but it was a rather amusing situation, where he dropped a bunch of seed money on Jay's project to make Bluesky... only to find out that the vast majority of the people who flocked there don't actually like him, and weren't afraid to let him know ;)

Comment Re:Jumping the shark. (Score 1) 34

1) You don't open to more people than you have the capacity to serve.

2) They do not use the same backend. Bluesky's backend is specifically designed to fix Mastodon's design flaws that make it so annoying.

3) Bluesky is growing far faster than Mastodon.

Comment Re:Slashdot (Score 2) 80

For me it's the Final Fantasy II trap.

As a kid, my first run through Final Fantasy II, I had gotten like halfway through when I hit a fairly difficult area, and I was getting tired of the fights, so rather than spending time leveling up and whatnot before going there, I just increasingly started making a habit of running away from enemies. And it worked great, I got further and further and further, really quickly. But my level correspondingly fell further and further behind what it should have been for the area, to the point where ultimately I could no longer beat the bosses and advance further.

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