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Comment Re:Prove it (Score 0) 414

Vaccines came from the homeopathic school, see Harris et al re 1720.

Google homeopathic cocao, click images. Notice the homeopathic label? An apple you eat, cocoa you dilute. It's a technical term not a political ideology. Commercial speech has altered the meaning. Phrases such as "a homeopathic dose of barbiturates" for example are still in common use in medicine today.

The school of homeopathy was the 1700s alchemists way of experimenting. Mercury killed you but tiny amounts cures syphilis. We get digitalis opium ergot and caffeine for the homeopathic school (See Harris).

Any comprehensive book on the history of medicine will explain this.

Comment notes on flu (Score 1) 414

Speaking of flu, it still kills ten 911's worth of Americans every season and none at all needs to die. Flu actually appears to be curable and people have been brought back from the dead with powerful native american medicine. That we put through a gas chromatograph and found ascorbate.

Here's how it happened.

In 1931 pauling publishes his thesis on the hydrogen bond and by 33 lemania had not only merged with omega but ascorbate was identified as the killer of Jacques Cartier's (Cousteau? Not the scuba one the other guy I always get those confused, nice man, avid fisherman) crew, or rather the lack of it and we had a cure for scurvy now. 500 years this had dogged so it was tried on everything and worked on so many things doctors in the day, as Klenner wrote, would tell their nurse to inject ascorbate then begin diagnosis after a man with an insect sting allergy nearly died because he didn't get an injection fast enough - put the electrons back quick enough and anaphylactic shock abates)

Fifteen years prior, Klenner's family had been spared from the 1914 Spanish influenza when everybody around was dying by the herb boneset. He wrote in 1974 near his death:

"Ancient History and Homespun Vitamin C Therapies

Folklore of past civilizations report that for every disease afflicting man there is an herb or its equivalent that will effect a cure. In Puerto Rico the story has long been told "that to have the health tree Acerola in one's back yard would keep colds out of the front door." 1 The ascorbic acid content of this cherry-like fruit is thirty times that found in oranges. In Pennsylvania, U.S.A., it was, and for many still is, Boneset, scientifically called Eupatorium perfoliatum 2. Although it is now rarely prescribed by physicians, Boneset was the most commonly used medicinal plant of eastern United States. Most farmsteads had a bundle of dried Boneset in the attic or woodshed from which a most bitter tea would he meted out to the unfortunate victim of a cold or fever. Having lived in that section of the country we qualified many times for this particular drink. The Flu of 1918 stands out very forcefully in that the Klenners survived when scores about us were dying. Although bitter it was curative and most of the time the cure was overnight. Several years ago my curiosity led me to assay this "herbal medicine" and to my surprise and delight I found that we had been taking from ten to thirty grams of natural vitamin C at one time. Even then it was given by body weight. Children one cupful; adults two to three cupfuls. Cups those days held eight ounces. Twentieth century man seemingly forgets that his ancestors made crude drugs from various plants and roots, and that these decoctions, infusions, juices, powders, pills and ointments served his purpose. Elegant pharmacy has only made the forms and shapes more acceptable.

Early specifications, action and dosages for administrations.

To understand the chemical behavior of ascorbic acid in human pathology, one must go beyond its present academic status either as a factor essential for life or as a substance necessary to prevent scurvy. This knowledge is elementary. Listen to what appeared in Food and Life Yearbook 1939, U.S. Department of Agriculture: 3. In fact even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of vitamin C deficiency more dangerous than scurvy itself. " http://scarc.library.oregonsta...
(Paling in a 1953 painting. Those molecules spell out "Hello Sweetie" in old Gallifreyan. Good trick BBC.)

"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart

"should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - keep thinking about that.

Beginning in the 1930s we began using IV ascorbate to relieve oxidative stress, particularly bad from flu, and this came to a head a few years back when 60 minutes reported on a case where an infusion of ascorbate pulled a man out of a coma that doctors had given up on and were going to pull the plug when an attorney that happened to know enough molecular biology to save the mans life intervened - he's walking around today.

New Zealand legalized this and the man who did that Peter Levy MD LLB postulated Australia would be next. But perhaps Britain will be now.

The lives saved from flu alone will make an impressive demonstration I think, that's a few thousand or ten thousand lives saved. Not a bad start for Corbyn if he can do that before he's elected eh? The tories can't because this will reduce certain corporations (like Cheney's) to turn into a smoldering pile of rubble. Doctors will be receptive to this because Cheney's company lied about Tamiflu and doctors are furious about it, the world was told to buy it, they did and it doesn't do anything. It doesn't work as well as taking some gas station vitamin C thing. The timing couldn't be better.

