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Comment Re:LOL ... w00t? (Score 1) 292

If you look closely at the two horizontal line keys on your keyboard, the one on the numeric keypad is probably shorter than the one on the left.

They are the same on the keyboard. When printed out in variable-width fonts, they are the same. There are no keys on the keyboard that give different length horizontal lines (other than the underscore is longer than the dash-minus, but not confusable).

Comment Re:Why hyphenation in an e-text? (Score 1) 292

Doesn't the dam-
ned text get re-
flowed by the devi-
ce or so-
mething? That be-
ing said, this is ridi-
culous, all my prin-
ted books have a few hy-
phens, and I've ne-
ver had any dif-
ficulty rea-
ding them. Maybe Ama-
zon should just add "don't hyphenate" setting on their reading device and end it once and for all?

What if you are writing about a new thing that you use multiple words to describe The Child-emperor was raised by an adoptive family. Leaving out the hyphens can be confusing. Leaving them in, almost never causes any confusion.

Comment Re:Where is your white tipped cane? (Score 2) 176

Further, we can't topple the DPRK without pissing off China and suffering severe consequences.

Sure we could. Ask China what cash payment they'd like. The cost of paying off China in cash is much cheaper than a war (economic or military) with or through them. China has a problem because they expect DPRK refugees to run north, not south.

Comment Re:To FCC (Score 1) 293

The star ratings are based on available services, not included services. So same-day dry cleaning at $500 per item (collected from your room) will count towards a star rating, but having the dry-cleaners come and pick it up from you and drop it off same-day doesn't, because it's not a seamless bill-to-the-room service.

The star ratings should be abolished and re-made to measure value, not just insulation from the world. A 5-star is one where you pay a single bill when you leave, but could live there indefinitely with no loss of quality of life for a bilionaire. That's not what 99.9% of the travelers care about. I stayed at a "real" 5-star once. It was super-expensive to do anything, but there's nothing you couldn't get or do.

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