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Journal Journal: Debate comments 1

All of my Republican debate comments are over here, complete with horrid typing and spelling.

Check out David Weigel's reporting at the top and in the previous story too.


Journal Journal: Milbloggers silenced? 4

Not sure to me that this really counts as "censorship" at least to the extent of the examples given by Wired .

One soldier took down pictures of how well armor stood up to improvised bombs; a military spouse erased personal information from her site -- including "dates of deployment, photos of the family, the date their next child is expected, the date of the baby shower and where the family lives," said Army spokesman Gordon Van Fleet.

Let's see here . . . This guy actually thought that armor capabilities were just fine to broadcast to anybody? They weren't when I was a 'kid'. Same with effectiveness of our munitions.

They really thought that deployment dates were fine for any Joe-blow to publish rather than only being announced through official channels? When did that ignorance creep in as being okay?

As for all of that other info, it is usually bad to toss that all over the place and if the reasons are not obvious then I am not bright enough to begin explaining it here.

Perhaps if the military adopted the B. Hussein Obama method of information control the folks aw Wired would be a little happier?

Hat tip to reason online.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Mister Logic drives a Prius 5

One of the stupidest freaking things I have seen in my neighborhood to date.

Parked near Caribu Coffee was a silly little Prius with the Maryland tag of "MRLOGIC".

User Journal

Journal Journal: Stupid Congress: this is now personal 3

Well, maybe not that personal, but kinda.

I have been sitting on overhead for several weeks now. Was approached about a new job in "the Orient" (yes GekoFood, same effort you passed on) and was sent for initial training on the surveillance system, software installation, etc. Waiting to go get similar training from the prime contractor.

Moved the 'hybrid' Charger to mom's garage in TN. Cleaned up condo a bit (needs a lot more) so that my neighbor's home health care helper can live here while I am in "the Orient".

Was supposed to leave before now, for training in Georgia, then off to "the Orient".

So, why am I still sitting around Crystal City re-studying the same manuals and surfing the world-wide-interweb?

THE STUPID CONGRESS WILL NOT PASS A PROPER SUPLIMENTAL FOR THE PRESIDENT TO SIGN! Apparently this work cannot start under a continuing resolution, so the Congress is holding me up from the most "exciting" job I have been offered in ages, and the pay ain't bad neither. They can't even give me an offer letter until there is a new supplemental.


User Journal

Journal Journal: NJ Governor Injured while traveling to Imus meeting.

While Pudge and I disagree on what sort of show Don Imus pretended to have, a frequent guest of the Imus in the Morning Show, N.J. Gov. Jon Corzine, is recovering from injuries he sustained during an vehicle accident en route to a meeting with Imus and the Rutgers basketball team.

Corzine was riding in the front passenger seat in his two-car motorcade's sports utility vehicle around 6 p.m. EDT when a white pickup truck swerved to avoid a red pickup truck on the Garden State Parkway, authorities said. The red pickup had corrected itself after driving onto the right shoulder, said State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes.

Later reports confirmed that the Governor was not wearing his seat belt.

User Journal

Journal Journal: FINALLY! A good "Pimp My Ride" 1

Right now they are starting an episode of "Pimp My Ride" with a 1965 Thunderbird. I am way not a ford guy (I really think they are from france) but it is a cool body and in well enough shape for a restore.

5 min. into the show (first I have seen) it is way better than that "Unique Whips" crap show.

The Media

Journal Journal: Kos catches a Fairbanksing. Bonus: Other News

The DailyKos spotted some fairbanksing in the New York Times. Seems that the journalism department at Yale does not bother teaching that one should actually read a book before reviewing it. The NYT editorial staff does not seem to require that level of detail for 1000 word articles either.

Here is another take on the article and the author of the book has a few things to say too.

Like I said before, The New Republic has their new Stephen Glass. Now The New York Times has their new Jayson Blair. Bonus: both writers in the same body! One could also say that The Examiner has had it's own Eve Fairbanks for several months since the Big Shame in a Small World story.

Update: another Kos article that mentions fairbanksing.

This comment captures my meaning when I wrote the definition of fairbanksing:

"A gratuitous fabrication in a story when the truth would have served just fine...."