Dr Goldacre explains at the end:



Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range of A Vitamin In Human Pathology
Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P.

60 Minutes NZ case:

Peter Levy explains how it became a registered drug in New Zealand. Introduced by the man whose life he saved.

The above is one of the most brilliant technical talks I've ever seen. An hour long, he hands out references in Medline in a form you can look up easily while he's talking to look at the 75 years of evidence in support of this.

While you're there you might want to watch this, it's the latest biochemical weapon we have against cancer and again it's molecules we isolated fro a traditional native american cure for cancer. The talk is given by the professor emeritus of pharmaceutical metabolism and London Doctors college to a bunch of health food freaks in BC. It's \a bit pythonesque but he does a brilliant job of explaining how and why we can now cure 4/5 of all cancer and also explains why cancer is so prevalent now that it's the #2 cause of death in the United States.

The medical system itself is #3 so that's why Corbyn is looking elsewhere in case we've missed something. We have. A lot of things actually. By my back o the envelope calculation we can probably save 5 million lives in the first year. Probably on the order of 20 million people a year die of preventable disease where the barrier is political and not scientific.

Greg Laskin (gryphon.uucp) and Jon Postel (IANA) both died of a disease we know how to prevent and had known for three decades. Never mentioned, levels never checked and the brightest and best of us die from diseases we know how to prevent but the incentive for unpatentable treatments is zero. To say I'm beyond furious is an understatement, these people were my friends, and my wife died of this and none needed to.

Short pharma. They're on borrowed time. None of that stuff actually works as advertised and it's the reason the medical system is the #3 killer. It would appear they are now on the extinction track and about time.

First, do no harm.

Oh, one final thing? Anonymous: power down vitamin C this season. When none of us die of flu this year it will also make an effective demonstration. Eat that shit like candy if you're sick, until the symptoms stop. Brazil nuts help too as do b3, d and b1. I'm running out of space and time so I won't post the 30 citations here, you can find it: "flu duration severity".

So, rather long winded and sorry about that, but "ignore labels and examine evidence" is all I can say. Well actually Peter says it, I just stole it. Good isn't it? Now go examine this evidence, you've got a lot of work to do I think.
(Burke, 60 mins)

Comment History of medicine, part IV (Score 0) 414


Homeopathy began in the 1720s upon the accidental discovery that milkmaids who get cowpox on their hands never get smallpox. The Homeopathic school assumed this met their criteria for "like protects against like" and from the homeopathic school we got immunization technology in 1720. Saucy wenches too. Woohoo.

Of The things that came from the school of homeopathy unacknowledged are digitalis, opium and more. Dr. Harris coulter MD writes:

"In the second half of the century pharmacology came increasingly under the influence of the allopathic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, but such medicines remained in common allopathic use even so — often with the note that the "mechanism of action" remains unknown. These would include: belladonna, coffee and caffeine for headaches, ergot for headache (the OTC drug Cafergot), coffee for hyperactivity in juveniles, lobelia and stramonium for asthma (the OTC drug Asthmador), nitroglycerine for angina pectoris, opium and its derivatives for headaches, botulinum poison for strabismus and other visual disturbances, platinum (Cisplatin, platinol) for testicular cancer, cobra toxin in heart conditions and eye diseases, krait venom in myasthenia gravis, rattlesnake venom in epilepsy, honey-bee venom in arthritis, gold salts in rheumatism, quinidine in heart conditions, etc. etc."

These then are homeopathic medicines that quietly got snookerd into "mainstream medicine" that then attacked the school they came from. As the first post said it's political not scientific.

That crap about the magic water and sugar pills, that came out of a crazy guy in france in the 1960s and is nothing to do with it really. Ignore that.

Harris has a long essay which I found rather fascinating, the above is an excerpt and if you're interested in the history of medicine and pharmacology it's very definitely worth a read.

Curiously too the "like works on like" idea is what saved us from ebola but in a post-Pauling world we know it was because a specific molecule disrupted the life cycle of the virus. Two different ways of saying the same thing it turns out. The molecule in question is in the African version o the virus but not the non-pathogenic Asian("Reston") strain. Actually there's 12 of them but never mind that.

