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Comment Re:Cooking Stimulated Big Leap in Human Cognition (Score 1) 487

But cooking, by breaking down fibers and making nutrients more readily available, is a way of processing food outside the body. Eating (mostly) cooked meals would have lessened the energy needs of our digestion systems, thereby freeing up calories for our brains.

That is so cool. It makes me feel something like a sea cucumber, which extrudes its stomach and begins processing its meal outside its body. :)

Comment Re:Malnutrition (Score 1) 487

Hi, I was adding those books to my Amazon wishlist, and it looks like the authors of "Good Fat, Bad Fat" are William P. Castelli and Glen C. Griffin, 1997. "Why We Get Fat" was 2010, and an earlier book by Gary Taubes was "Good Calories, Bad Calories", from 2008. Just curious which earlier book you were referring to? (Not looking for points for pointing out an error, just looking to correct it -- and read the right references. :)

Comment Re:She's right (Score 1) 106

[...] but a widely respected policy like this should prevent draconian knee-jerk bullshit like shutting down social media sites just because a group of miscreants use them for illegal purposes.

Yeah, let's shut down the oxygen because some criminals are using it to breathe with. Let's cut off our noses, damned face!


Pay Less If You're a Nice Person: Valve's Freemium Model For DOTA 2 316

Canazza writes "In a podcast interview with Seven Day Cooldown, summarized by Develop, Valve Boss Gabe Newell discusses the payment model for upcoming strategy game DOTA 2. 'The issue that we're struggling with quite a bit is something I've kind of talked about before, which is: how do you properly value people's contributions to a community? ... An example is – and this is something as an industry we should be doing better – is charging customers based on how much fun they are to play with. ... “So, in practice, a really likable person in our community should get DOTA 2 for free, because of past behavior in Team Fortress 2. Now, a real jerk that annoys everyone, they can still play, but a game is full price and they have to pay an extra hundred dollars if they want voice.'"

Comment Re:Civics lesson on Judges for you (Score 1) 448

As it turns out we DO NOT vote for judges.

Exactly! In idle America, Judges vote for the singers.

I think however, SCI-FI authors *should* write about distopias

Of course but there needs to be balance.

I like to think of it in terms of the brain as a planning machine: it evaluates both positive and negative plans, and chooses accordingly. Thus, thinking about suicide is not a sign that you need therapy -- the sign is the thought, "that seems like a good idea" following a thought about ending it.

Which is something every parent should teach their children. I have an ultra-religious aunt who yelled at me to "stop playing my daughter that suicide music!" when I tried to introduce my cousin, who played flute, to the beautiful melodies in Jethro Tull's "Moths", which starts with the (innocent, I thought) lyrics "Oh the leaded window opened, to move the dancing candle flame, and the first moths of summer, suicidal came." It very neatly describes a pattern in nature, that of moths seeking light and being destroyed by their quest. This aunt also destroyed property, burning an audio tape that my sister had given her daughter. To me, this is horrific; she was terrorizing her child, instead of teaching her.

We should be prepared for all eventualities, or at least as many of them as we can adequately prepare for, given time and resources. Thinking about danger, and ways to mitigate the danger, seems like a good use of our societal time left to think. (Last four words from a They Might Be Giants song, "It's not My Birthday", "As I walk I think about a new way to walk, as I think I'm using up the time left to think.")

Comment Re:As this violates... (Score 1) 403

On the other hand, I can't think of a single reason why I wouldn't want the government to know how much money I have in the bank, unless it's coming from illegal activities. What could a deranged government do with that information? Make me pay taxes?

Government is made of people. People are corruptible. I would prefer not to allow corruptible people to have access to the size and scope of the assets of the citizens, as that tends to reduce the corruption. Sibling poster is accurate, in order to pay for the additional debt for next year we will need to dismantle basically everything -- and then we can't pay for the next year. See this Tony Robbins video regarding our debt.

Comment Re:CRTs? (Score 4, Funny) 424

The only advantages of LCDs are size, weight and power consumption - all of these are not primary features of a monitor, at least for me (the same way that I don't buy a car based solely on the fuel consumption, or a computer based on its power consumption and size - I look for performance and cost first).

The LCD advantage that I prefer? Not irradiating remaining eye.

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