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Comment Do what India does (Score 1) 266

Fuck your patents. We're making it anyway, you just lost your privileges to do business under normal business rules. The drug and any derivatives of it become public domain, and any knowledge you have relating to that particular drug becomes public domain. ALL OF IT, regardless as to how it relates to other work you have.

Then, as stage two, take all the execs and every employee who didn't openly, publicly, actively work against this move out back and shoot them, preferably in a way that makes their death slow and painful.

The second time a drug company does something like this, the government takes their ENTIRE patent portfolio, makes it public domain and closes the company down, selling any physical assets they have to the highest bidder and any other intellectual property also becomes public domain. Yes this will have collateral damage for the first few that do it, and then this shit would stop. Share holders lose everything, maybe next time they'll think a little more about being greedy fucks and demand the company do the right thing rather than the profitable thing.

Comment Re:Fucking Hell, Harper needs to go! (Score 3, Insightful) 122

When people get their panties in a twist about how much "wealth" the Walton family has it just shows they don't understand what wealth is.

Their "wealth" is paper. They could be worth X millions one day and X - a butt load of money the next. It has no impact on how much they can spend at lunch or whether they get the premium cable package or the standard. It's not cash. They'd have to sell or take out loans against their shares if they wanted to go buy a Private Jet or something like that.

So the fact they are worth a few billion in paper doesn't diminish your pay check at all.

Comment Re:Fucking Hell, Harper needs to go! (Score -1, Flamebait) 122

"Canadian jobs"? Do Canadians own those jobs? Perhaps this should be better-codified, then! I mean, there are places in the world where people own jobs and are legally entitled to sell the job or pass it on to their children. Mexico teachers' unions come to mind. Of course, they're also a textbook case of dysfunction and an entitlement mentality trying to dignify itself with the trappings of leftism.

Anyway. Essentially what I'd like to get at is that this is a hideously ugly form of nationalism which doesn't really deserve any of the dignity of the idealized socialist struggle (CS workers as the proletariat, ha!) and miserable economic policy to boot. (no nation in history has ever become prosperous by isolating itself from trade.)

Of course, the real question is why the US needs to launder these workers through Canada and doesn't just let them in directly (we're clearly letting in plenty of unskilled workers, after all...)

Comment (In that Counter Strike voice) Terrorists Win (Score 5, Insightful) 184

Riddle me this: Has the TSA ever done anything to actually make anything more secure? I've never seen an example of the TSA catch any attempt. I've heard of passengers catching people who made it through TSA screening. I've seen people carry pocket knives on aircraft after going through that retarded microwave scanner. I've heard of Air Marshals stoping people.

Not once have I heard of the TSA doing anything useful.

On the other hand, the terrorists pretty much did exactly what they said they were going to do, make our lives more difficult and made people feel less secure. Of course they didn't make people feel less secure, the TSA makes us feel less secure.

Israel doesn't do the silly bullshit that the TSA does, yet they catch more people trying to blow them up and actually have a daily threat from their next door neighbors. Of course they also care more about being effective than security theatre to make certain friends of politicians rich or bullshit faux political correctness. They do intelligent profiling, and no that doesn't just mean go after the guys with brown skin, for obvious reasons.

If I can get enough explosive or poison into an iPhone to be effective, making the screen light up isn't going to be that difficult. A laptop? Give me a break, trivial to fake.

Comment Re:For safe integration with existing air traffic (Score 1) 129

Merely having a camera on the aircraft would be enough in a civil court to make the assumption that the equipment can be used for flying via a desk.

No it isn't. Having a camera is perfectly legal and has been for years. FPV is perfectly legal as well, as long as the pilot isn't flying by it.

You have to keep your eyes on the aircraft as the pilot for it to be legal in the US. It also has to be below 400 feet and you can't accept any money or any other form of barter for doing so.

The commercial vs non-commercial part of the rules is there to allow hobbyists to do it and prevent any incentive for massive numbers of people to just start trying to fly for profit creating dangerous situations due to the number of people and their shear ignorance, which generally accompanies people and companies trying to take advantage of a new and unregulated technology.

Comment Re:in other news... (Score 1) 225

Vaporizing in the beam off the surface is different than on the surface.

The process occurring on the surface creates are larger pot mark on the surface, so the surface is no longer 'flawless', which then cascades from there.

There is no way the thing would survive long with sea spray on it. What happens in a lab is not what happens in combat on the open ocean.

They have to have some mechanism to protect the optics on the device itself, even if that is as others have suggested by putting it in a tube that expels air in such a way to ensure no contaminates may enter. That and the beam itself contains some force to expel things from the surface.

Comment Re:Hiding evidence (Score 2) 192

Lets put common sense on it. Anyone with half a clue, especially a smoker realizes when they get up in the morning after smoking for any period of time that its not good for you. You have to be an idiot to not understand what it does to you, and you are a complete moron if you believe what some company selling you a product says. You can potentially ignore that it causes cancer out of ignorance, but cancer is really not the biggest problem with smoking from a health perspective.

Yes, they made it intentionally more addictive, but it didn't kill me when I stopped, did it? They did nothing (and haven't been legally allowed to for 30 years at least) to entice me into smoking my first one.

I maintain that there is personal responsibility involved in the decision to smoke. I'm sorry you can't cope with reality, but there it is. Are you so fucking retarded that you think there are companies that don't lie and spin things daily to get you to buy their products? If so, that just makes you an idiot, not me.

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