So vaccines are homeopathic for one thing. And you want all homeopathic remedies banned? Ok, so digitals and ergot, you meant them right, and you want to ban vaccines? Why? Some of them actually work. Christ, not the flu shot though, that seems to have got stuck in reverse and now it adds to not subtracts from the death rate in seniors. Turns out the importance of those molecule Pauling was talking about turn out to be important, that' bat's beyond the scope of this quick note. The other Linus. he timelines got all messed up and there weren't supposed to e two of them now so that's a little odd too.

Flu vaccine paradox adds to public health debate
'Canadian problem' an example of odd effects of prior vaccination
CBC News Posted: Jan 16, 2015 2:46 PM ET Last Updated: Jan 18, 2015 5:35 PM ET

(other articles on CBC around the same time show Canada fond the vaccine doesn't live up to the numbers the Americans sent with it. 23% is not what was promised)

Translation: the more shots you get the more likely you are to die. Since they've never been shown to actually save lives the takeaway point from that is your chances of surviving the flu are great if you don't get a flu shot. Actually they improve if the levels of enzymes, minerals and fatty acids permit the body to overcome the oxidative stress caused by the virus but we'll go into that later. As one immunologist so aptly put it, just take your vitamin and you should be ok and it does turn out to be a decent certain enzymes that can cause death from flu in otherwise healthy people, these certain enzymes, some of them, we call "vitamins" because in small amounts they function as such. We just call them electron donors and this just happens to be the best tolerated one, at least for polar molecules, you'd s carvacrol for non-polar applications obviously. For it turns out the ancient Greek "life force" and Chinese "Qi" ("Chi") and our electrons are all the same thing in medicine and what's written earlier we have new name for now, electrons. Go look up oxidative stress in wiki, it's a simple concept.

The essay is on the orthomolecular site which takes equivalent but similar flak from (just) industry. But this was founded by Pauling and the science of this is beyond reproach and 75 years of reading makes for an impressive supporting documentation. If it doesn't work then we have to assume the remission in ebola was spontaneous and idiopathic. I'd like to see someone try that when I'm sitting here listing off genbank accession numbers explaining how the viral mRNA works to people that only know surface proteins. Har.

Sorry, molbio jokes aren't for everyone and I don't get to make them often.


Comment About those polar maps (Score 0) 591

You're gonna tell kids the poles are melting?

What happens when they look at a map and see it's expanding?

What happens if they go to James Bay which is solid ice now and hear it wasn't 30 years ago, check with NASA and find there's more ice now than before?

What happens if they look at the south pole?

When the disconnect between readily available physical evidence and the popular media is this vast you'd hope the educational system would side with science. Odds are these facts aren't in the curriculum (somebody should check).

As you ponder America augering into the ground consider the benefits of being truthful with children. The left bought black science guy and white science guy to brainwash children and Murdoch just bought NatGeo now he's figured it out, reasoning those ads^H^H^Hfacts last 30 years in dentists and doctors offices.

I thought America was all about truth and liberty? Not commercial propaganda and oppression of free thought.

Comment Elon: no, please. (Score 0) 261

There's two fundamentals flaws with that idea. First recheck your gas physics and chemistry; Mars is not earth. Second our first foray into space and you want to make it radio active. Good god man that's barbaric.

You don't want to heat the whole planet anyway, that's wasteful and how does any of us get to decide what happens to an entire world, any world?

Nah, forget that it's a dopey idea.

Move a billion gallons of water to crater, put a dome over it and float residences on water. There's reasons you don't want to live on land there if you think about it long enough.

Comment U wanna kill us all? (Score 0) 165

Bad idea. You're making the assumption these things work. The idea is well intentioned, "oh those poor people that have no access to modern western medicine".

Pity the poor Baku in the coastal forest of west Gabon who have a natural immunity and cure for Ebola (There are tribes of Indians in the amazon in Bolivia too. Why? Riddle me this: what does the soil in Bolivia have in common with Senegal? That's the key to Gabon. Wouldn't you rather that than 40 years of trying to make a vaccine that at it's best is 25-75% effective. Note the death rate outside africa. Other than 2 (3?) we didn't hear about, or heard about when their liver had turned to soup, nobody else died of a disease that's up to >99% fatal (WHO).
I think its safe to say it's no longer a "possible" immunity. There's more than one way to skin a cat, and immunization technology from 1720 from the school of homeopathy ("like protects against like"; this remains unacknowledged but unverifiable) is one way but not the only way.

