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Comment Re:Is it a Mad Max movie though ? (Score 1) 776

No more so than any other brand

There's your problem. Distilling the work of thousands of people collaborating together over the course of literal decades into a 'brand' just because it has some narrative and authorial connections to previous works isn't doing you any favours when you've had to degenerate to a 'no true scotsman' argument.

Comment Re:pretty much the opposite here (Score 1) 26

Yeah. BillDog has it right, the libertarians couldn't have given a toss about net neutrality.

All I've ever seen about it is Left-wingers saying we must have it. I've gathered that it's about getting government to interfere with the free market, by telling carriers that they can't charge more for premium levels of service.

Fuck me. It's not like slashdot has decades of articles and comments on this very issue which would help you not sound like such a tool.

Comcast Officially Gives Up On TWC Merger 112

An anonymous reader writes: Confirming speculation from yesterday, Comcast announced this morning that its attempt to merge with Time Warner Cable has been terminated. The announcement was very brief, but indicated that regulatory pressure was the reason they killed the deal. CEO Brian Roberts said, "Today, we move on. Of course, we would have liked to bring our great products to new cities, but we structured this deal so that if the government didn't agree, we could walk away." The Washington Post adds, "The move by regulators to throw up roadblocks shows that the government has grown concerned about massive media conglomerates bigfooting rivals that are finding success by streaming content over the Internet, analysts said. And after years of approving a wave of mergers in the industry — including that of Comcast and NBC Universal in 2011 — federal officials are taking a new tone, they said."

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 676

How about all them deleted emails?



If you can't get the citizenry outraged over the 9/11 fuckup what makes you think they'll even wake up for that nothingburger?

Monica Lewinsky?


...and this is why she'll be president, because her opponents are brain dead monkeys who can't actually criticize her where's she weak, just come up with useless bumfluff like parent did. Good job conservatives! You suck so hard, you can't even run decent oppo anymore.

Comment Re:Fun to watch (Score 1) 9

But how can you have faith in anything, if you're merely so many atoms/molecules strung together, and consciousness is just some lousy gag?

I love the smell of moral absolutism in the morning. Keep fucking that chicken.

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