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User Journal

Journal Journal: Detail on the engine plane AND 1984 :'(

I noticed (although I had foreseen it) that the boards I have arent deep enough, so I'd either glue more of them together (dangerous and untidy) or just get bigger ones (which would imply joining them... *sigh*)

1984 :'(
I never said I had started the book (mainly because I did before joining slashdot), but I ended it an hour ago. Since I'm aware a comment would include spoilers, I'll just say I'm traumatized. Like my brother said, I just realised how serious writers' books don't have happy endings.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Engine plane and Opera

Since I had finished the rubber-band model, I started building the engine-powered plane CeroCero (http://picayzumba.com/tecnika/entrenator/). I bought the materials and glue this morning. However, I cant even join two boards correctly. Plus, the boards aren't even big enough. Guess building the whole thing will be either impossible or a total bitch.

Once again, my dad got "irishen mamelen" on me because of using Opera. When he grabbed the PC (I was looking for maps for him), he complained about the zoom and navigation options, even though they are better and more visible than in Internet Explorer. When I offered to start IE, he began a speech about how I tried to hurt him, while he bought me everything I needed for my plane (I never use the "speech" word when someone tells me something, but this deserves it). Guess that's a point to the "dad isn't perfect" theory.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Motor model, aeromodelism list

I joined an aeromodelism Y!Group today. I asked about a few things, and was replied to:
Apparently, instead of cerocero, "Jorge Newberry" is a better engine trainer. I asked in a shop near my school and they'll be getting those next week.
In order to hold the wings and wing holder for "Origone II", I'd use 8 rubber bands in a star distribution.
Plus they said they can suggest an association near the place where I live.
I also started the rubber band one. Seems the wings are gonna be hard to build.

User Journal

Journal Journal: More planes

I've finally finished the glider. However, I haven't had the chance to fly it while I was outside the city (first it broke and then it was too windy). Because of the wimpy way the wings were joined, it broke three times. Now, the wing holder is only held by a rubber band. Next, I'm proceeding to one of the rubber band engine planes :D
User Journal

Journal Journal: Planes

I've finished 2 planes (actually they're the same model but one is done correctly), both of which fly. Soon is coming another one, with ribbed wings and a structural fuselage. I already did the wings and rudder. Once I finish the rubber-band-propelled one (which I haven't even started), I think I'll build cerocero (http://picayzumba.com/tecnika/entrenator/entrenator.php).

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