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Comment Re:18B on 75B (Score 1) 534

Yeah, they've only outgrown the rest of the PC market for almost all quarters during the last couple of years. Total failure.

For a decade now we have heard that iPod this, iPhone that was going to enable Apple to win the PC industry. All it did was move their share from the low end of the historical range to just above to top end (again, depending what metric you use and who calculates it).

You are confusing the margins on the devices that Blackberry sells with the fact that they sell far to little to make a profit. Apple has those high margins because they sell so many. As for Microsoft, they sure as hell sell hardware, but either at low or negative margins.

No, it is you who are confused. The original poster was attempting to claim that others had higher gross margins, including Blackberry. In FY2012, Blackberry had gross margins of 35.7%. I guess it was too much trouble for you to do the math? As to MSFT - of 86B in revenues in 2014, only 11.6B was from hardware.

Comment Re:18B on 75B (Score 1) 534

Er... huh? "Apple's Gross Margin is 39.9% - Samsung's is 39.87." Both sell a lot of hardware, and in Samsung's case a lot of other random stuff.

As to the others, I refer you to:

  Those margins are not anything close to that stated in the original post. Microsoft is primarily a software comapny and has margins in line for that industry. As to Samsung, their margins are actually at the upper end of recent years.

As to Apple and software sales, what is the margin on Final Cut Pro (and think what it was when it cost more than $299) Logic Pro X @ 199? But in the end, those do not matter as without iPhone Apple is at best a third or fourth place computer maker with marketshare in the 5 to 10% range (historically).

Comment you like my new necklace? (Score 2) 86

Somehow I don't think a secure location is going to be too worried about this type of attack unless someone can show it working with an extremely small receiver which is also able to log the data for later use. Also note that even at the slow rate she was typing it still missed characters.

So while academically interesting, this seems to be something of very limited concern. Of course, if you see an antenna like that in the coffeeshop you might want to leave.

Comment Re:stop already (Score 1) 335

Why thank you for putting me in the tech industry after twenty in finance. But it is true, before I was in finance I was in "IT" for three years. And now I dabble in app development.

As to women plumbers - virtually any plumber is freakin rich. Have you hired one to do work (most often on the 'omfg get here an hour ago!' basis)? The point was that there are many career tracks available to women which can pay extremely well.

Unfortunately, people seem hell bent on seeing discrimination and other boogie men around every corner. Just as an FYI, when I was in IT, in that Arpanet only age, every boss I had was ... gasp... a woman! And I know this might really throw you for a loop. The next level up (VP that is) were also women.

Comment Re:But CERT Also Allows Variances (Score 1) 263

You really woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Crime? There is no obligation by any of these companies to you to repair or replace any of the flaws. You license (or buy outright) the software AS IS. That you may also buy some type of "service contract" that provides for periodic ugrades, updates and fixes does not in any way oblige the software producer to fix any one specific flaw.

You may not like that system and you can certainly chose to go open source... where btw, who is guilty of the "crime" when a flaw is not fixed for months or years?

Comment stop already (Score 1) 335

you know what? most stylists are women or gay men. Oh no, I'm being discriminated against! And women plumbers are totally under represented (though the ones who are doing it are freakin rich).

Perhaps its time to consider whether anyone has asked the question: do women really really want to work in IT? Or do they prefer other professions? Accounting? Sales? Something else?

Comment your needs and commitment level? (Score 1) 403

From the description "to migrate my homebrew router/firewall/samba server to one of the BSDs" it sounds like you need/want more than just a straight forward firewall. Based on that observation, I would go with FreeBSD. It has the largest install base, a great handbook, many online guides and a lot of helpful people on irc, etc.

If it were just the firewall alone you could make an argument for OpenBSD and while you can probably still do all the other stuff, you will probably be more frustrated when you run into problems. While I would like to recommend the red headed step child of NetBSD, been there, done that, only FreeBSD now.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
