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Comment Re:Soon (Score 2) 168

It's a different time, back when they were building PCs in their garage it wasn't consumer electronics. Nowadays you can't hope to make a tablet, PC or whatever without getting some serious funding. The alternative is producing more expensive goods so you don't compete with massive factories in China for slim profits.

Comment Re:Straight to the point (Score 1) 50

unlike jails, people choose to buy Apple products. In Stallman's world, that's not a valid choice. Why? Because it's not completely open. So what? This is up to the individual to decide - it's not like they can run his piece of crap HURD. Every choice makes trade-offs, and the GPL is no less of a jail. So, what is Steve Jobs' crime? That he led Apple to bring out products that people actually want?

Apple's (and arguably Android's) success at controlling the distribution of software are steps toward more closed environments. Just like Facebook's success takes us nearer to the end of the "wild west" age of the Internet.

Sure, no one is going to take away your free devices nor prevent you from having a proper self-hosted website/communicating through email and IRC. However, if people become content with doing everything through closed services provided by a handful of companies, then you have no choice but to do the same (if you want to keep in touch with friends/family).

That's one reason to hope Apple doesn't suceed. To avoid becoming part of the fringe.

Comment Kindle (Score 1) 2

Now classes are over I've been spending a lot more time in front of my PC and my eyes are starting to suffer. Your eye scream stories have motivated me to buy a Kindle so I can at least read pdfs without staring at a screen.

Comment Re:strange (Score 1) 8

The lousy part is the simulations I ran in the 80s predicted all this, almost down to the year - 2011 - as being the start of the irreversible decline. I was just off by a couple of years because of the financial crisis. Oh well, shoot me

Er.. what?

Comment Reflective screens (Score 1) 14

Do you get this problem when reading books? Otherwise you could look into reflective displays (like those you can use out in the sun). I think those are the same thing as paper to your eyes.
And if the technical solution doesn't work... good luck in whatever you decide to do next.

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