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Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 2) 630

14 cases of pop every day...going to have negative effects

Drinking 119+ litres of _water_ every day is going to have negative effects. (14 cases, 24 cans of pop per case, 355 mL per can, 119.28 L) Healthy kidneys can process about 0.8 - 1 L per hour... so 119 L in, 24 L out, where's the other 95 L going?

Comment Re:Wasn't quite the revolution ... (Score 1) 134

barely moves above walking speed

Hmm.. average walking speed of a human: 3.1 mph. Segway has three speed limits, depending on usage. The lowest speed limit is 6 mph, nearly double the speed of a walking human (I'd call that more than barely), the highest speed limit is 12 mph, nearly 4 times the speed of a walking human. Pretty sure that's much better than a walking human. Sure, it's not Usain Bolt levels of speed (40+ mph.. but only sprinting), but still much better than "barely".

Comment Re:Pretty safe bet this happens everywhere. (Score 4, Interesting) 294

Well... are the number of murdering TSA agents greater than other professions? However, in this particular case, why aren't the two of them arrested and charged for the sexual assaults? For this, let the courts decide, not the DA. So what if the victim cannot be identified? Convenient that the person who was assaulted wasn't asked for their information. As for "nobody else has complained", the remaining people would have the understanding that this is _supposed_ to be happening. They were theoretically following the lawful commands of the TSA agent. Since it turns out that they were not lawful, then the agent should be arrested for the sexual assault as well as whatever statute covers the agent in exceeding their authority. "Held accountable". Hah. Merely firing them is insufficient.

Comment Ambiguous (Score 1) 342

What the heck does "could only be entered by two people at a time" mean? The room is only big enough to hold two people, or that no single person can enter the room? (Requires two different keys, perhaps?) The second interpretation would mean that there's an accomplice somewhere.... Also, is it really an "excerpt" when it's just under half of the original article?

Comment Many eyes... (Score 0, Troll) 171

But... this is software that people were _paid_ to write. That means that these sorts of security holes can't happen! Not that open source thing of "many eyes makes all bugs shallow", they have the _right_ people reading the code thus these things can't happen. Right? Right?! (And if your sarcasm detector isn't going off the scale, you really need a new sarcasm detector....)

Comment Re:Chess vs Feudal (Score 1) 109

While true that the number of permutations of a standard deck of cards is 52!, but you must consider that for many card games (Bridge, for example), the order of the cards in your hand is irrelevant. This reduces the number of permutations by a fair amount. It's still a big number, just not the plain 52! as presented.

Comment Revoke the certs (Score 5, Insightful) 139

At a _minimum_ MCS's rights need to be revoked. There needs to be an independent audit of any cert that CNNIC has issued _at CNNIC's expense_, and of their operations (both CNNIC, and the organizations to which they've issued certs), or CNNIC should have its rights revoked as well. MCS is completely untrustable, and CNNIC has to prove that they are currently trustable. CNNIC's operations need to be audited or they may just turn around an issue a new cert to MCS. (Or "MCS" with a new name)

Comment Re:Then and Now (Score 1) 56

Oh, I wasn't complaining :) Reasonable request. But we ran into this when we just went there. We don't carry the passport around as a matter of principle (theft risk). But, had we known ahead of time, we would have been carrying it. Oh well.

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