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Comment Group Policy (Score 1) 92

Cheaper and easier to convince the PHB to buy a certificate signed by a public CA, than install your own CA certificate on every browser in your company.

Then your organization's IT department needs to learn about Group Policy and its counterparts on other common personal computing platforms.

Comment Compartmentalization (Score 1) 92

But if it is only accessible within the private network, do you really need it wrapped up in SSL at all?

Yes, for reasons of privacy from people in other departments who don't deserve access to particular pieces of information. For example, a hospital regulated under HIPAA wouldn't want a surgeon snooPING AS usual on the health information of patients who aren't hers.

Comment A game's publisher is allowed to dictate (Score 1) 116

The real interesting stuff will be the cultural shift when video games start to challenge the popularity of athletic sports.

I expect that to happen around the 2080s when the copyrights in popular multiplayer video games start expiring, provided that national legislatures don't extend the term of copyright again. Until then, a game's publisher is allowed to dictate who, when, where, and how broadcasts are allowed to happen.

Comment Chess isn't subject to copyright takedowns (Score 1) 116

If people classify chess as a sport, so should these things, no?

No. The difference is that Chess is more than 95 years old. Anyone can sell Chess equipment and stream Chess matches without permission from FIDE or any other governing body. With games like StarCraft, on the other hand, all leagues operate at the pleasure of Actiblizzard. If Actiblizzard doesn't like a league, then under current law, it can shut down the league's streams with a copyright claim.

Comment Re:Showroom; hardware warranty (Score 1) 175

Now you want a retail store, how about you do your own research?

How should I do research on the size relative to my hand, weight, screen look and feel, etc. without a store in which to do research?

So your problem are the manufacturers?

Correct, in part.

I agree, changing the OS on a computer (a smartphone is just that, a computer in a non-traditional format) should not void its warranty. Why exactly are you whining about Google again?

I'm whining about the possibility that Google might be coercing manufacturers into adding this warranty condition.

Comment Places with only Verizon (Score 1) 175

Where you live is also a choice.

Not for everybody. For one thing, not until leaving high school, due to minors' inability to form contracts. For another, the people who grow the food that you eat tend to have fewer choices. Should farmers just up and stop growing food? Besides, it might cost tens of thousands of dollars to move, especially if your house is paid off. If moving were so easy, then replies to other comments expressing a similar notion might have been more sympathetic than they were: 1 2 3 4 5 And even if you do move, your new carrier might get bought by one with unacceptable policies.

I am betting you can't actually name an area where your claim holds true and there is cellphone service. If you can, go ahead and offer one up.

You can find several such areas among Google's results for "only verizon" signal or "only verizon" area or "only verizon" "where i live" or "only verizon works".

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