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Comment Re:Sometimes you have to publish through Sony (Score 1) 49

So by indie you appear to mean relying exclusively on sideloading for deployment as opposed to a download store with multiple developers' software, even the one run by the hardware manufacturer. Then let me restate my previous comment to confirm to your definition:

Sometimes you have to become not indie just to get a game published. I'm told that only a commercially insignificant number of people have machines that 1. are connected to a monitor big enough for couch multiplayer and 2. can run sideloaded software. Retail consoles can't do the latter, and I've read that gaming HTPCs are virtually nonexistent.

Comment One does not sue for GPL violation (Score 1) 608

they didn't sue him for programming without a license but for DMCA and copyright violations.

That's true in the same technical sense that Denys Vlasenko sues violators of the BusyBox license not for "GPL violation" but instead for copyright infringement. If the only way to program without a license is to violate Title 17, then in practice that's the same thing as banning "programming without a license".

Sony had a simple rule "If you follow these rules you can play in our sandbox"

One of the rules at the time was not to use hardware that was still being produced. The fat PS3 had been discontinued in favor of a new model without Other OS support. Assuming hypothetically that George Hotz had not exposed PS3 flaws to give Sony cause to disable Other OS in 3.21, where would one find a replacement for a fat PS3 console whose hardware had failed?

Comment Re:Cry Me A River (Score 1) 608

global variables by default unless you use var every single time

Fail! That's not entirely true for reasons that are obvious if you understand the language. Nice repeated meme though.

Please state the points that I should learn about the language in order for the reasons to become obvious to me. I do know that not all JavaScript interpreters in use support the semantics of "use strict".

Or just use a bigint library, like users of other languages have done for years.

Is there one bigint library on which programmers have standardized, or will three different libraries that I include each bring in their own separate bigint library dependency?

Try learning the language first.

Once I do start to learn the language, how should I go about determining whether the extent to which I have learned the language is enough to allow me not to make a fool of myself here on Slashdot?

Comment Platforms with policies against amateurism (Score 1) 608

The problem comes when computing platforms have policies against programming at an amateur level. Platforms like iOS require purchase and renewal of a certificate before you can even run software you wrote on a machine you own. Video game consoles are even worse; even professionals new to the field may have trouble getting a devkit.

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