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Comment Re:Tell me I'm lyin' (Score 1) 480

So you either don't know the difference between kodomo, shounen, and seinen works or are just trolling.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes was done for a more mature audience than Star Wars that's for sure.

I guess seinen hentai anime with nudity and rape are for kids as well in your perspective.

Comment Re:Missing (Score 4, Interesting) 480

Plus Space Above and Beyond, Farscape, Lexx, Quantum Leap, etc.

There were more but I won't bother listing them. I know you guys have a limited length to the list but why THREE Star Trek series? Damned trekkies. ST: Voyager is a waste of space in the list.

Comment Re:The IRS could shut down??? (Score 1) 253

I always find talk like this laughable. Office supplies. So you pay a bazillion dollars for a worker but you cut on paper and pencil. Yeah like that will work well. Parties and conventions. Kind of doubt they have a lot of those at the IRS.

Plus this being the government it isn't easy for them to lay off anyone.

Basically what it means is that they will cut on on-site tax inspections. That usually works really well. Not.

Comment Re:Kinect (Score 1) 171

Nintendo managed to get into the causal gaming niche by selling cheap consoles with poorer hardware specs but making up for it with their own games specifically written for that hardware. If you want third party games a lot of them will be ports or cross-platform games and having worse hardware means your port will likely look like shit. The SNES was a bit of a fluke because the hardware specs were better than most of the competition at the time.

Today people have smartphones and soon a lot will have smart TVs with Android as well so this strategy simply does not work anymore.

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