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Journal Journal: More "mandatory" healthcare blunders... 3

What is it with these people. Hillary, Obama and Edwards are running on "mandating government insurance for all".

Mandatory UnHealthy Care 2.0

I guess in a 50.1% majority world, it matters not what the individual prefers. It doesn't matter if I want my own doctor, or prefer one, or know one, I have to do (at gunpoint no less) whatever the Fearless Leader tells me to?

What are they going to to, arrest those of us who refuse to either PAY FOR, or BUY INTO their programs? What if I prefer a different health care / prevention routine than the industrial abattoir of licensed medics?

After all, I avoid doctors now, because for every preventable or naturally occurring issue, they come up with "lets get you started on [X drug]". Rarely do they say, "lets see how we can keep this from happening again... what do you eat, what do you drink, what kind of exercise do you practice and how often?" Nope, its always, "start taking this, if it works okay, I won't prescribe 3 more expensive drugs for something that goes away by itself." Hell, we have FLU VACCINES?!?!? Nobody I have known in my life has died of the flu. Not here, not at work, not in my childhood, not anywhere, and everyone got the flu almost every year. We ate EGGS as kids, we drank natural egg nogg, and nobody died of miracle flu, or avian flu, or other disease... why? Because we grew our OWN chickens, not industrial grown chickens... we knew where our food came from... not because there was an approval label on it, but because we grew it.

Whenever the government gets involved in anything, all they do is complicate it, take a cut of the "protection money racket" (read:taxes) and eventually result in even WORSE tyranny than some misguided out for profit scumbag whom the market (had it ever been left to its own devices) might have crushed utterly. For example, if the local big box mart wasn't protected by government thugs and government protocols, the locals, if enough felt threatened might well burn it down or force it to close its doors. But instead, the government decided what is "good for everyone". Doesn't matter if the government had to steal my land to build the big box mart... the law said they could and it was for the good of everyone that they did it.

There is a quote that will again be ignored as the election season ramps up.

"Necessity is the creed of slaves, it is the argument of tyrants.

I smell further collectivization of America, but I doubt there will be any "prosperity", other than perhaps the few well fed "sample citizens" that will be touted in front of the cameras.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Socialist "Justice" in Oregon. (Month old article.) 1

Check this out if you wish to see how the socialists handle actual horseplay. I wonder what else will be "devastating to the psyche" (besides the "justice" system itself).

Incorruptible system hard at work... treats all equally... (with contempt that is).

User Journal

Journal Journal: About this NWO business. 11

I've been thinking. Everyone left and right has heard of the New World Order, the Security and Prosperity Partnership (NAFTA 2.0 or the North American Community) and various other things.

Sure, the idea sounds the death knell of the Republic.

Frankly, I think the death knell of the Republic sounded back in 1913, and what has transpired before that was the "prep" what has transpired since is the "mop up". In my opinion, the Republic is on a stretcher, with a mortician covering up its face with a big black bag.

Many will say "the Illuminati have killed our Republic!!"

I disagree. I feel that it was the ordinary rank and file Americans, who did not push back when the government first began to carry out tyrannies (about 1792 was the first big year of criminal conduct by then president Washington, and it hasn't ended since).

It was the compliance that was made to seem that it was "mandatory" or "required", yet few Americans today did what Americans in 1774 were notorious for. Reading LAW. English law dictionaries sold MORE copies in the American Colonies than they did in England.

When you pay attention to what is done, you have enough people, even if it is the 5% minority, who have the wealth, the willpower and the desire to simply say "NO".

I am not going to say I know what will happen. If I did, my life would probably be tasteless, boring and devoid of any enjoyment.

Instead, I will say that I view the next 10 years or so with great interest. There is a chance that people the world over might just stand up for themselves, say "NO" and refuse to be on someone else's leash anymore.

