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Comment Re:Tip of the iceberg (Score 4, Informative) 669

(Full disclosure, I'm an atheist) Actually, god was afraid we would steal his power. That's why he kicks us out.

And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

- Genesis 3:22

Comment How many people need direct access to my info? (Score 4, Insightful) 631

Seriously, I kinda want a buffer between my actual money and the companies I do business with. Someone who will take the hit while dispute is handled. This is why I use a credit card. I've toyed with google wallet and I actually like it as a easy tool to send money between friends. What I don't want to see is a world where to make payments I need to give my personal information to a dozen companies with incompatible standards.

The fact that they are blocking competition is enough to insure I won't be using their product.

Comment Re:Not right (Score 1) 700

How would I know if my device is legit? I needed a USB to serial adaptor. I went to google and searched cheap usb to serial adaptor and bought the cheapest one. I didn't lookup who made the chips the company that made the adaptor used. I didn't know who FTDI was until this article.

All I cared about was a cheap way to get access to my switches. Yet I'm the one who has to deal with their bullshit (potentially).

Comment Re:They _Should_ Replace It (Score 2) 180

Let's face it, grid based layouts are tables and if all websites were static html, then html tables would suit us just fine. If we didn't want to cater to people with disabilities or screne readers then again, tables were fine.

It's a lot easier to replace, remove, or add a class on a article or div with javascript then to try to reflow a html table based layout (like when you go mobile and turn that 3 column layout into a single column. . It's a lot easier to parse the html to do something with it (like screen read) if you don't have a bunch of junk spacer images, tr's and tds, cluttering up the mix.

I wouldn't be opposed to something better than css, but I still think css layout is better than html table layout.

Comment Re:They _Should_ Replace It (Score 1) 180

You've just demonstrated your own stupidity for all to see. Skeleton does not use javascript.

In fact,

From the website you will see this nice changelog

V1.2 (6/20/2012): Pruning Skeleton down to some more bare bones :)
Remove tabs and all JS

Boostrap does use javascript, but not for the grid layout portion of boostrap. It uses it for all the other shit boostrap does. I picked these two examples because I feel the represent the two most popular, but there are dozens if not hundreds of projects out there that solve this problem. Many do not use javascript.

Comment Re:They _Should_ Replace It (Score 1) 180


But it still a fluid grid based layout that is all CSS and works in all modern browsers. It's easy to use, flexible, and looks great on a mobile device or a 27 inch display (if you have good artistic sense).

While it would be nice to more support for css grid, this does the job today and works wonderfully with dozens of prebuilt css files out there to start from (some even using tools like less to make modification that much easier).

Comment Re:They _Should_ Replace It (Score 4, Informative) 180

Using a fluid grid based css layout is faster, easier to write/understand/support, and a hell of a lot cleaner than tables. Having done web development for the last decade I have to say that tables for layout was a pain in the ass and a bad hack at best.

With html5/css3 almost all of your concerns are gone. In fact you can download a nice fluid grid based template in a second that can cut your table based layout development time into a 5th.

Check out or even the often overused

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