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Comment Re:Bias (Score 1) 447

I dont think purveyors of DRM systems view them as being flawless. The point is not to make it impossible to pirate content but to make it inconvenient enough that the average consumer wont do it. HDCP, CSS, FairPlay, AACS etc. have been very effective at that.

Comment Re:Finally a group that gets it! (Score 1) 447

Is that true though? Lots of protected content is distributed through systems that use standardized encryption / content protection mechanisms (HLS, for example). However it sounds like your issue is in fact ideological ("DRM is bad"), which is fine, but just your perspective. I wonder how many of Netflix's 33 million subscribers have a similar perspective. My guess would be - not enough to matter.

Comment Re:Governments can think ahead. Capitalism doesn't (Score 1) 313

The issue here is not looking 'beyond money' but setting the right time horizon. China's activities make perfect economic sense when you properly consider how long it takes to build / extend / upgrade energy infrastructure and how long the components tend to last for. You don't get off of fossil fuels in months or years, but decades.

Comment Implied licenses? (Score 1) 630

I wonder if someone will get caught stealing unlicensed software hosted on places like GitHub, leading to some kind of a case in which an implied license is discussed. Furthermore, I wonder what kind of license they would decide is implied in that situation (if they decided that there were one) - BSD style, or GPL style?

We claim no intellectual property rights over the material you provide to the Service. Your profile and materials uploaded remain yours. However, by setting your pages to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view your Content. By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view and fork your repositories.

"you agree to allow others to view and fork your repositories." Sounds pretty permissive to me.

Comment Re:Open Source License (Score 1) 630

In a "GPL-Only" world, interpreting that as all software must comply with the terms of the GPL license, the concepts of 'ownership' and 'property' would not apply to software. There is a philosophical case to be made (but perhaps, not a practical one) that all scarcity in software is artificial and that notions of property are applied to it not validly but regressively.

Comment Re:They're bankrupt (Score 4, Insightful) 113

They probably couldn't do that even if they wanted to. Some of the documents likely contain business records that can't just be 'sold to the highest bidder' (imagine how bad such a scheme would be for the consumer!) The costs associated with sorting the stuff they could sell from the stuff they couldn't would likely exceed whatever you're all willing to pay for them. Then you know, plus shipping...

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