Of course it is more likely that they will continue to value their comfort more than either happiness or any semblance of freedom, and will continue to allow others to dictate their choices. This is fine, as it is only the removal of comfort that forces the modern human to ponder what he has exchanged for the transitory pretense of safety. None of us have safety, because there is no chance we can truly control the Chaos of this world. This place is Chaos born, and despite the veneer of order we place upon it, things constantly change, not always along a predictable axis. This is because Chaos can be adapted to, but never truly mastered.

Our desire for safety and Order, is what has been used against us each and every time someone has argued from the vantage point of "safety" or "security", yet each time they were selling a bill of goods, but kept the goods. Every "good intentioned" ruler has imposed a system they believed would lead to safety, and security, and it may well have. The problem is that happiness is on the exact opposite of that scale. Being happy and fulfilled requires us to step outside the comfort zone and learn more about ourselves. Remaining in a shell, never taking a chance, and always cowering in the shadows is exactly what has allowed the masters of past ages to feed upon the poor and oppressed. The poor and oppressed saw their predicament and accepted it. It was a small price to pay for predictability, and "safety". In one word, they traded happiness for safety.

In the end, they found neither. Perhaps it is time to ponder a paradigm shift, not towards more and more control, but towards less control. Less control over others, and more over ourselves. I understand it is a radical system that actually involves pondering one's actions and the natural and artificial consequences of one's actions. But I believe in the long run it may prove more fun for all involved. It is either that or monotony, boredom, eternal safety, with none of the spark. I understand that safety sells. But much like masturbation, it may suffice and be very safe for an inexperienced teenager but will never be as good as sex with a talented and interested partner.

Much like the search for the "perfect" partner, those seeking safety have been "educated" in government schools that have had it in their best interests to crush dissent and unpopular opinions. Instead of seeking that which made life worth living, they sought that which made life monotonous, predictable, and turned life from something interesting, into the mere wait for death. Far too many people today live a cyclical bore, waiting for only one thing, that which they fear, yet the only thing they look forward to. Death. And the only reason they are not aware of it, is because they are too caught up in the entire boredom of it all.

So few nowadays actually look up at the stars. Or even bother to smell the flowers (it they even keep any). There are many things to do, yet we live in boxed sets, awaiting only the next videogame, or the next movie, or perhaps the next picnic. Always the same things, safe, boxed and ready made for consumption. Perfectly safe.

I stepped outside of that box years ago, even if it has been a tougher journey. It has made me more discriminating in those I associate with, as coworkers, as friends, as lovers. I chose not to associate merely with "anyone" but with those whom I felt lived life also. And I have not been alone for it, because I have found others on the same path. Many have been called eccentric, some rich, some broke, none were ever "poor", though a bit unusual, or even crazy. "Poor" is a mindset, it is a defeated mindset, and it is highly contagious. But if having less people around me, but of a different quality is the price to pay to LIVE life, instead of merely existing. Then that price has indeed been a small one.

** My posts will once more decrease in frequency, as I have discovered what I came here to understand. Thank you all. I wish you fortune in your endeavors, and perhaps we'll meet somewhere down the road. **

User Journal

Journal Journal: A quiz every Westerner should take. 3

Is your economic outlook Austrian?

25 questions. Requires some introspection. There is a 10 question shortie and its also available in Spanish. Should bring a lot into perspective. There is no pass fail. It simply gauges your outlook and what kinds of "economies" you favor.

NOTE: only submit your email address if you wish to have the results emailed to you.

United States

Journal Journal: Is it time for government to retire from the defense arena? 1

Here's one with a refreshing take on how the market could handle many things that governments do not handle effectively or efficiently at all, either in the West, or in the East or anywhere else in this day and age.

Since the options ahead of us are the furthering of tyranny either into a Borg like society where all are monitored by a central computer entity or cluster that makes all decisions for the drones, or the continuation and possible merging of today's milquetoast tyrannies of the west and outright iron fist tyrannies of the east, perhaps it is time to inject a concept that has fueled the black markets for centuries as the only true alternatives to working to pay the king's ransom each time the king's men demand it.

