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Comment Re:No plans to sell any information? Huh? (Score 1) 144

infringements issued on the basis that your car passed a red light: no camera deployments required and no defence.

GPS isn't accurate enough for that... otherwise we wouldn't be going to the expense of building a wide area augmentation system to provide good enough GPS for Cat I autolanding...

Comment Re:How did they prove intent? (Score 1) 670

the law as written has "intent of using it to conceal drugs for trafficking.". That's what they have to prove intent of... so even if I had installed a secret compartment in my car, they would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was made with the intent of using it to conceal drugs for trafficking.

Mine is for concealling high value items when on the road. Damn sight safer than hotel rooms or schlepping it around with me.

Comment Re:HTTPS on Slashdot (Score 1) 335

I drive past 6, yes 6 fscking ANPR cameras every day. All set up by our wonderful police as a crime fighting measure to cut down on organised crime and to give the crims nowhere to hide. Doesn't fscking work, the crims use stolen cars or cloned number plates for a job.

Meanwhile, there's a massive amount of data available for trawling on any numberplate that comes to their attention. Security services want to know where you've been? Easy, they just do a search against your plate... Apparently retention of data has been justified by them having "solved" murders by examining the movements of the suspect to bust their alibi...

C.U.N.T.S... the powers that be that is...

Comment Re:Simple... (Score 1) 187

even better, mandate a standard size and power interface so anybody can produce an infotainment system to put in the space like they have been doing with car radio/cassettes for decades... you'll note that the aftermarket caters for car radio/cd players that are a simple drop in replacement...

Comment Re:Americans doing the right thing (Score 0) 999

they still won't cut money and arms to Israel and military adventures that only benefit Israel... all that money being wasted rampant military spending and wars in the Mid East and just who benefits? Certainly not your fellow Americans, just the one percent of the one percenters and their Israeli handlers.

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