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Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 2) 65

I don't know about you, but I would rather have the USA, despite all of its faults (and we have many), in control of these things instead of countries like Iran or North Korea.

Are those our only choices?

Until it became the world's shopping mall, governance of the Internet was rather simple.

At this point, I'd be content to see the Internet blown up completely and something else take its place. It's been too badly corrupted to ever deliver on any of the promise it had when it first became open to the general public.

The first day commerce was conducted on the Internet was the day it started to die. What we see now is a corpse reanimated by the needs of oppressive governments, telcos and huge, mostly evil corporations. It will never get better. There's no fixing it once the money-grubbers and rent-seekers and government upskirters took control.

Comment Re:Here's the problem (Score 1) 180

Snails (escargo) suffer from the same problem.

Oh man, I can eat me a mess of snails. My grandma used to make them in garlic and butter, called, "Babaluci" (pronounced, "babalooch"). You'd get a big dish of these little things and a pin to pull out the mean. I would eat them until I got dizzy.

I'm actually drooling a little bit right now thinking about my grandma's babaluci Palermo.

Also, "babalooch" is a Sicilian nickname for a really slow-moving lazy guy.

Comment Re:Here's the problem (Score 1) 180

Oh man, catfish is terrific if prepared well. We had a thing here in Chicago where several top chefs were invited to prepare Asian Carp (because Lake Michigan and the rivers around here are full of 'em). Completely by accident, my wife and I happened upon this little competition/PR event, and got to taste some. Whew. The biggest challenge for the chefs was to cover their nasty smell, which doesn't go away when cooked.

I've eaten all sorts of "garbage" fish, including smelt, caught fresh from Lake Michigan and fried on the spot in beer batter. Taste great.

Man, you don't ever want to be in a position where you have to eat an Asian Carp.

Plus, I understand that they have been jumping out of the water and attacking boaters. And they're ugly. These are some effed-up fish.

Comment Here's the problem (Score 2, Funny) 180

The Asian Carp tastes like shit. It's a greasy, nasty-tasting meat with a mushy texture. Maybe if you put enough breading and spices and deep fry it long enough, you might be able to turn it into a mystery meat and pass it off to someone starving.

It sounds like a great idea, but no. Maybe it could be ground up and fed to cats or used as fertilizer. It would be preferable to then bread and deep fry the cat and eat that then to eat an Asian Carp.

And before you tell me that they eat Asian Carp in some god-forsaken hell-hole on the other side in the world, I would also remind you that the same thing could be said about the cat.

Comment Re:Some people are too stupid (Score 0) 131

. It's the neckbeards with the Cheetos-stained fingers that are unsucessful at breeding.

Yeah, well someday, there are going to be millions of mutant Kleenex rising up to be our overlords.

(I don't know, something about all the DNA put there by geeks, you know? So go make up your own goddamn jokes.)

Comment Re:Says who? (Score 1) 131

Looks like they've merely added that "tag" for all URLs from the Onion.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of sites who are trying to be like the Onion, but with bad intentions and an ugly agenda. And no talent for satire, which is a problem when you're trying to create a satire site. (e.g., "Guns'N'Butter" and "The People's Cube"). And as we well know, there are people stupid enough to believe whatever they see on the Internet.

(*Never mind about Guns'N'Butter. It looks like they went off the air for sucking too much. They were sort of like the Vox Day of Onion impersonators.)

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