Article from Ludwig VonMises Institute on private defense handled by a true free market, such as rarely surfaces even in modern America.

For further reading I recommend this article also on the same site.

Disclaimer: I have no ties to any defense contractors, or private government contractors, I run my own business in the eastern USA contracting in small shop info tech and construction and personally choose my clients. However, I stand by my principles and take no government money or handouts and do no government work whatsoever by choice.

User Journal

Journal Journal: As I see it, this has to be said. 16

Definitions and clarification of certain terms will be placed at the bottom to preserve the readability of this paper.

I've watched the great 'left vs right' battle and it amuses me because it really is more like Professional Wrestling... part steroidally enhanced behemoths, raising frenzied applause and cheers from the crowd, part make believe hand to hand combat, part concert atmosphere, part scripted storylines, part eye candy and mostly misdirection, Houdini style.

The top of the chart has been removed altogether, there is very little talk of Authoritarian vs Libertarian (or Anarchy (which for those who study etymologies, comes from the greek word, meaning NO RULER)) there is only Left Authoritarian vs Right Authoritarian. With the "authoritarian" removed as it is a common denominator between every right and left government movement out there. Government, by its growth involves the crushing of any freedom or liberty out there.

I see this on slashdot, I see this everywhere, even in the so called "land of the free, home of the brave". I guess it takes a lot of bravery to exercise the freedom to shout slogans of someone else's making, and to worship victim cultures. Many who are "victims" today or "descendants of slaves" don't realize that those debts were paid back in blood, in fact they were overpaid.

I even see this out west, where "freedom" was supposed to shine (USA and Canada's western regions alike). But it didn't. Because the land was "tamed" by the "right" and "center" "libertarians" fleeing the "authoritarian" East Coast, and building homes on the land going westward (lower case L), when it was tough, forming relatively peaceful coexistence with the natives (for the most part). It was not to be, as they were closely followed by the "right authoritarians" (who came with the usual genocidal mindsets attributed to modern "right wingers" who are truly "right authoritarians") who settled into positions of power of the government's creation as soon as it got easier to live out there (mostly by the efforts of the natives and the liberty lovers), who then built "power structures" (Def 1) and the rest is history, the collectivists ("left authoritarians") moved in, ensuring collective shared loss of so called "capital" (whether human, environmental and resource).

In fact, since ancient history, this process has consistently repeated itself wherever people made a move for freedom. The only way to preserve freedom would have been for them to ally themselves with the local natives and form guerrilla resistance or auxiliary citizen militia units and trained constantly in their spare "baseball" time to keep the east coast power structure OUT... something they did not, and we are still paying for it today.

Today, by my studies, the option of "guerrilla resistance" is pretty much out, when every societal unit is infested by easy going socialists who vote for their income and profits, and who want to govern others through their votes, when they recognize that they are unworthy of governing their own selves, and when the weapons have evolved to the point where guerrilla resistance is no longer a "viable" option, except for the misguided suicidal youth, as all who studied warfare through history know that NO resistance movement, with the exception of (possibly) Haiti, has ever won their freedom without outside help. And even after winning freedom, most places, like the 13 colonies and later the French Colony of Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, North/South Vietnam), gave it up willingly to their next set of tyrants, under the guise of "freeing *We The People*"... Haiti was later suppressed and has not recovered yet.

This brings me back to today's mindsets. Many of the slashdotters (not all) I've read from and conversed with, online and offline, share a fear of "losing their rights" especially the vaunted "right of free speech". However, a small but vociferous group also seems to harbor the desire to control society for the usually acclaimed "benefit of everyone". I have lived in such societies, and even when the "benefit everyone" mindsets were prevalent, "benefit everyone" meant "the way I want it to be done". And of course, nobody ever mentions the problem of "share everything" which is, of course, rationing... where I have lived in the past, there was "enough for everyone", except when the proponents of the scam found out that they'd have to eat less, drink less, own less, control less and soon enough breathe less (if the Clintonite carbon tax goes into play in its full glory)...

