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Comment Re:Who trusts these VPN companies? (Score 1) 39

Cloudflare's free DNS service is pretty effective for Coffee Shop MiTM attacks.
The content filtering for the Wifi on my local train service seems to think that every exchange server (including both my own, and the Microsoft 365 ones), are phishing sites. It does the MiTM thing to redirect to a blocking notification page. The SSL picks that up and displays an error message, or rather one error message for each of the email accounts I have set up on the phone, which gets annoying real fast.
If I set up Cloudflare DNS, which presents itself as a VPN even although it isn't really a VPN, then I can access all the "dangerous" banned content like my work emails.

Comment Re:The mission is creeping steadily (Score 1) 100

WordPad is a word processor. Equivalents in Linux would be something like Calligra Words or AbiWord. I consider LibreOffice Writer to be equivalent to Microsoft Word.

Notepad is a text editor, the equivalent in Linux would is vi or nano (not emacs because it isn't usually part of the default install).

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