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Comment Re:ah, yes (Score 1) 358

as an older, less woke person. I feel this a bit, but. Anyone who said something transphobic more than like a year ago is required only one thing to move on:

I'm sorry, I see now how that was insensitive to a person I didn't understand

That is it, you won't lose your job, and it won't cost you any money. Just a little humilty.

Comment Re: Who hates OOP? (Score 1) 386

In call BS. It takes time to learn a new language and get good at it. Also itâ(TM)s everyone is that good, And I donâ(TM)t personally have the power to fire a everyone who canâ(TM)t read Rush, Go.

finally there is a lot more to a project support than just the language. If you just handed me a ne w module written in a uniq language: can anyone else reasonable CodeReview it if they have never seen it before ? Do we support proxing the upsteam dependency trees into our corporate environment ( aka does it integrate with our build tools yet)? Does our static code analysis software support that language yet? Do I want to support it when the hotShit programmer moves on from this not-good-enough job in 9 months ?

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