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Comment Re:Dead end job (Score 1) 251

It may have worked out differently for you, but T1 where I was was all about call time, nothing else mattered. So long as no official complaint was lodged, hanging up on people was allowed (and unofficially condoned/supported). For most, it's a dead end.

Comment Re:I am tin foil, fine. (Score 2) 299

More realistically, based on government bad acts, this would get the most use when someone needs to be "taken out" by the government. The government would plant child porn on their phone and arrest them. Political crimes are prosecuted in the US, we just say they aren't, and use one of the three felonies a day to prosecute political criminals. Get someone in prison, even for a day, and they will be ruined for life (discredited, unable to get any more jobs, etc.), and you can always blame them for an inmate death, and keep them there indefinitely, even if they went in for a non-violent felony, they can spend their whole lives there, if the government wanted.

Comment Re:This is ridiculous. (Score 1) 146

General warrants are unconstitutional, and yet somehow, magically, it's okay to molest everyone at airports without even so much as a warrant or suspicion? Yeah, right.

They aren't searching people for criminal reasons. You aren't under suspicion of a crime, and nothing found will be used to investigate that crime. Theoretically, if they found evidence of smuggling, they are required to pass you through security unmolested (provided you meet all the other requirements). It's for that reason that they are "legal".

I'm talking about people 'consenting' to the search. TSA apologists sometimes make the argument that you implicitly consent to waiving your constitutional rights by trying to get on a plane when you know the TSA is going to try to search you.

You aren't implicitly consenting by getting in a plane I've flown a number of times with no search at all. You are explicitly complying when you walk past the "you will be searched if you pass this sign" sign. That isn't implicitly waiving a constitutional right. That's explicitly doing it.

Comment Re:Bricking or Tracking? (Score 1) 299

The Government did not invent roads. Roads existed long before the Government made them, in fact most towns and cities had roads without a Government mandating and taxing people for using and building them.

Roads were either on government land or private land. If government, then they were unimproved trails used as roads. If over private, they ended up being toll roads.

The need to move wasn't a government idea. People moved long before roads existed. Roads just improved movement. The first ones were "government" as in small upgrades to natural trails to help people move.

Comment Re:Why such paranoia ? (Score 2) 299

They have to know the names of everyone whose phones they want to turn off. They don't have it. Also, this would work once. After that, everyone in such a situation would put their phone in airplane mode when they thing The Man might be out for them, and turn on Wifi to upload the video with no risk of bricking.

It's easier to just shoot everyone holding a phone and claim it looked like a gun.

Comment Re:Why such paranoia ? (Score 1) 299

But it's not an en masse tool. How do you wipe a crowd's phones when the code needs to be transmitted by the carrier to a specific phone, identified by account number (derivable by name)? They'd need to shut down the tower, and physically round up the people to stop them. And the phones are immune to bricking if you put them in airplane mode and turn on wifi. You can still connect to the cloud, and upload videos, but the kill code needs to go over the cell network, so they can't kill it.

Also, this means that the stolen phones can be used as a small tablet without being locked out.

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