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Comment Re:Best of 2009? May be, but we live in 2014. Righ (Score 1) 132

Not so great if you want it to actually ring when a call comes in. On the Bold, I found that I have to use the ringer that sounds like an office phone ringer. If I use any others, it plays the short sound once (and they are all only a second or two in length) and I tend to miss the call. Also, I want the Favorites group open every time. Isn't that reasonable? I mean, they're my favorites. But it always mysteriously moves to Frequent or All, so that I have to swipe to find what I want. Most of the tiny icons don't look like what they represent, or two or three look almost the same.

It's crap, and I can't wait until my company replaces it with an iPhone.

Comment Re:Media blackout (Score 1) 556

The "corruption" angle of this is far more pervasive than just games or game reviews. It was an interesting coincidence that a Jewish reporter in Israel was complaining about media corruption from a different angle when this story was being broken.

Her perspective was that inconvenient facts and stories are not published. Things that don't support the dogma that your editors want to push are suppressed. Reality doesn't matter. The media wants to push it's view of things and "the news" is really just a work of fiction. Anything that doesn't support the narrative they want to present is ignored.

I'm not sure if it's shared ideology driven by the state of journalism academia or if it's mainly more crass corporate considerations but there's a definite group think at work.

Professional journalism at this point can be at best described as a form of political propaganda.

Comment Re:Marijuana is still illegal everwhere in the US (Score 1) 484

What I'm really surprised about is that the price hasn't really gone down yet. The prices you see at those dispensaries are still higher than street prices in states where it's illegal, which is baffling.

The statists would say this is because deregulation doesn't work, while I believe it's because banks and investors won't work with dispensaries for fear of being attacked by the federal government. Also, with the legal states being surrounded by the illegal states, you're limited to local sources. When the supply is limited, any demand tends to push prices up.

Comment Re:Most Unbiased Slashdot Gamergate Article (Score 4, Insightful) 556

If you troll all of your customers, don't be surprised if you end up with a few wing nuts going off the deep end.

The "journalism" response to this entire affair has been shameless pandering to some notion of political correctness and shameless exploitation of the situation. That's been true pretty much across the entire media spectrum starting with the very first set of trolling click-bait articles generated by the gaming and tech press.

Anyone that disagrees is branded as some sort of anti-feminist misogynistic scum who's opinions don't matter.

It's a perfect example of the "liberal media" that tea baggers like to whine about. The dogma behind the narrative is more important than anything else.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 3, Insightful) 556

Being a victim requires actual harm. What actual harm does a threat from some chickenshit web troll really do you?

If anything, the so-called victims here are happily basking in the glow of the spotlight happy to be the center of attention.

The real victims are people that have bought into all of this nonsense and have had the view of their own real world warped by it. There's the real psychological harm.

Comment Re:Enforcing pot laws is big business (Score 3, Insightful) 484

Blaming dispensaries for robbery is like blaming a woman's attire for her being raped. From the same article you linked:

Because marijuana remains banned by Congress, banks and security firms deny services to most dispensaries. That leaves them cash-based and vulnerable, a magnet for criminals who like the idea of unguarded counting rooms and shelves lined with lucrative horticulture.

THIS is the problem. It needs to be made totally legal, so we can end this dangerous nonsense.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 556

If I'm wrong, so be it, but the chances of that aren't very likely.

We know that the gamergater position is based on lies, so it's most reasonable to assume that the lies are coming from that side; they've proven their willingness to lie, the whole thing is based on lies, it's lies all the way down.

Comment Re:did you see that piece (Score 1) 556

After all that has happened it's almost disingenuous to point out that the review never happened, like a "white nationalist" pointing out minor arguments over how many thousands of Jews died in a particular camp.

Hmm, evasion, godwin... BINGO! Man, this thread has been pay dirt.

It's true that review never happened but a good deal of favoritism did.

Welcome to commercial journalism! Boy, have you ever picked the wrong place to make your stand.

Comment Re:did you see that piece (Score 1) 556

the journalist does implicitly make a commitment towards their readers to perform their job with a certain level of professionalism and adherence to good journalistic practices

And that level is very, very low. Pretty much all sites inflate scores so that they will continue to receive review copies. As you say, whether genitals are involved is totally irrelevant. It's beyond hypocrisy to make this moment the stand against the lack of integrity in games journalism when there has never been any to begin with. Games journalism was born at a time when journalism in general had already become grossly commercial, and it set out to emulate it as closely as possible. The games magazines followed the format of the sports magazines, which were already about selling you shit. It would be shocking if it had not come out to be horribly corrupt.

The fact that sex was the tipping point proves just how pathetic the gamergaters are. If they could get laid, they'd be less jealous. They should spend less time hating, and more time hustling.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 2) 556

Its about corruption, about members of the gaming press having relations, both physical AND financial, with game developers they were promoting,

We already found out that this was a non-story, so why are you repeating it? zzzzzzz

When the news came out? THIRTEEN gaming sites issued THE EXACT SAME STORY about how they didn't need gamers and that gamers were "dead".

So you're offering as evidence your lack of understanding of how "news" works today? I guess you haven't heard of a wire service, either. Hint: It's how news is made.

Its REALLY simple folks,

Some people are making mountains out of molehills.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 556

The FBI has also stated that some people named as hacking victims had in-fact hacked themselves. Didn't name names, but three names that come to mind are Phil Fish, Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu.

They didn't name names, but you're completely willing to do so even though you don't know who did it, and it could have been someone on the other side completely. You are precisely the kind of person that you claim to be railing against.

Comment Re:Wow. This whole sorry clusterfuck sucks (Score 1) 556

Anti-gamergate is made up mainly of those rich middle class women who think that nerds who have been picked on their entire lives for being nerds are somehow opressing them.

[citation needed]

Gamergate is made up mostly of kids who fling slurs that would make a sailor bluch around on XBox live

They wouldn't blush or bluch, whatever that is, they would just shake their heads and wonder how those children became orphans, because surely children with parents would never behave like them.

Comment Re:harassment attribution (Score 0) 556

We already know several of the serious ones were false flag fakes.

Where's the evidence? We've all seen the evidence that the original basis for this whole flap was a bullshit lie, so we know that gamergate is founded on bullshit. But we haven't seen any evidence that any of the threats were false flag fakes. If you have any, provide it. If not, stop lying like the liar you are.

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