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Comment Re:The Answer To This Nonsense... (Score 1) 1111

Yeah, and banning those drugs has been a great idea. Why don't you ban alcohol too? And ban smoking. Ban television shows and movies you consider dangerous, and censor video games. While you are at it, go ahead and ban all sex, anything outside of the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation (while married, of course).

You should also put speed limiters on vehicles. Nothing can go faster than 100km/h. We should also start censoring the internet. There are so many dangerous things in here that ... what was the magic wording again? Ah, right, "things that might destroy families". And we all know how important families are for us god-fearing fundamentalist christians. So ban everything, because I have so little confidence in our social structure that I believe anything can tear it down.

Comment My post for this bitch (Score 1) 1145

Fucking stupid. We're in the 21th century, and you still haven't got over sex? It's a part of life, and it's fun to joke about it. Women dress in sexy attires. Men tell dirty jokes. We each have our own way of expressing ourselves. If you can't handle a few dick jokes, then GTFO.

You say you want the world of coding to welcome woman. We do. But you want US to change our ways. You need us to accommodate everything to the "fragile" females, who can't handle reality? Dirty jokes are rape. Flirting is rape. Looking at you is rape. Woman ARE NOT FRAGILE. They can handle dick jokes, they can talk about sex, and if somebody flirts with them on the job, they can either fuck him or tell him to go away. They don't need protection. It's not Woman in general who are fragile and need protection, it's YOU. It's not a female issue, it's a YOU issue. YOU are fragile, and you have problems with your own sex life, so you can't handle people behaving in a NATURAL way. Go see a psychologist, so that YOU can change to accommodate the world instead of expecting we all change the world to accommodate you.


Comment My original post regarding this issue ... (Score -1, Troll) 759

I posted this on this bitche's original post. I'm still fucking right.


Fucking stupid. We're in the 21th century, and you still haven't got over sex? It's a part of life, and it's fun to joke about it. Women dress in sexy attires. Men tell dirty jokes. We each have our own way of expressing ourselves. If you can't handle a few dick jokes, then GTFO.

You say you want the world of coding to welcome woman. We do. But you want US to change our ways. You need us to accommodate everything to the "fragile" females, who can't handle reality? Dirty jokes are rape. Flirting is rape. Looking at you is rape. Woman ARE NOT FRAGILE. They can handle dick jokes, they can talk about sex, and if somebody flirts with them on the job, they can either fuck him or tell him to go away. They don't need protection. It's not Woman in general who are fragile and need protection, it's YOU. It's not a female issue, it's a YOU issue. YOU are fragile, and you have problems with your own sex life, so you can't handle people behaving in a NATURAL way. Go see a psychologist, so that YOU can change to accommodate the world instead of expecting we all change the world to accommodate you.


Comment This is what I posted on her blog (Score 1, Interesting) 759


Fucking stupid. We're in the 21th century, and you still haven't got over sex? It's a part of life, and it's fun to joke about it. Women dress in sexy attires. Men tell dirty jokes. We each have our own way of expressing ourselves. If you can't handle a few dick jokes, then GTFO.

You say you want the world of coding to welcome woman. We do. But you want US to change our ways. You need us to accommodate everything to the "fragile" females, who can't handle reality? Dirty jokes are rape. Flirting is rape. Looking at you is rape. Woman ARE NOT FRAGILE. They can handle dick jokes, they can talk about sex, and if somebody flirts with them on the job, they can either fuck him or tell him to go away. They don't need protection. It's not Woman in general who are fragile and need protection, it's YOU. It's not a female issue, it's a YOU issue. YOU are fragile, and you have problems with your own sex life, so you can't handle people behaving in a NATURAL way. Go see a psychologist, so that YOU can change to accommodate the world instead of expecting we all change the world to accommodate you.

