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Comment Re:1 Gbps (Score 1) 50

unless you are watching video it's almost impossible to hit assuming you spend most of your actual day within reach of WiFi.

And additionally assuming that AdBlock is available for your preferred browser. A growing number of websites use HTML5 video ads on pages that otherwise have only text and static images.

And even the assumption of Wi-Fi availability during the majority of one's web use time doesn't apply to several groups of people. Some of them spend a lot of time riding public transit to and from work or wherever. Others have an employer that doesn't make a Wi-Fi network available for employees to use on breaks, not even just to check to see when to jump on a bike and leave without getting caught in a downpour. Still others live in less-populated areas and are stuck with a quota even on their home Internet, especially if it's satellite, fixed cellular (LTE or WiMAX), or DSL in parts of Iowa.

Comment Re:Stuck signal sets (Score 1) 163

Your CroMo frame held away from the sensor by 700c aluminum wheels can probably trigger it, but not from any distance.

At one problematic intersection, laying the bicycle down on the ground did not trigger it, and I had to readjust the handlebar mirror afterward. Nor could a bicycle and a motorcycle put together trigger it, despite there being a total of four wheels over the loop.

Go over and hit the "walk" button.

This intersection has no walk button. There are plenty of working pelican crossings in Fort Wayne, Indiana, but this isn't one of them. It lacks even the usual zebra stripes.

If you were to dismount, you suddenly become a pedestrian walking a bike.

True, but I was responding to Penguinisto's sarcastic criticism of the strategy of becoming "a pedestrian now".

Comment Re: Secure Boot may lock PC owners into Windows 10 (Score 1) 371

You paranoiacs still carrying on about secure boot lol?

Point me to a working GNU/Linux live USB image for Surface 2 (not Pro, not 3) and we'll stop carrying on.

With the discontinuation of Windows RT, Microsoft is in effect giving each manufacturer the choice of whether to sell a Windows 10 PC under the old rules for Windows on x86-64, which forbid manufacturers to lock the PC's owner out of the Secure Boot options, or the old Windows RT rules, which require them to do so. Consider this situation: Someone buys a PC. Months later, long after the PC's return policy has expired, he learns about GNU/Linux and wants to try it. So he boots the live CD, only to discover that Secure Boot is blocking it. So he looks for something in the machine's EFI options, only to find that it's not there for that model because the manufacturer chose to apply the RT rules.

Comment Re:Jitter (Score 1) 391

If you're listening to music, and it's got a 1 second buffer, you'll never know.

Unless the pause and rewind buttons start to get laggy.

this can affect perceived responsiveness in interactive applications such as music production and video games.

none of this is important when listening to music or watching a movie. And at 48k sample rate, you aren't talking Telco anyway.

True, music production and video games aren't telco, but they need low latency for the same reason as telco.

Comment Stuck signal sets (Score 2) 163

Then there's the complete disregard for traffic lights (oh, the light's red? Well I'm a pedestrian now, so screw you and give way as I suddenly pull out of my lane and ride across the crosswalk without warning!)

If a signal has remained red for five minutes despite my bike's front and rear wheels being directly over the crack in the street that indicates an induction loop sensor, what else am I supposed to do?

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