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Comment Re:Congratulations are in order. (Score 1) 78

I thought that guy in the Guardian recently had his computer, with the rest of the files he had, apprehended by British security forces who promptly destroyed all the remaining evidence. Oh right there it is. They 'voluntarily' destroyed the hard drives in front of the security forces.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 78

Sadat I can sort of understand. He did sign the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (then got assassinated by someone who did not like it). The other guys (Peres, Arafat) signed the Oslo accords which might be horrible in several regards but at least they enshrined some sort of autonomy for the Palestinian Arabs. de Klerk released Mandela and allowed the ANC to run for elections. Kissinger... uh... perhaps the visit of Nixon to China and reopening that connection. I am not quite sure what he's supposed to have done.

Obama was total nonsense. Was it because they believed his campaign promises of withdrawing from Iraq, Afghanistan, and closing Guantanamo? They need to wait and see before they give it to someone next time.

Comment Re:It was a "joke" back then (Score 1) 276

The limiting factor was the size of a pocket. The form factor is the same calculators have used for yonks. Now, it may be that someone makes a smartwatch but do you have any reason to believe those will be more successful in the long term than calculator watches turned out to be?

Smartphones are general purpose computers in a portable format. I doubt they will be replaced or displaced any time soon. Personal computers did not totally replace mainframes either. They just have a larger market. In the case of a smartwatch the problems are how to conduct input and output given the small size. Aside from sci-fiesque projections of virtual displays into thin air what else can you do?

Comment Re:Ukraine's borders were changed by use of force (Score 1) 304

It is called Realpolitik. It was probably invented by Cardinal Richelieu who joined the Thirty Years War in Europe, of Protestants vs Catholics, by siding with the Protestants despite being a Catholic priest himself because he was not interested in the Spanish Habsburg Empire gaining dominion in Europe.

Comment Re:Ukraine's borders were changed by use of force (Score 1) 304

It caused the Cuban 'special economic period' too.

The USSR went bankrupt for all sorts of reasons. Expenses on the war on Afghanistan. Crumbling infrastructure including oil extraction and transportation. Supposedly their oil industry production collapsed just before the crisis happened. Besides the infrastructure they ran out of the easily accessible oil that used to fuel their planned economy. As a result the whole thing came tumbling down. The system was designed to run on cheap oil.

They did not have unfettered access to the worldwide markets either not a lot of goods they could sell to other countries besides weapons. That certainly did not help either.

So the move to thawing relations with the West had to happen regardless of it breaking up or not.

Comment Re:Ukraine's borders were changed by use of force (Score 1) 304

No state will ever give up land willingly. It is from that taxes are derived. You are naive if you think the only reason the South seceded from the Union was slavery. There was a lot more at stake than that. People tend to reduce issues to slogans or sum things up in simple sentences that do not explain the whole situation.

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