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Comment No real comparison (Score 1) 622

SUVs aren't necessarily the huge behemoths they once were. The current big fad in SUV's is small crossovers. For example, the top-selling car in the US is the Honda CRV, an "SUV" that's something like a hatchback Civic with raised suspension. It gets 29mpg, which isn't too bad at all. There's a large number of these SUVs that get mileage in the upper 20s/gallon.

Comment Re:Well done! (Score 4, Interesting) 540

In California, schools get equal public funding, it's not derived from local property taxes. On the other hand, rich school districts can expect to earn more in private fundraising, and can more realistically require students to pay for "outside resources" like money for field trips, a computer, etc...

97% of the difference between good schools and bad schools is family background (education, income levels, parent availability). If the student bodies of a poor school and a rich school exchanged campuses/teachers, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the educational results of the students would remain basically unchanged.

Comment Re:Me personally? no.. (Score 0, Flamebait) 350

I am a ham radio operator, I have a significantly higher chance of survival than the rest.

Yeah, keep rationalizing your weird 1970s hobby, nerd.

There is about a one in a billion chance that it will save your life (I really think this is a realistic figure), and you put a large amount of time/expense into it. Imagine if you put that amount of time/money into, say, a health club membership. Or extra doctor visits. Or healthier food. A safer car. This would have a much larger chance of actually having anything to do with how long you live.

Comment Re:I don't get why the government is involved at a (Score 1) 293

The market has already decided, and that's why the FM band is being closed.

Of course there will always be s few stragglers, the way some people (myself included) still shoot pictures with film. In this case, the public has an interest in the underutilized radio frequency, so instead of entertaining the stragglers, they open up the frequencies to people who will use them.

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