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Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 677

Single entry/single exit code was a convention in order to combat the problem of developers attempting to write cleanup code in multiple places within a function. Which causes a maintenance issue as it makes it possible that one cleanup location gets updated and the other(s) get missed. Another solution is the concept of a destructor in C++ (or a similar concept in other languages) where one can put the cleanup code in one place that is guaranteed to be executed when the function exits regardless if is was a return or an exception. And I do agree.. blindly following any convention is bad. But one should use the convention with the understanding of why the convention exists.

Comment Re:Can they make me control the ads I see? (Score 1) 619

It is not my responsibility to "find a way to let them find ad revenue without being obnoxious". That's their responsibility. As a whole, they have lost the trust of a fair portion of the internet's users. Thus they now pay the price that people are not willing to see _any_ of their dreck. Add to that the infection vector that they have become, as well as the source of delays in loading sites. They've got a long road ahead to build trust such that the first reaction of people isn't "block it".

Comment Re:its not about the ring, its just a lesson. (Score 1) 591

Consequence of a litigious society. Here's a question for you: if this kid comes along later in life and beats the tar out of somebody, and in that lawsuit they point back to this incident and use the argument "Look! He's got a history of threatening other people. Doesn't matter that it wasn't a _credible_ threat. He threatened other kids and the school did nothing! Blame the school. Sue the principal and every teacher who ever saw the kid.", are _you_ going to spend all of the money and time to hire the lawyers to defend the school from this (and pay the "damages")? Since that is unlikely to happen, the school is forced to take action in order to defend itself from a future lawsuit.

Comment Re:$30/mo is a terrible price (Score 1) 43

Which is true. I have the same problem with certain lower-cost cell providers where I live. As soon as you wander out of the downtown area, you're hit with roaming charges. For some people that may serve their needs (they never leave downtown). Same as wifi coverage only. May serve many people's needs. They never leave the populated areas. Doesn't work for me, but I recognize that my usage may not be typical.

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