I must ask, is it possible that every slashdotter, and in fact every SUBJECT (Def 2) of a modern monarchy (Def 3) thinks he or she is free, but only because the national media says so to them, and because everything from religion to atheism (a religion also by many opinions) teaches slavish obedience to a central authority figure, whether it be the screaming demagogue or preacher at the pulpit, or the crown wearing popes or bishops in the golden palatial structures known as churches or mosques. Why teach slavish obedience when claiming that "freedom" is the desired outcome?

Every group of people who is afraid of losing their "rights" screams for the Constitution or the Magna Carta, or for their various Bibles and Torahs and Q'urans or whatnot. They always ask outside entities to "protect" their freedoms. How can anyone, especially "geeks" to whom "logic" is supposed to be a "natural ability" fail to see that asking someone else for any "right" or "freedom" means that you by the nature of your request, make that entity a "grantor" of you rights, and as all religionists know "what God giveth, God taketh". Rights are rights because they are yours alone, and if you surrender them by asking for permission, you've already violated the nature of those rights by turning them into "permits". When a permit is required for an action to be "allowed", you have already claimed the status of property, YOU are now that entity's property... a slave, if that is the victim status you desire. As a great religionist once told me "it is not the fool that asks, it is the fool that gives"... and that is exactly what every man who wants Congress, the President, the Police, the Judiciary or any other entity to "protect" or "guarantee" their rights. Until you yourself acknowledge you HAVE rights, you will clamor for slavery, even if unknowingly, every time you demand that someone "vote for freedom" or "vote for civil rights" or whatever scam you're buying into. You can "get a permit" and then march all day long, but until you choose to live free (try holding a march without a permit and see how many "supporters" show up at that point)... you are still asking for permission, and willingly granting jurisdiction of your rights to those from whom you request permission. When you choose to do something, ask, "whom will this hurt"... if you cannot come up with a single INDIVIDUAL, saying "society at large" is mere cowardice. Only when you might hurt that individual, should you ask permission... otherwise since your action has no victims and you're not directly aggressing against a group (you're not putting poison into the water are you?) there is no reason to ask permission.

Why, must I now ask, clamor for slavery, when this has been the status of the world, and the only entities that have ever approached any kind of freedom were rovers, woodsmen, rogues, privateers and mountain men? Why then were such individuals demonized by the "mainstream" of every age as "pirates", "bandits", "loners", "hermits". Why were they accused of ridiculous "crimes" such as "flying false colors" (their own flag as sovereign individuals) or "impersonating" some official or other and other such terms, when all they were doing was living their lives as they chose without flying the colors of various corporate interests, known as nations "under the Crown" (of whatever potentate, whom was never identified in any proceedings, only referred to by the incorporated title of "the Crown", thus removing the liability of any wrongdoing from that individual and passing it onto the anonymous title of "the Crown"). Why is "flying your own flag" or "living your life as you see fit" given fearful meanings by everything from media to religion and government, when those men who were accused of "piracy" and "brigandry" in one court very often operated with full sanction of their respective governments (thus technically making them deputized groups?) In fact, those questioning my comments in this paragraph may look up the origins of modern "piracy" of the last 200 years or so in the Lettres du Marque of France and their English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese counterpart documents. England also employed corsair ships as did Spain for the same purposes in some very famous encounters/naval battles.