"29 January 2015 Last updated at 00:55 - We've now seen several cases that don't have any symptoms at all, asymptomatic cases," said Anavaj Sakuntabhai who suggested the virus might be mutating.

Giggle. The virus didn't change. People did.

British nurse cured of Ebola credits new drug - and strawberries
"Back in Britain, the decision to try MIL 77 was not difficult. “I said ‘I have Ebola, so, yes, I’d rather have that than high-dose vitamin C,’” she said"
"“I reckon I’ve had 10 punnets,” joked Corporal Anna Cross, who smiled nervously as she talked for the first time after her treatment at the Royal Free Hospital in north London." (10 punnets would be about equal to two 1000mg injections a day)

April 2015 - semen found infected after 175 days, twice the previous record.

The Ebola outbreak in Liberia is over
9 May 2015 -- Today marks 42 days since the last confirmed case of Ebola in Liberia was safely buried — the period of time set by WHO to declare an outbreak over. WHO now considers Liberia free of Ebola transmission.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Ebola Not Mutating Beyond 'Normal' Rate, Scientists Say

28 May 2015 | Did real-time epidemic modeling save lives in West Africa?

Ask yourself what might have happened on October 17 2014.

"Pity the tribes in South America and North America who never suffer the effects of influenza.
"Folklore of past civilizations report that for every disease afflicting man there is an herb or its equivalent that will effect a cure. In Puerto Rico the story has long been told "that to have the health tree Acerola in one's back yard would keep colds out of the front door." 1 The ascorbic acid content of this cherry-like fruit is thirty times that found in oranges. In Pennsylvania, U.S.A., it was, and for many still is, Boneset, scientifically called Eupatorium perfoliatum 2. Although it is now rarely prescribed by physicians, Boneset was the most commonly used medicinal plant of eastern United States. Most farmsteads had a bundle of dried Boneset in the attic or woodshed from which a most bitter tea would he meted out to the unfortunate victim of a cold or fever. Having lived in that section of the country we qualified many times for this particular drink. The Flu of 1918 stands out very forcefully in that the Klenners survived when scores about us were dying. Although bitter it was curative and most of the time the cure was overnight. Several years ago my curiosity led me to assay this "herbal medicine" and to my surprise and delight I found that we had been taking from ten to thirty grams of natural vitamin C at one time. Even then it was given by body weight. Children one cupful; adults two to three cupfuls. Cups those days held eight ounces. Twentieth century man seemingly forgets that his ancestors made crude drugs from various plants and roots, and that these decoctions, infusions, juices, powders, pills and ointments served his purpose. Elegant pharmacy has only made the forms and shapes more acceptable."

"Medicinal uses[edit]
Eupatorium perfoliatum was used in the traditional medicine of Native Americans and extracts are now used in herbal medicine for fever and colds.[8] The effects of Eupatorium perfoliatum have not been confirmed by clinical study.[8] However, animal studies and in vitro experiments with plant extracts indicate possible anti-inflammatory effects and activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria.[8]" -

Pray for the native Americans that cure the cancer in whites that will listen.

Recall if was their forefathers 500 years ago that gave a tea from a plant called Arbor vitae, Latin for "tree of life", to a Dying Jacques Cartier and his crew which cured their scurvy a disease that had killed untold scores of Europeans and was known from Ancient Egyptian times. When he arrived back in Paris with news of the cure he was told by everyone in the medical community they have no use for the words of savages and was in fact not until 1933 that we isolated vitamin C, enabled by Linus Pauling's 1931 paper (that Einstein could not make head nor tails of) that explained the atom in terms of living things enabling the fields of molecular biology and quantum chemistry and leapfrogging the infancy of biochemistry to the next quantum level. Understanding how the bits work is crucial; Pauling discovered the alpha helix as a result of this and dear Roslyn identified this as DNA. Crick and Watson wrote it up (they didn't discover jack shit, they literally did acid all the time, bored, looking for a grad school thesis and literally pocketed Roz's notes when she was at lunch. Nice Jewish girl doesn't get the credit and this is why people hate England, prats like this. But I digress.

Indigenous peoples cancer cures world over have been looked and and a common chemical found in all that reacts with a specific P450 Cytochrome enzyme called CYP-1B1 to form a chemical that has the highest selectivity known to date. That is it's not a chemical, it's one that turns into a chemical only if it finds this maker enzyme which only occurs in cancer cells. You can look up case studies; google scholar has the biochemistry. DO NOT use Medline a lot of the important work is blocked there, not so in Scholar.

