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Comment Re:News for nerds. (Score 1, Insightful) 345

Is it really too much to expect editors to, well, edit? Despite going back and fixing the first obvious lack of editing, timothy still didn't read the whole thing. There's this

However, devs decided to drop support for ext2/3/4 on external drivers and SD card.

They're apparently dropping support on a single SD card? (it should be "external drives and SD memory cards." Then this:

It seems that ChromiumOS developers can't implement a script or feature to relabel EXT volumes in the left nav that is insertable and has RW privileges using

Which is an extremely awkward, if not utterly nonsensical, sentence.

Comment Re:Does that mean they'll get to vote? (Score 1) 385

" they are associations of people. If you think they can have their rights reduced at will,"

No, they are a subset of "associations of people." A subset which relies upon specific legal privileges to exist.

"As to a corporation being an artificial legal construct... what isn't?"

One example - I my friends and I get together, take up a collection and print and pass out political leaflets, there's no legal construct - we have every right to do so under "free association." There is absolutely nothing which requires forming a corporation in order to exercise free association. I am saying that if we instead want to incorporate and take advantage of the laws which grant special privileges to corporations, the state has every right to be able to say for what purpose that corporation may be formed, and that includes limiting the speech that corporation may make.

Comment Re:Does that mean they'll get to vote? (Score 3, Insightful) 385

Congress should have the ability to pass legislation restricting the actions of corporations in any way they want.

Corporations are artificial legal constructs which allow special privileges (tax and liability advantages, mainly) to their owners. Since they're constructs of law, they're subject to legal regulation. Corporations are not people, and do not have rights. No right to free speech, no right to vote, etc.

That does not infringe on any individual rights - people still have the right and ability to band together for group speech, etc. They simply can't do it and also gain the special privileges given to corporations.

Comment Re:So what they are saying... (Score 0) 335

Uh, no.

The very first line of the Constitution helps clarify who they're calling "the people." - "We the People of the United States..."

Or, are you proposing that non-citizens get to vote in elections, as long as they live in a state? "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States."

Comment Re:Rogue AP Shunning is not a crime. (Score 1) 278

"they ware well within their rights on their own private property."

Nope. The airwaves are a public resource, and Marriott can only transmit on them under well defined rules, which include not causing deliberate interference to other users. WiFi is a shared medium, and shouldn't be relied upon for business critical needs.

Comment Re:Math is hard? (Score 3, Insightful) 283

" It's fraudulent."

Certainly not. Do you think they're fooling, or even trying to fool anyone into thinking those letters were written and mailed by individuals? Nope. When some congresscritter's office gets mailbags of nearly identical letters, in nearly identical envelopes, they know they didn't come from individuals.

"Look there is no balanced six of one, half a dozen of the other. "

Never mind. You're obviously blinded by partisanship, and unable to think rationally.

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