Back to our story and my observations about our "free society"... I believe this entire "paradigm" we live in is one we've created by choice out of our acquiescence to our own fears, fear of defeat, fear of lack, fear of death, fear of deceit, fear of loss, fear of God, fear of living our lives, fear of damn well everything. Even the lack of ability (as some see it) to acknowledge this fear, IS based on fear, whether fear of being "caught in the wrong" or fear of "being lesser" or fear of speaking the truth... or any other fear I've missed. The "masters" (name them what you will) have done nothing without the collective consensus behind them, they are guilty of nothing more than manipulation, but the masses, the "people" are guilty of playing along and putting their fingers into their ears every time someone utters anything close to resembling the truth. Again, the lack of ability of the people to say "yes, it is my fault for participating, and because of that I will stop my participation as of this very moment", is the reason why this thing keeps going. Every time a problem occurs, the fear of trying something new (living on your own two feet and by your own two hands and mind, instead of by the force of tyrants you pretend to "elect" or "serve") is the reason that no matter who or WHAT is in charge, nothing ever changes, and nothing ever has because the wrong person is "in charge" and would be in charge even if "an incorruptible master (a computer acting on binary if then else decision trees, choosing the best course for the individual and society)" oxymoronic? "who acts like an advisor" (a definition of action rendered oxymoronic by the following section) "were to give permission for freedom to do good, and declare criminal anything not so permitted"... (this concept was paraphrased from my discussions with Marxist Hacker 42 of Slashdot fame, and he is not alone in "let the computer decide").

Sacrificing the individual's freedom on the altar of the many is no different than the individual sacrificing someone on his own altar for his own desires. The difference is only that the individual acts of his own accord, with his own consequences being acceptable to him or her (Def 4), whereas those acting under the cover of "bureaucracy" or "the law says so" are merely cowards externalizing the consequences of their actions upon another entity altogether (Def 5)...

To all of these men and women, the only common denominator is the fear of the consequences and the externalization thereof. Are you among those? Or will you choose to live free without having to beg for your rights from an external entity that pretends it will serve you, or society, or anything other than itself?


(1)"Power Structures" are also known as states/counties/cities/villages/communes/communities.
(2)Those who accept or desire to be ruled by other entities, or men or even machines.
(3)Modern Monarchy refers to rulership through guile, by the few or one entity (entities) known as "democracy" "free nation" "socialist or democratic republic" "communist republic" or any name I've missed that refers to a group of many trying to assert rule over the few, or of few trying to assert rule over the many, both situations still refer to tyranny, modernized to be acceptable to a populous that now enslaves itself at the behest of near or faraway masters they are lead to believe are of their own choosing.
(4)Examples: bandits, pirates, rogues, acted knowing that their actions would result in consequences sooner or later, when the victims, not the so called "opposing" "authorities" would take action and clean house.
(5)Examples: socialists, corporatists, religionists, communists, tyrants, cops, soldiers of every nation, prison camp wardens and guards, gun control advocates (also known as rape and crime submission advocates), satanists who "see the light", etc.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Soak the Rich, eh? It happened once before... and ... heh: 4

Democrats running on Soak the Rich platform again? When are you "liberals" going to learn? Every time you vote for more socialism and welfare, you end up stealing from your kids, the rich that you envy and fear contesting with, have already secured THEIR profits, and they've got their eyes on YOUR wages. I know this, because it happened at least ONCE before, on a grandiose scale.

Heh, I wasn't there, but the headlines before the 1913 Federal Reserve and 1914-1916 Federal Income Tax Act, which later came to be known as the 16th, (unratified) ammendment.

It was sold to the public (who at the time was sick of bankers and super rich manipulators of the "free market") as the silver bullet to Soak the Rich of their wealth via a Lenin/Marxist "progressive income tax" only for those with over 4000 USD incomes (in 1914, 4000 USD was roughly 150 thousand of 1990 dollars and 200 thousand of today's dollars, as a point of interest).

Irony of course is that all those people that were going to "lose their robber baron shirts" setup bulletproof trusts, and then had congress change the rules for such trusts and foundations, only a few years later.

You might remember some of the last names, Carnegie, Mellon, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Schiff, Morgan, Chase, Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb, lots of them.

By the time others, like Henry Ford caught on and set up theirs, it was already hard, and people like you and me, had already been shut out of that loop.