Reminds me of an old southern saying; She'd climb a tree to tell a lie, when she could stand on the ground and tell the truth.

by alex valgus

In other news . . .

I am going to be in training for the next few days for a project in Asia. More specifically, the Orient portion of Asia but not in a country that begins with an "I". Yes, that is cryptic and true, because I don't want my mom to kill me for going :)

Seems that I am the only person who has passed the interview process and accepted the job. I still don't know what the pay package is yet, but I know the people who figure those things out and they told me that it is a lot better than what I was expecting. Will see today or so.

At the end of this month I have to go to Georgia for training from the military (sort of like contractor basic-training) and then off to The Orient! My 'bloggin will be on the decline until I get settled in.

A few days ago I saw the author of "Blackwater" on C-SPAN's Booknotes. Now, I don't know if he was accurate or not about the specific things about Blackwater the defense contractor, but he sure was full of crap about everything else.

He repeatedly stated that the military people in Iraq and Afghanistan make about $40,000/year while they are there, but the Blackwater contractors make (sometimes qualified with "up to") "$1000/day tax free". For one thing, the military people are tax free while they are over there, no limits, no minimums. Just ask RedWarrior if you don't believe me. The contractors must stay overseas for a minimum of 330 days in a 365 day period to get their $82,450 income tax break. That is, the first 82.45 days are income tax free, and I doubt the low guy on the squad gets $1000/day anyway.

I have not looked at a pay scale lately, but the military guys who make $40,000 or more including all pay and allowances, incentives, special pay, etc. is pretty much anybody and if you got promoted once you make more. I would guess that the Privates and Specialists get paid better than the KBR/Halliberton chow line people. The Blackwater guys are the ones getting shot down in helicopters and hung from bridges.

The author was also trying to further the myth that contractors are not covered by any US law, then he backtracked, then forwardes the same nonsense. Here is some news for folks. Any time anybody is on a military facility they are covered by the UCMJ and most installation commanders incorporate the UCMJ into the installation rules/regulations to make it "extra applicable". Since Blackwater is usually under State Department contracts, they are covered by US law the same way a State Department employee is covered when in a war zone, or anywhere else.

Perhaps he got something right in his book, but of the things I am familiar with, he did not get any of that right.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hey Military Guys, check this nonsense out 3

Some nut, commenting on a Radley Balco story (that has some wacky statemente too) thinks it is almost impossible for Enlisted people to become Officers in the US military

Search for comments by 'blogimi Dei'. He seems upset that some watery tart did not toss a sword at him and make him an Officer.

Truth be told, it is unbelievably easy for Enlisted personnel to become a Commissioned Officer or Warrant Officer. Kind of helps if you were not getting in trouble all of the time as an Enlisted person. All you have to do is apply and enter a Commissioning program or Warrant Officer school. Not sure what the current deal is on college, but for the Army I did not get my degree until I was a Captain, 12 years after I was Commissioned (Commissioned 1982).

Oh, if you are one of those Enlisted people who thinks Commissioned Officers are prohibited from flying, maybe you ought to brush up on a few things, including and other than that.

Balco's "mindless robot" statement was the previous winner.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Happy Passover! 2

As every parent should know, this is an important day for getting your eldest child to do chores.

"Don't want to clean your room? You know, I don't have to put that lambs blood over the door . . ."

User Journal

Journal Journal: So easy to find 9/11 hoax folks, where are the Iraq=9/11? 2

I keep getting thrown this crap that "70% of Americans believe Iraq was behind 9/11" but I can't find a single freaking person (to include freaky hockey fans and my own freaky relatives) who believes that bullshit.

The effect of using that bullshit is that "the American public is stupid and right wing".

Now, I have had no trouble at all finding Leftist flakes who believe 9/11 was faked or 'just' a set-up. They are online everyplace, to include Rosie. They are at protests and they are all over bars. If I still frequented the Student's Center I am pretty sure I would find them there too.

So, now the real question is, how do the invisible 9/11 people keep showing up in quoted polles, but there are not any polls showing the Leftist flakes who are out and about and visible?

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