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Comment Re:You cant hear it anyway. (Score 1) 255

Not true.. There is a good reason, and its reducing your quantisation noise. You will increase your Signal to Noise ration by sampling higher, doing your processing and then filtering back down. In fact, doubling your sampling frequency gives you the equivalent snr increase of more than an extra bit. DSP cycles are dirt cheap in the recording stage, so why not?

Comment Re:You cant hear it anyway. (Score 2) 255

How does a sound engineer get to call themselves an engineer? Im not having a go, Im just asking...

However, for those of you quoting Nyquist, you only have half the answer. One of the side benefits of a higher frequency is lower quantisation noise - and hence a better signal to noise ratio. When you take a sample of sound, you then fit it to 16 bits. Obviously an analogue sound pressure level wont fit perfectly into a 16 bit value - so you have to fit it to the nearest one. The difference then becomes noise - which can generally be approximated as white noise (I know mathematically this is possibly incorrect, but practically its true) with its energy spread over the available frequency. Filter this noise out (which your ears will do for anything above 20-25khz) and you reduce the effective quantisation noise being heard (you have filtered out half of the noise's power) - improving the signal to noise ratio.
This obviously will not work in the case of material already sampled - as the quantisation noise is already there in its sampled form, however, it will have a similar effect for the encoding - if the encoding poduces white noise as part of its process - which (not having researched their encoding thoroughly) is likely.

Will it truely make a difference? I doubt it. TrueHD is already damn good - and the limitations are really going to be in the amplifiers and the speakers, particularly the cheap power supplies modern home amps seems to carry. I'm sure this is really just more about planned obsolescence.

Comment Content (Score 1) 339

Has anyone read the crap on there? My first read was about selecting a Database for your business. Its a couple of pages of meaningless waffle. There's no real content - the author clearly has very little knowledge about databases, hasnt written anything meaningful or useful and Slashdot has ultimately published an article that will not be of any help to anyone.
Plus is uses another whole new commenting system - so more issues and bugs to contend with.

To agree with some of the above posters have mentioned, I for a long time have come to Slashdot not so much for the articles, but the comments on the articles. You could always guarantee that a number of world leading experts on the subject would be posting. Those days are sadly passing.

Comment Re:A second just Justice.... Please (Score 1) 604

Sorry, Malaysia is significantly more complex than that. First you have the ethnic Malays, they speak Bahasa in a dialect similar to Indonesia. Officially they are Muslim, practically its very different. Freedom of religion is somewhat protected in the Malaysian legal system (outside of the Sharia courts). Then you have the Chinese. Generally the Chinese are Christian or Buddhist as you mention. There is also a significant Indian population which has their influences as well. In the major centers you have a (somewhat) significant expat population - helping to modernise the country. It makes for one very big melting pot of culture, and not that they dont have their problems, they seem to be succeeding at multi-culturism much better than anyone else.

Comment A very good article. (Score 1) 272

This is one of the best articles place on Slashdot in a long time. Its a pity that very few of the above posters have actually read it.

Firstly, it details the methods of accessing the car. Surprisingly, the CD was most effective. They found vulnerabilities in parsing MP3's and WMA's. They reverse engineered the firmware, - found a buffer overflow and exploited it. From there, they then exploited the Dealer tools used to analyse vehicle faults.

So, infect and mp3 and upload it via sharing. That infects cars, which then infect their dealer tools. The infected dealer tools can then reprogram ecu's and other devices on the cars themselves.
This is only the start. They then proceed to find more in depth vulnerabilities and propose possible wholesale models of theft that become possible. For anyone with an interest in hacking (and true hacking, not just script kiddy stuff) then have a good read of this article...


Submission + - SOGo v2.0.0beta1 Now Offers Native Outlook Compati (

extrafu writes: "The Inverse team has just released SOGo v2.0.0beta1 which features native Outlook compatibility using OpenChange and Samba4. This means Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 can talk directly to SOGo — just like if it was a Microsoft Exchange server. No plugins are required in Outlook to make this work. Does that mean we finally have the perfect Exchange killer? A virtual appliance with everything installed and configured is available for download, for testing purposes."

Comment Re:If you ask nicely enough... (Score 1) 77

Lol. So true. A mate of mine worked for them. He had an accounting background on top of a CS degree. One week he would be providing consultant advice on naval ship building, the next week on running a national train system - despite having zero experience in either of these activities. To put it simply, the powers that be, needed consultants, and PWC kindly stepped in and took plenty of their money!

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