Be very careful what you vote for, because each time you "vote largesse for yourself from the public treasury", you only end up helping someone else to your hard earned property. They will always find a way to loot your pockets, under the pretext of helping you loot theirs.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Elections and voting and questions not asked in 00, 04 & 06: 1

Why was Clinton so hated by the country people who voted for anyone but his side?
Why did Kerry throw the fight in 04?
Why were sudden school shootings right before the 06 elections?
Why did they stop?
Why was there no mention of the good sides of the crime in DC (i.e. the regular beat cops are suggesting the rescinding of the DC gun ban, to let criminals face a rearmed populace (it'll likely be a blood bath with criminals learning that while cops have to figure out who the bad guy is, the victims rarely have difficulty knowing who to take down when they are assaulted. The [edit] chiefs of police and rulers of DC [/edit] are against it, but they're politicians, and if the gun ban went away, there would be less for them to campaign for. The citizenry that isn't brainwashed is certainly sick of all this crap.) [edit] Actually, the citizenry that isn't brainwashed is not only sick of this crap, but they've moved out of the general DC area, much like I did. [/edit]


Journal Journal: How interesting that this movie didn't make headline news...

This is something for you geeks to read up on besides "The Creature From Jekyll Island" (which is a documented and thorough research of the "Federal" Reserve Central Banking System.)

America Freedom to Fascism

Or get it from their site if you prefer DVD (Google prevents download of this movie and keeps resetting its "views" counters and forcing it to stay at the bottom of the dogpile.)

I have even done the research for you, now just go watch and read.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Well, here's my political bend, if you're interested. 2

Constitution Party

Best part is that while I'm not nearly as religious as some of the individuals that comprise said party, at the very least they are trying to return control of US citizens' lives to themselves, instead of to the overburgeoning bureaucracy that resembles my homeland on the Former Soviet Bloc, than to the United States of America that were once their own sovereign nation/states united as a federation/republic, but still retaining their states' rights (which was abolished by the lovely 14th ammendment) (do recall that the Constitution(as well as the Declaration of Independence) both reserve the right of the people to abolish or alter the government).

Wiretaps, draconian gestapo departments of fatherland/homeland protection, dictatorial unitary executive decisions, massacres of people after thorough defamation in media (Kevin Mitnick's plight under Clinton, slaughter of Branch Davidians, current administration's torture camps destroying american citizens lives and then "discovering" that they truly aren't terrorists, but rescinding their citizenship makes them unable to "petition government for redress of grievances" (First Ammendment/Bill Of Rights). Not to mention that torturing American Citizens violates the 8th ammendment (cruel/unusual punishments) and the 9th ammendment (any other natural rights of a free man shall not be inflicted upon by legislature because of omission in original Constitution).

Last of all, I had a previous argument with a fellow here, about the 14th ammendment not hijacking the nation, despite the fact that our government has turned into a nanny state ever since then, with "departments" and "bureaus" and "agencies" sprouting up all over the place to fleece the people of their hard earned wealth. Perhaps when reading up on the 14th ammendment, one should contrast it with the 10th ammendment, Powers of the States and People... it prevents the Federal Government from usurping more power to itself from states or people by redefining the process by which the Federal or State governments are to operate. In fact, as the United States is a Union of a number of states that had previously won their independence from a tyrannical parent nation, the right to rebel against a new tyrannical government would've been preserved, not denied. The founding fathers knew this, but sadly they were no longer alive to see their brainchild gutted by Abe Lincoln's legislators.

But then again, as the Amendment XVIII - Liquor Abolished tells us, our "legislators" and "law makers" do just that, CONSTANTLY make laws, instead of discussing what course we should take, they keep wasting paper, ink and our money to constantly usurp more power from the people.

Either way, I've abandoned the old two parties because they're both a big joke, a big lure, and nowadays, they only serve to split up the people of this country and make puppets of us. I've left those losers, perhaps you should too:

Constitution Party, Find your state representatives

I understand this story probably will not post on this particular message board, but I hope at least my journal readers will give it a read and check out the site attached.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Womens rights, PC crap, and my views in general.

