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Comment Re:Do you see the problem with this? (Score 0) 461

You're missing a bunch of parts, and the headline of this article is similarly misguided (the original title is not). The 911 call did nothing regarding the _search_. What the 911 call did was focus the attention of the police on a vehicle that was allegedly driving dangerously. They then pulled over the vehicle that was allegedly driving dangerously under the suspicion that the driver was impaired (remember, driving impaired is illegal). During that interaction they discovered further indications that drugs were involved and based on _that_ evidence a search of the vehicle was conducted. Where the dispute comes from is whether the police had sufficient suspicion about the original "driving while impaired" problem (and thus sufficient cause to pull the vehicle over). They'd apparently followed the vehicle for "5 minutes" and didn't see any indication of poor driving. _That's_ where the dissenting court opinion comes from, not about the search. (I've made that 911 call myself. And in one case, I'd actually saw the vehicle that I was reporting clip someone else and tore the mirror off of their car. They'd pulled over, but I bet he was rather surprised as how fast a police cruiser arrived on the scene....)

Comment Re:The question remains why this extension? (Score 2) 447

Not really. That means every application that wants to talk securely would have to add the noise, vs the library that they use adds the noise behind the scenes and the multitude of applications can concern themselves with what they need to do. And if the noise generation needed to be changed for some reason, then you only have to update the library and not the multitudes of applications (some of which may never be updated....).

Comment Re:Just call the credit card company and tell them (Score 1) 321

Suppose a 10 year old walks up to a cashier at a Walmart, dumps 50 candy bars on the belt, and hands the cashier a credit card with no adult in sight. The cashier rings it up and charges the card. The kid opens all the candy and gives it away to friends, eats it, whatever. Later the adult discovers that the kid took his card out of his wallet when he wasn't looking and complains to his credit card company.

Not quite. Your analogy is missing the part where the adult walked up with the 10 year old and told the cashier that the child was allowed to use the credit card, and then left. That's not to say that Android should probably have multiuser capabilities across all devices, a device administrator designation, and an account setting about "auth once" vs. "auth for 30 mins" on wallet access.

Comment Re:Please.... (Score 1) 321

They aren't, they're willing to go to court to protect their mishaps

Welcome to the results of a litigious society. If Google makes a change then people will hold that up in court and say "Look, your honor, if they weren't doing anything wrong, why did they change it? Therefore they must have been screwing everybody over, SUE! SUE! SUE!"

Comment Re:In their defence. (Score 1) 417

Increasingly however, what the school does is utterly irrelevant. Almost all the students have their own completely independent access to the big bad 'net.

Which makes it Not Their Problem. They have a requirement (whether legislation, policy, or politics) to secure their network. What Jimmy does on their cellphone is now the telco's problem.

Comment Yes (Score 3, Insightful) 627

Offhand, yes, you are a less effective programmer if you rely on the IDE. I've seen many "programmers" that get completely lost if the IDE doesn't autocomplete everything for them. They have no sense as to how the program as a whole hangs together. (Note the specific phrasing of "rely on the IDE". Not the same as "uses an IDE". Not using the tool is silly. Requiring the tool is the problem.)

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