Comment This is BULLSHIT (Score 1) 213

Essentially the article says the restriction is placed there for legal and not for technical reasons. It walks around that, and doesn't say it in straight language, but that's what it's saying: users will bypass restrictions, companies won't because of fear of legal retaliations. Well, you don't need DRM for that. Sure, you do need DRM to be able to abuse the DMCA, but you can still license your service under certain rules, and sue companies that distribute non-compliant players. You don't need DRM to enforce copyright laws.

This is high grade bullshit. The reason they don't care (much) if DRM is broken is that 99% of users are technically incompetent, and won't use the available tech to circumvent DRM. It is there to restrict the users.

Comment Watch out (Score 3, Insightful) 292

You might get lucky, but here is my experience with this issue:

  - You act nicely, and teach the noob the "secrets" of your code
  - You go away, the noob didn't understand shit, he gets lost.
  - He eventually will either screw up big time, or just fail to produce new deliverables
  - He gets pushed, blames you (he'll either say your code sucks, or he'll say you are keeping "secrets", or in any other way trying to protect your job by preventing him from doing his.

You'll end up forced to tell the customer to STFU and GTFO, or you'll be doing work for free.

My recommendation:

If you have fully documented the code (both inside the code, and in a standalone documentation that explains everything from coding style to APIs), tell the customer everything any competent coder might need is in the docs, and remain available for any specific questions the coder might have, under a pre-arranged hourly rate.

If your product hasn't been fully documented, send them a quote for full documentation, and go back to the previous stage.

Comment Re:Er, what? (Score 2) 308

In a good setup, you do both. Best setup is cheap cameras everywhere, as many as you can get, to cover every spot imaginable (just regular analog cameras with 1/4'' CCD or even CMOS recording at 320x240). Then some better cameras for more important spots (1/3'' CCD recording at 720x576), and finally some good IP Cameras recording at least at 720p in a few important spots, mostly for face recog. With this, you've got everything covered. You then use PTZ domes as backup and for real-time surveillance. When the domes aren't in use, they do a set of predefined movements.

But don't think every casino has this kind of setup.

A couple of years back we where asked for a quote by a huge casino network. I won't name them, but they own a big one in Vegas, a few more in other places in the states, and 5 big-ass casinos in Mexico. What they had: Cheap CMOS cameras recording a 320x240, on extremely cheap DVRs. How cheap? They where using pinhole cameras. They retail for ~$35 each. Half the DVRs had refurbished 160GB disks full of bad sectors. Some didn't even have HDs. In most, the cameras where set to record on motion detection (A big no-no for a place like a casino) and they hadn't even configured the sensibility, so they recorded sporadically. They had a quarter of the minimum amount of cameras required to have at least very basic coverage. We presented two quotes: An ideal setup, and a barebones, entry-level setup that at least would give them some actual coverage.

They rejected both quotes, last I heard, they are still operating with that original setup.

Comment Re:Rude != Troll (Score 1) 298

I think about this very often. I see religion being replaced with other forms of wishful thinking every day. Technology is to many people nowdays a replacement for religion. So are other old school ideas such as alternative medicine, astrology, gambling, etc. And I think to myself, is people ready to give up magical thinking?

Truth is, I'd like to see us try. I've seen people lose their religion and replace it with other forms of wishful thinking. Even if this replacements are just as preposterous as religion itself, none of them holds the position religion holds in our social structure. Religion is the primary source of false hope in our civilization. When people give it up and replace it with something else such as homeopathy, deep down they know their new found false hope is bogus. This replacements are never as solemn as religion usually is, and none of the groups behind it are as powerful as the main religious organizations in our world are.

Removing religion, letting people find their own replacement, will be a conduit to another stage of our evolution. Yes, people will still need myths in their lives, and they'll find them somewhere, but any of this are better than organized religion, and they are a transition towards true freedom of thought.

So, I'd like to see religion go away. Even if it means many small replacements popping up, none of them will be as strong as religion. There'll be no wars over it, and no systemic hate of rational thought. This will finally allow Skeptics to take visible roles, as you say, and that'll lead to the future of mankind, as this transitional forms towards free thought will slowly disappear.

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