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Comment Re:~/.cshrc (Score 1) 208

Has anyone confirmed sh and csh (et al) don't have this problem? In all versions?

Am I crazy in thinking that a CGI program, say, written in C, that gets environment variables from Apache should not have any local environment variables tossed to any program it wants to run. Those are in appropriate and are from a CLI context and do not apply here. They should be nulled as soon as the program realizes its running in a web context and not from a CLI.

Actually even better would be to replace system() with a function that blew up that workstation to weed out the lazy programmers.

Comment Re:Are we really that confused? (Score 1) 107


Again, when the virus stips your cells to make more of its own offspring - this is normal viral activity - it does something other viruses don't do, it also strips out selenium.

So they tried supplementing with just selenium and that helped but did not reverse the disease.

So they looked at what other essential (the body can't make them) molecules it took from the body and ignored non-essential (the body can make more of those molecules and doesn't have to ingest them) molecules the virus stripped from the host cells.

Low and behold, Tryptophan, Cysteine and Glutamine.

If you look up what has glutamine an in what amounts, nothing come close to beef[1] and it also has a fair amount of Tryptophan.

Cysteine is in cheese, the more aged the better. Parrnasian probabky has more than more other common ones I'd guess.

Because acidic rains for millions of years leached minerals form the Amazonian clay soils those minerals all ended up someplace an that's where brazil nut trees grow. They have so much selenium, that if you eat a handful a day you'll have selenosis in a week - a, um, disruption in the alimentary canal shall we say.

From both ends. But they're utterly essential for heart, brain and immune system.

In fact if you look you'll notice Senegal, like Brazil, has natural deposits of selenium in the soil everywhere and it was this that accounted for the reduced rate of incidence of HIV in Senegal - the HIV rate there is as low as it is in the US despite the fact the Senegalese have the same sub saharan cultural practices (and by that I mean fucking a lot) as the rest of the Sub Saharan Africa that has a 5-10X higher rate of HIV infection . This stands out, as does Finland where they put a lot of selenium in the soil to try to slow down heart diseases - the aids rate is lower than normal there too.

So "eating a lot of protein" per se won't do it. You'd have to use beef, cheese and a brazil nut or two.

Note also this works on all selenoviruses - which includes all the Coxsackie viruses which includes Hep C and others.

Most commercial medical training is strictly for acute care and they're the best in the world. But for chronic conditions they're less than useless an haven't fond anything useful since penicillin.

I hate t say it but there is literally no money in finding cures, there's only money for developing pills that are patentable that come close to what some other pill does. Some do better, some do worse. But if they're patented, they're funded.

They has the same problem with vitamin C, too. Jacques Cartier got stuck in Canada in Montreal in the Winter of 1580 (and you KNOW what a bitch that can be) and when his crew was near death the were saved from scurvy with some pine bark tea. When they told the medical profession back home they's fond a cure for scurvy they were told "we have nothing to learn from savages" and took another 300 years to discover vitamin C, an essential nutrient to every living plant and animal and until then scurvy was known to be caused by Foul humors and more people died needlessly.

So here's what happens when you try to tell people you have a treatment: the guy that discovered this raises money tests this where it's most needed, Uganda, at the Mengo clinic. It goes well and the guy then goes to the next village over and talks to the clinic there and says hey we have this treatment and we can cure your patients now.

The doctor there is horrified. "We can't cure these people! We get paid by pharmaceutical companies to test antiretrovirals on AIDS patients and if they get better they can't test and the whole clinic shuts down and it's alll the village has and I'm out of a job as there's no money for a doctor here." This is what actually happened.

So whaddya do? You write a book and move on. Not the first time this happened, there's at least a half dozen similar stories suppressed medicine in the form of biochemical understanding, but without commercial backing that makes treatments actually available.

Look at Pellagra for example, it killed 20,000 Americans a year for a decade or so until an obscure 1850's German biochemistry paper was unearthed that pointed out this was simply a Niacin deficiency. White flour became "enriched white flour" and to this day still is, and people stopped sying of pellagra (they shoot each other in stead, sub-clinical pellagra is almost certainly responsible for the current killing spree*

Noam Chomsky points out there's a hundred year gap between the way business works and the way education works. There's also a seriously long biochemical lead the medical profession will take decades to catch up to. Doctors are basically surgeons who has a poor rate of reversal in chronic disease cases being able to do little more than keep them calm whole they die. Which is utterly barbaric in a world where many of these conditions now are reversible.

Molecular medicine is the future as we correct and not mark problems. But the commercial medical profession is taking to this as well as the foul humor medical establishment did when Germ Theory came along in the mid nineteenth century.


