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Comment Reactivation on hardware change (Score 1) 328

As long as the guest is OK booting under either hardware (physical and virtual) dynamically, it should work fine. It's been a long time since mainstream OSs couldn't do that.

Does a Windows guest still require the user to telephone someone in India when switching between physical and virtual machines after having used up all Internet reactivations?

Comment Re:Language restriction (Score 1) 183

Well, there are a handful of sites like where you can test your code.

I first heard of that recently when asking what a student whose family owns only a tablet should use for CS homework. But for one thing, interactive code doesn't work, and for another, it would need to be a packaged app in order to work offline.

Comment Expand and collapse (Score 1) 195

For the few things that need to beat the interaction limit (~200ms)

What about things that don't absolutely need low latency but still need to complete without an explicit form submission and complete page reload, such as autocompletion of search terms or expand/collapse of replies to a post in a threaded discussion board?

a web-application might not be the right choice in the first place. [...] Unless you want to start coding for a specific browser in a specific version running on a specific platform?

A not-web application needs to be coded for an even more specific platform than a web application. Make it for Mac, for example, and you exclude users of Windows desktop, X11/Linux, Windows Phone, Windows RT, iOS, and Android.

Comment about:config, browser.backspace_action=2 (Score 3, Informative) 195

In my copy of Firefox on Xubuntu, backspace does nothing if a text area isn't focused. If I want to go back I can press Alt+Left. When I started typing this post, I didn't know if it's default or if I had previously done what is described on the first result from Google firefox disable backspace. Short answer: put about:config in the location bar, put backspace in the search bar, and change the value of browser.backspace_action to 2 (nothing). Turns out it defaults to 0 (navigate back) on Windows and 2 elsewhere since late 2006.

Comment Re:My suggestion for Apple (Score 1) 252

Standardize your joystick API so us devs can make joystick games on ipad/iPhone.

Apple introduced the MFi joystick API a year ago in iOS 7.

Anyone can see a touch screen is no way to play a reflex action game, the controls just aren't there.

PlayStation Vita's built-in joystick is part of why video game developers are joining the PlayStation Mobile (formerly PlayStation Suite) developer program.

Comment Is the USA in the cellular first world? (Score 1) 183

Mobile data plans are cheap as chips in most first-world countries

By "most first-world countries", do you include the United States or somewhere else where most able-bodied people born in the United States can easily qualify for a work visa? If so, to which countries are you referring?

plus odds are you'll have wifi access available in a lot more places than you'd think.

My laptop sees the beacons, but the bus has pulled off before it can finish associating, let alone transferring packets to and from the Internet. And I've found plenty of stores whose public Wi-Fi is limited to 30 minutes, after which the AP's captive portal enforces an hours-long cooldown period before the same MAC can regain an Internet connection. This hurts when I'm waiting for the roommate to finish shopping, eating, or whatever, or if the roommate has run into an old friend from her previous job.

But really, your use case falls outside of what a Chromebook is meant for.

Which is ultimately my point. Too many laptop makers disappoint me by selling only Chromebooks in the form factor I want, not something that better fits my use case.

Comment Language restriction (Score 1) 183

After all, there's a basic text editor ;-)

So I've written code. Now I need to test it. Does Chrome Web Store have compilers and environments in which to run compiled code? Or would I essentially be stuck writing JavaScript for a web page and later hand-translating that to the language used by the target platform?

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