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Comment Re:Gates has changed... (Score 1) 335

living in black and white world there?

no government is run by people, if we look at the history over the past decades that the NSA has been around... the US does not seem to have fallen into the dystopia that you have drawn up

sure be vigilant, sure be aware of your environment, but what you are doing is just fear inducing screeching that does nothing to help people

Comment Re:Gates has changed... (Score 1) 335

... Anyone that lives in the US and isn't concerned about what the NSA has done is ignorant or helping them make in roads into our privacy...


Well, I think that anybody who was shocked and surprised by the revelations is pretty much ignorant.

The NSA has gone from a never-mentioned no-such-agency to a recognized public entity in the past 40 years.
The use of meta data has been the subject of court cases going back to the 70's with a SCOTUS ruling in the '80s that pretty much ruled the data as the property of the phone companies and that their customers had no expectation of privacy
The heads of TLA's have appeared at security conferences and stated that nobody should underestimate their capabilities
Then there was the wholesale shock that they did not identify and stop the 911 attacks, followed by the wholesale funding of data collection, analysis and sharing between agencies

oh wow, Snowden 'discovered' the Patriot Act... and fyi, it is governed by the people, and the US hasn't fallen into a fascist death-camp filled, modernized killing fields of constant disappearances and suppression oh WOW!

Comment Re:not a hero, not a villain (Score 1, Insightful) 335

I think that most successful corporate heads these days could be called sociopaths

Gates-wise, certainly evil in the eyes of microsoft's competitors for the better part of three decades, but he has really put forward a Carnegie-esque effort to 'do good' with his accrued wealth

Snowden-wise I think that you are pretty much spot on with the whole manipulation by greenwald angle. Maybe even the idea that Snowden has a latent superiority complex that greenwald fed into and used to manipulate him,

Where does Snowden's redemption lie? Can he attempt to buy his reputation like Gates or Carnegie? Are public events like SXSW that currency that he will spend on it? If that is it, then I am not buying it. It is one thing to buy into the idea that Gates bringing clean water to Africa is a good thing, it is quite another thing to label Snowden's one-sided fear mongering as 'good'

Comment Re:Of course they were big on meta-data (Score 2) 66

Just in case you didn't notice, metadata, as Pen Registers ( has been used in the US for decades and it was even ruled Constitutional by the SCOTUS in Smith v Maryland

Just because _any_ intelligence organization is using a particular method does not mean that _all_ intelligence agencies are like the Stassi

Comment Re:in related news (Score 0, Troll) 77

so... selling US government secrets to the remnants of the old Soviet Union is now called 'free market capitalism'
Not to mention the celebrity stop-over in China on the way
And before you go and claim that greenwald was just reporting on a story, consider how much effort he put in to make the whole thing happen
There is a pretty strong reason that greenwald has no intention of setting foot back in America, and it is not (as he claims) the defense of marriage act since the relevant statutes were knocked down by the SCOTUS

Submission + - Why I'm Open Sourcing My Failed Startup (

Nathan Feiglin writes: I'm open sourcing the code I wrote for a collaborative consumption startup that never made it to market.

Not every startup is a success. In fact, as I’m sure you’re well aware if you’re reading this post: the majority of startups fail. Some, like mine, started product development too early and never made it to market.

It’s called the The Collaborative Consumption Marketplace Platform Project (CCMPP.) I’m sure the CCMP will be an excellent starting point and will save a collaborative consumption (or other) startups some time in development.

Submission + - Wikileaks Foreshadows Russian Instigation Of Ukrainian Crisis / Military Action (

An anonymous reader writes: Joshua Keating writes in Slate: "Given the degree to which this weekend’s events in Crimea seem to have caught the world off guard, I was curious to see if the Wikileaks cables contained any discussions by U.S. diplomats of a scenario like this one. Indeed, there is some now ominous foreshadowing to be found. ... — "... pro-Russian forces in Crimea, acting with funding and direction from Moscow, have systematically attempted to increase communal tensions in Crimea in the two years since the Orange Revolution. They have done so by cynically fanning ethnic Russian chauvinism towards Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians, through manipulation of issues like the status of the Russian language, NATO, and an alleged Tatar threat to "Slavs," in a deliberate effort to destabilize Crimea, weaken Ukraine, and prevent Ukraine's movement west into institutions like NATO and the EU." -- ... the embassy in Kiev issued another cable, titled “Ukraine-Russia: Is Military Conflict No Longer Unthinkable?” It discusses the views of defense analysts Volodymyr Horbulin, ... “internal Russian considerations are pushing Russia toward a confrontation with Ukraine prior to the expiration of the Black Sea Fleet basing agreement in 2017.”

Comment Re:Almost always yes, with a but (Score 1) 263

Get them to commit something to you at 3 month intervals based on performance
i.e. 90 review with a set rate of compensation based on your performance, 180 review with assignment of position based on work being performed, even simple things like tools to be used, work environment, etc... should be well defined and you should start looking for another job if it looks like they are failing to deliver

Comment Re:NIMBY NIMBY NIMBY!!! (Score 1, Troll) 317

leading with an ad hominem... nice

Such is the state of political discourse these days

But, you may ask, why oh why?

Namely it is rooted in the capability for any well funded entity to lean their financial weight into their argument in a manner that shuts out individuals

It does not matter if it is Citizen's United ruling allowing billions of dollars to influence elections, snatching up media sources to influence content, or funding astro-turfing of message boards to make it seem like everybody else agrees with the corporate viewpoint

slashdot stood against these tides for years, by fighting off tech companies that wanted to own the opinions or individuals writing submissions to line their own pockets

If we do not fight back, then we are bound to loose because their funding is relatively infinite and the people willing to troll for them are legion

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