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Comment Re:meanwhile... (Score 5, Funny) 154

Currently Slashdot is displaying ads for me along with the "disable ads" checkbox checked. Perhaps "approximate computing" is farther along than I imagined!

Sorry, that was my fault. I didn't have my ad-block disabled. They must have sent them to you instead.
Just send them to me and I will look at it.

Comment Re:Apple or Apple Corps (Score 2) 230

Not to mention the whole reason Apple Inc., was named that was because Jobs was a huge Beatles fan (well, Apple Computer, Inc. originally). And that Jobs and Woz couldn't come up with anything better.

That's not the true story of course:

Once upon a time, Steve Jobs was sitting under an apple tree to think, as he usually did, about how to make life better for all of humanity. When all of a sudden he got hit by an apple. Accelerated by gravity the apple hit quite hard. But, Steve Jobs wasn't hurt. He just rubbed his head and thought:
"Good thing, that thing had rounded corners."

Comment Re:Paper (Score 1) 210

So, someone has invented a cheap digital data storage method that will last thousands of years?

There's a reason tombstones are still big-ass etched stones, and not digital displays, you know.

Gosh, you might just have stumbled on the next big thing.
You know these annoyingly bright, giant, color led displays along the highway? Imagine that integrated into a tombstone, showing the dearly departed smiling and waiving and if someone walks by, serving them with some ads: "Don't do what I did. Call a qualified electrician."

Comment Re:Betteridge's law of headlines says... (Score 1) 96

Funnily enough, I submitted this with a different headline. I went with "Bruce Schneier is leaving his job at BT" and put the following (shorter) summary:

"The Register is hosting an exclusive that Bruce Schneier (the famed cryptologist http://www.schneierfacts.com/ ) will be leaving his position at BT as security futurologist."

Looks like the editors wanted to change it around a bit ?

Here, fixed that for you.

Comment Re:It's enough for many Rubyists. (Score 1) 123

But there's no excuse today. These types of initiatives may even make the situation worse, by making highly-unqualified individuals mistakenly think they are far more adept than they actually are, to the point of wasting the time and effort of those of us in industry,.....

Sadly. The reverse is also true.
If you honestly describe your skills and interests, you're out.
If it looks like an interesting job, it better isn't just an interesting job. Know enough Spanish to make yourself understood? Better call it fluent. And if you dabbled in some scripting language, don't forget to add it to the list.

Often, looking at a job description and the skill set "required", any honest applicant meeting all those requirements would not be applying for that position.

Comment Re:Word unlocked. (Score 3, Interesting) 276

[...] I recall reading when Kim Jong Un came to power that some of his family members, Aunts and Uncles wielded a lot of power, and that Dear Leader himself had to tread pretty lightly to maintain the balance of power.

It could well be that his Uncle was making a play for power. [..]

One possibility.

The other possibility:
Dear Leader had finally enough power not to listen to his uncle anymore. And his economically more experienced uncle might have told him that some of his new power moves are contra-productive. Like taking South Korean workers hostage and ruining future chances of needed cash flow.
- I imagine that disrespectful uncle might have said things like: "You know, some of the stuff you're doing is pretty dumb, even for North Korean standards." And Dear leader might have responded: "Oh uh, insurection!"

Comment Re:Jackpot (Score 1) 617

I'd keep it.

But what is the *right* thing to do? Legal issues aside, if somebody sends me something by mistake, then asks for it back, they are getting it back because that's what I would want them to do if I sent them something by mistake.

Provided they pay for shipping.
If not, they are free to pick up their item at one of the times of my choosing.

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