I feel sorry for the women's rights movements. All they managed to do was enslave women to the workplace as well. Now you all can die of an equal or greater heart attack and cancer rate, suicide rates are up, and overall you've gained what you wanted. Equal rights. Perhaps you should have campaigned for EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FIRST... After all, your votes no longer matter. And perhaps, instead of campaigning and shouting liberally at the tops of yer lungs, ye should've read yer Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, Locke, etc.

Ye've had many thinkers who paved the road for free thinkers to know what they need to change the world.

What they forgot to mention is that Self Respect, Free Thought, Independence and Self Reliance are not the same things as Political Correctness and Self Esteem. Given a choice, I've abandoned those (PC and SE). Too many panzies acting as fathers, and too many fatherless or motherless sons and daughters these days. While I"m sure it presents a self esteem picture "I'm doing the best I can and showing my child independence" ask yourself this.

How? By going to the workplace, missing his or her best days and hours, and punching a clock like an inmate doing his or her labor detail daily? For what? A pittance of cash? Bah. For a few meager physical gains? Truly we have lost our way and become mired in greed.

But it has always been the case. The revolutionaries were few and far between, even our vaunted founding fathers and their revolutionary buddies were a scant 5% of the colonial populace, and maybe 10 to 15% of the rest were supportive...

The good path isn't always easy to tread. And I mean not to be too harsh, I mean simply that an example is provided to one's children by one's actions in the workplace/businessplace not just at home and PTA meetings. My father was and is a business owner and a restless man who can't sit still for 5 minutes. For a long time I hated him, I wanted nothing more than a job, where I would take orders and be lazy. And now, YEARS later, he's old and I'm taking up the torch, and I can feel no greater pride in him and my mother, since they both fought hard, were often self employed and worked their arses off. But at least they were free to dictate the pace of their lives. That inspired me more than all the speeches and all the rhetoric, all the sermons and all the schoolbooks. They were the generals of the last war, now they are passing the torch on to us, and for better or worse, lets make a world our children can live and contest in, to grow lean and strong, not fat and lazy. (I should know, I've battled overweight issues for years, but I won, without meds and without heavy diets, lots of gym time, lots of road time.)

I'm not preaching, I'm bitching. Whoever listens, feel free.

And no, I'm neither sexist, nor feminist, neither am I a misogynist. I love women. I just wish you would all remember what made you so wonderful. Hint: YOU ARE NOT MEN, STOP TRYING TO BE. We men are bad enough in large enough numbers, perhaps you should not try to become so much like us. And do try to separate the roles of father and mother. Kids need both a healer and a drill sergeant. Without either, they grow up weak and complacent, and end up serfs.

You want to raise citizens (read Thomas Jefferson for a GOOD definition, also read the bill of rights) not serfs. Yet many today raise serfs, not men, not women, not citizens. Just mere serfs...

I hope that changes.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: American and "first world" "citizens" are so gullible? or: 6

Or just plain stupid? I mean c'mon, it takes outright breaches of the Constitution for anyone to even take note of it? Jeezus, a guy gets impeached for lying about getting a blowjob, (not NAFTA and the WTO which he REALLY should've gotten strung up for, since its treason against the people of EVERY nation, not just ours) but our current "guy in the sky" gets the easy treatment, "because he wasn't under oath".

Might I remind you of this?

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The above is known as Article II Section I of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!!!

Strange that he took that oath, George B, did, and yet he violated half the bill of rights. Not that our nation doesn't already have a FINE line of violation of the right to peacefully assemble (most pacifists are seen as traitors and "national security threats") but they've also done away with the right to be secure in our persons, papers and property. (4th ammendment). We should've been the ones getting armed, not the government. It is US Citizens duty to bear arms and be responsible for their/OUR own safety. Where the hell do we get off thinking that 30k/year cops are going to throw their lives away to save ours which are "priceless"?? If we don't do it, they don't give a rats ass, they're safer giving speeding tickets.

