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Comment Re:Easy way out for Uber (Score 1) 193

What's wrong with where you live? Over here in Germany the vast majority of taxis are well-maintained, clean Mercedes. They nearly all have full leather interior, electric everything, and run like a charm. Even the non-Mercedes taxis are clean and run well. Maybe fix your messed-up taxis and Uber wouldn't be necessary :)

Comment Re:Taxi company (Score 1) 193

I'm absolutely no fan of Uber, but let's not play this game. They did bring something considerably different to the market - the ability to track reviews of specific users, and with it the ability to jettison anyone who didn't behave in accordance with their desires. It also encompasses many different geographical regions under one umbrella, as opposed to the frequently-disparate online offerings before.

There is enough rope to hang Uber without having to make stuff up ;)

Comment Re:I'm a little troubled... (Score 1) 231

You are showing your ignorance again. You are assuming it costs the same to restore a space suit as it does an oil painting, then running on from there. No wonder you come to such fucked-up conclusions when you confuse "something you pulled out of your ass" with "reality". It explains so much of the drivel you've shat on this thread. Wow.

Hint: People have been restoring oil paintings for hundreds of years, the mechanics and materials involved are well known, and art restoration is a thriving industry, with people being trained in it working around the world. You fucking idiot.

Comment Re:$805M budget (Score 1) 231

Nonsense. It's pathetic, baseless ass-delving like that which will ensure the US will hemorrhage money on its healthcare for generations to come. The US is not doing fine with regards to healthcare. It spends far too much and achieves far too little. You can argue about inner-city demographics skewing things, but that doesn't make as much of a difference as you seem to think it does. Of course anything called "socialist" is bad to you (except the socialised programs you happen to approve of - cognitive dissonance!), so you will rail against your own interests under the misguided notion you are fighting for the side of good.

You are arguing against the entirety of studies performed on the state of the US healthcare system. But I'm sure you know better, right?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 3, Interesting) 248

The famous Chase study estimated that every $1 spent on the Apollo-era space program returned $7 to the economy. Manned space-flight has historically had decent returns, especially if it is in order to achieve something. Floating around the Earth, not so much, but still pretty good.

The Moon is a great place to practice going to Mars, as it has no atmosphere, is close, offers great scientific benefits, and can help further space programs (including to Mars).

You might not know as much about this as you seem to think you do... I don't know much about this at all, and even I can see you're out of your depth!

Comment Re:already late (Score 3, Insightful) 248

Just because you have not heard of the animals some groups are attempting to save does not mean you shouldn't care about it. That is pathetic reasoning, and assumes one's knowledge is perfect. Ecosystems are important to us, as we rely on them for pretty much everything, even if it's not immediately obvious. Ecosystems are made up of relationships between sometimes-fragile populations of animals, and an imbalance in one can cause massive repercussions in others, leading to all sorts of problems you should already be aware of if you want to criticize this field. You might be upset in funding a few million here and there to protect various biotopes or species, but I'm sure you'd be even more upset to spend much more on managing the ecology because the animals that did it for free were not known to ganjadude, and so were eradicated by apathy.

"It's wrong" - no, it's well understood and financially sound.

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