See Potter, Burke, Schafer et al from 2007 on. Burke gave a superb talk at some health whacko thing in BC and and professor Emeritus of pharmaceutical metabolism from doctors hospital he's one of the few that can say eat these weeds to cure your cancer in six weeks and not have it provoke anything but a grin. He explains the biochemistry in lay terms and is just this side of Monty Python being a funny old English academic and all. Good times.

Point is we need them more than we need us and what would fuck this in the ear rightly is if we got them to throw away what they do in favor of modern medicines convincing them to forget their snakes and rattles. This had been going on for 100 years already so... no, fuck off already, you want to kill us all? There is one scenario where doing this could make it happen. _Contagion_ is only fiction until it happens. That's pretty darn close I have to say.

No, what we want is better than open source pharmacy, we want a list of afflictions and under that list the various remedies from people who have a cure that's in use or has been in use. Funny things will start happening then, trust me. The list of non-treatable diseases is shorter than what we've been led to believe.

I lost a wife to flu. You guys would have liked her, she was pretty and smart as a tack and had been on the net since 90 and knew her way around. "Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. Manipulate the url here and you can see she did.

She died of flu five years ago. We grew up together and met as kids and now her daughters are a decade older than she was when I met her. This won't happen to them or anyone they know something we've already proved in our area.

I've watched that happen and I don't want to see it ever again.

If I bring you a board certified cardiologist who is also an attorney that says it's time, and time now, to have a revolution in medicine than can we agree the time is now and this is the first step?

sci.aquaria. DNS. Next: do no harm.

Open source medicine, not pharmacy. Pharmacy is half the fucking problem.

Did you know the present medical system is the third leading cause of death in America today? Their incorrect opinions are also responsible for the first and second too. We can't fix this quickly enough. I'm dong this anyway. Nice to see somebody else is.

The medical system third-leading cause of death in the United States.
Starfield B (July 2000). "Is US health really the best in the world?". JAMA 284 (4): 483–5. doi:10.1001/jama.284.4.483. PMID 10904513.

Ioannidis JPA (2005) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Med 2(8): e124. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124

What is medicine's 5 sigma? - Richard Hortonemail - DOI:

Pharmecutical companies write their own "clinical reports", then bribe doctors to put their names on them.

Such "ghostwriting" is not uncommon at all.
Lacasse JR, Leo J (2010) Ghostwriting at Elite Academic Medical Centers in the United States. PLoS Med 7(2): e1000230. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000230

First, watch these, they are I think the most significant 6 medical videos on YouTube:
Dr Peter Gøtzsche (7 mins each)
Prof. Dan Burke (60 mins)

Dr. Peter Levy (90 mins)

Julia Rucklidge, Clinical Psychologist (17 mins)

Comment no (Score 0) 292

"Climatologists have been warning that climate change may produce more extreme weather situations"

Instead, it was less extreme. No hurricane has made landfall in the US in over a decade. That's actually fairly uncommon.

Note it's not "worse".

Note they've never made a prediction that came true, ever. Check for yourself

Comment I think it would be a good idea... (Score 1) 96

if it became a societal norm that you didn't surprise people with these things. That is you have to actively do something or maybe two things to view this. I have no problem with gore and death but now when I'm eating lunch.

How about a two click rule?

Comment Not Ichthyology (Score 2) 295

Dorothy Latimer - the coelacanth, Evelyn Trewavas - Rift cichlids, Lynne Parenti - Killifish and presently curator of fishes at the Smithsonian.

It was a woman who identified the DNA molecule as Pauling's alpha Helix, Crick and Watson literally stole her notes form her desk. Madam Curie was the first person to win a double Nobel. This Is off the top of my head. If the report is true it's changed, while the first two women mentioned did have to fight a bit I don't believe Parenti did, by the 80s things had changed I could ask her I guess, maybe I will soon.

Te genus and family of the Coelacanth is named after Dot, Trewavas has fish named after her, Parenti will in time be recognized with honorific scientific name of some Cyprinodont I'm sure.

I don't think it's as bad as the report make sit sound in Ichthyology.

Comment Of course they shed into the ocean (Score 1) 268

If you've been looking at this for a while you know the antarctic ice mass grows in the middle and cleaves around the edges. The antarctic mass has been growing steadily for 45 years and has never been bigger than now.

How and why it's growing so much in a supposed "warming" world I leave to your imagination although keep in mind a new paper shows the rate of warming in the 20th century is the same rate as the previous 80 centuries.


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