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Comment That's funny twice, considering... (Score 3, Insightful) 168

1. Wolfram is a notorious Lisp disser, and Mathematica is arguably a shining example of Greenspun's tenth rule.

2. Lisp has a long history of trying to help programmers, with mixed results. The term DWIM was coined by Warren Teitelman in 1966 as part of a project based on BBN Lisp, the main predecessor of Interlisp; this project of his sounds like DWIM writ large.

Comment If they're doing it on nuclear certs... (Score 1) 200

... they're doing it on everything.

It is arguably more dangerous to cut corners on, say, a natural gas pipeline than anything at a nuclear plant, because nuclear facilities have a lot more redundancy in their safety systems.

Consider that it is debatable whether the events at Fukushima nuclear plants killed anyone at all, whereas natural gas explosions kill and injure people on a regular basis - Google-searching for "natural gas explosion" turns up three distinct events in the US on the first page, one of which killed an 11-year old girl in West Virginia.

Comment This can backfire (Score 2) 827

I bought three years of prepaid tuition for my son and daughter in the early 2000's, about four years before the first one went to college. I liquidated investments in an UGMA fund to do so, reasoning that the prepaid plan would appreciate at the rate of tuition inflation.

Tuition was frozen in Maryland that year, and didn't increase at all until the first child graduated.

And to make things worse, the UGMA was mostly stock, and partially stock in ... Apple.

Comment It's too soon to tell (Score 1) 692

1998 - iMac
1999 - iBook
2001 - iPod
2005 - iPod shuffle/mini/nano
2007 - iPhone
2008 - MacBook Air
2010 - iPad

When Apple releases a category killer, typically it takes a year or two before it is recognized as such (the iPad is the exception above), then they turn the crank and improve it year over year, making serious money for a decade or so total.

Note that they only have to do that about every three to four years - note the 2001 - 2005 gap (which could be extended to 2007 if you lump all the iPods together).

We should worry if Apple hasn't had a New Shiny Thing by, say, 2015, giving them some slack due to Steve's departure.

Comment The next NSA leak (Score 1) 333

... needs to be the metadata of phone records for Congresscritters, and their staff. They're already required to log physical visits by lobbyists - seeing who calls whom during breaks in legislative sessions would be even more interesting.

Maybe that would convince them that easy global access to traffic analysis is too dangerous for routine government access.

Comment Hell, Apple breaks their OWN standards (Score 1) 282

The MacBook Air got so thin that it couldn't take the MagSafe charger cable from the rest of the portable line. It now has a slightly thinner version called MagSafe2, and yes you can get an adapter for your older power bricks - it's $10.

In their defense, Apple is doing what the market tells them to. Every time they take a current design and make it smaller/thinner/lighter, people line up to buy it.

Comment Subpoena the phone records (Score 1) 397

... from the carrier, for the limited time window around the accident. I would have no problem with the carriers handling those routinely and quickly, since the data requested is much less intrusive than looking at everything on my phone (which is what they'll do if they take your phone at the scene of an accident).

Comment Europe doesn't need GMOs, Africa does (Score 1) 586

Europe feeds itself and then some, and can likely do so for the foreseeable future; it doesn't need the increased yields and cheaper food that GMO adoption would produce.

Africa needs GMOs; cheaper food and nutrient-enhanced crops could save many lives there.

Africa can't adopt GMOs as long as they have to sell to Europe, and while Europe has its OMG-NO-GMO policies in effect.

Europe's anti-GMO policies are starving people in Africa. The morality of this is questionable.

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