Comment Are we really that confused? (Score -1) 107

Check pre and post levels of selenium, glutamine, tryptophan and cysteine. You'll find your answer,

People who are serious can find Harold Foster's write up of the biochemistry; also this train of thought was first mentioned in in 1991 leading to hypotheses of a reversal mechanism in 2007 that seems to work. In a nutshell the virus strips the body of those four molecules because of it's unique (to selenovirii) selenoprotein coat. The catch is these fouls are required for the production of an enzyme that makes the molecule that the immune system uses to kill the virus. That's how it broke the human immune system.

But, these are not uncommon molecules and a cheeseburger and two brazil nuts (they have bear toxic levels of selenium, more than anything else) every day will remediate it according to the BBC interview with the scientist who discovered it although one can obviously be more scientific about it. Point is, some people got HIV and never got AIDS. Why? Blood levels of these three amino acids and one mineral, if sufficiently high, will prevent HIV from progressing into AIDS

Theor wild assed guess sound like snakes and rattles.

There's clinical reports too. Seems to work. It's not really patentable so it may take a while to get into commercial medicine.

Comment Never mistake consensus for truth (Score 1) 770

"From the article: "Fiction author Michael Crichton probably started the backlash against the idea of consensus in science. Crichton was rather notable for doubting the conclusions of climate scientists—he wrote an entire book in which they were the villains—so it's fair to say he wasn't thrilled when the field reached a consensus."

It's almost like TFA doesn't know that at best, consensus ~= truth but they're often just nothing to do with each other. Jury is still out on whether Crichton was right, certainly no warming in sixteen years doesn't help the other side.

Also: "97%+ of geologists agreed the continents were stable. It was Settled Science. Hundreds of research papers supported it. Overwhelming consensus. And wrong. And, oddly (not really, if you think about it a moment), it was not a geologist but a meteorologist, Alfred Wegener, who ultimately showed all the mutually agreeing geologists they had it all wrong; the continents move." - Dr. Michael K. Oliver

Comment Read the paper yourself and make your own mind up. (Score 1) 55

Say you've been told you have Ebola but have read this. What do you do?

Say, "oh, it sounds too risky, I'll tough it out"? I'm guessing not.

Any chance this is astroturfing for the company with the Ebola drug? The natural antibodies are a fierce competition to what is now a multi billion dollar market.

Comment Re:Dealth by Ebola or AIDS (Score 1) 55

People live with HIV. Ebola, not so much.

In 1933 the only psychiatrist to ever win a Nobel prize did so for discovering Malaria cures syphilitic dementia. Malaria is no joy but it's better than your brains turning to soup (three years later antibiotics were discovered).

You might die of HIV. You will almost certainly die of Ebola.

Comment Re:The diet is unimportant... (Score 1) 588

You do understand no two people have the same biochemistry right and that no one diet fits all?

That's sort of the easiest way to tell is nutritional info is bunk - if they don't know this, ignore them and find somebody that actually knows about the biochemistry of nutrition.

For one thing, 1/3 of the wold lacks the gene that lets them digest lactose, so no cheese, while 1/3 also lack the gene that lets you digest gluten, so pizza is a deadly choice for a 2/3 the world.

You're so wrong. Diet is everything. Please do some reading, you really so not know what you're talking about.

Comment Won't work, here's why. (Score 1) 108

This has been talked about for ages. The reason it's never done is their habitat is gone. They lived in old growth oak forests and there's none left now.

We can bring the species back and it might do ok in zoos, but they can't live in the wild any more - their wild is gone. We killed all the trees as well as all the birds.

All this cloning talk, where's the common sense? Close an extinct born with no food supply or habitat? Right.

Clone a mastodon? Right. What do you think can gestate a Mastadon? Not an elephant, too small. What's your next choice?

Comment Re:Not the first, just the most egotistical. (Score 1) 116

Why? The IP network was tiny back then and the uucp network was enormous ans had all the apps. There were no people passing packet back then because nobody wanted to - they didn't need to. You could get everything the network had to offer via uucp.

Except telnet. But there was nowhere to telnet to. Back then if you needed to telnet you had a line in your house. What else would your boss say "ok, we need you to telnet it. I hear a third ISP opened in the US, so use that."

Comment Re:My contribution... (Score 1) 116

"(local for-sale stuff and the like)"

ie., porn.

This fueled a lot of the early net. I knew an deign engineer that wanted the engineering groups. They wouldn't spring for a uunet feed from DC to Irvine so buddy got smart and gve his boss a floppy of porn from home. He said you get one of these every week if I get a full feed, Capish? He got a full feed and friday afternoons had to download and pay the porn tax. You did what you to, that connection in Irvine was at the time strategically important to the growth of the network. Now we had LA, San diego and orange county online.

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