What kind of losers and cowards have we become, that we can wage war on some make believe enemy, and throw away the very constitution that our forefathers fought for, and that has been chipped away by the rich bankers and their puppets since then, because that constitution was supposed to remind us that we are BORN free and equal, but if we let the tyrants rule forever, then we are naught but slaves, and the constitution naught but paper.

They've finally revealed that they've been profiling and databasing our phonecalls. How soon do you think it'll be when they'll reveal that they've recorded them all as well? I mean, originally it was international calls, then only AlQuaida SOB's, now I assume millions of "innocent" Americans are guilty? Or perhaps we're not so innocent after all, we're letting them shit on our Constitution.

I wonder what it will take to remind Americans that WE WERE THE TOP OF THE WORLD... WE WERE THE ONLY NATION TO ACTUALLY AND REALLY HAVE A SAY IN OUR GOVERNING, BECAUSE WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE GOVERNMENT, OR AT LEAST ITS SOURCE OF POWER, US, WE THE PEOPLE, (and not the military industrial, pharmaceutical, oil, or banking complexes).

I must ask you, my "fellow" americans (at least those of you with enough IQ to be perceptive of this mess we're in) "what the hell is going on in our nation and the world?" and "WHY in blazes are we standing for it?"

Bah, I used to think slashdotters were enlightened but most of you don't even, have not even, EVER sacrificed anything of meaning, nor have you actually read that document that our founding fathers left us. If you had, you'd be all out in the streets, reminding those in power that it is their "privilege" to be in that position and their "duty" to "uphold" the Constitution first, and the laws second. Protecting the Constitution also means one AVOIDS ammending it for the sake of their religion.

Who am I kidding. George finished getting rid of our jobs and the value of our money, now everyone will run to the Democrats and Hillary will finish us off by taking away our guns, the rest of our privacy, and skin us alive to sell to the rest of her banker buddies.

What we need is a third party. And one with teeth (and at least 1/3 of the senate. We need a party that remembers what Jefferson said.

"Given a government without free press, or a free press without government, I prefer the latter." ~Thomas Jefferson.

Judging by the fact that the press is run by huge corporations that are subsidiaries or owned by people who have ties (financially) with the likes of GE, Raytheon, etc, why would anyone expect them to do REPORTING, instead of just PARROTTING press releases?

I can understand old Turkmenbashy in Turkmenistan (our ally by the way, they have oil) who is a complete totalitarian, he MAKES the news, and deals harshly with those who disagree... but this country isn't Turkmenistan. Why are politicians writing our "talking points" ?? Why are we letting them? Where are the hard core americans, banding together to resist the bullshit? Where have all the Americans gone to?

People used to ENVY us, now they FEAR and HATE us... how can we have so easilly let politicians throw away all the goodwill we once had? Why do we let them tyranically rule US and the world? All it takes is voices, all that would have to happen is for enough people to remember that americans were the original REBELS... we were the ones who couldn't shut the hell up or sit down in class. We were those who inspired millions of people to move here, not to make money, but because they wanted to be free. (Money was once made of gold, too, and it had intrinsic value, but that is all gone too, as we all know

"The easiest way to cripple a country is to debauch its currency." ~Lenin (yeah the commie)

I'd say our "federal" reserve system has debauched our once mighty currency quite well. But as long as the "economy" is healthy, it doesn't matter HOW MANY human lives, Americans, foreigners, the whole damn planet gets sacrificed to the beast.

Yeah, Christians, your Beast is just that, the world economy, it speaks all our languages, and all who oppose it alone or with arms, are killed off by it. Amazing that you're not opposing it.

Now, back to Jefferson, he was no Anarchist, but he certainly envisioned a government kept in check by its people. Something ours hasn't been in a VERY long time. Our government keeps us in check, by sending our jobs overseas, oppressing other countries so its people flee here to take whatever work they can, and then they turn us against those immigrants and keeps our attention away from the ball.

What SCARES me is that you people really DO fall for all of it. Take the damn pill and get outta the Matrix, I'm lonely out here!!


Journal Journal: Comedy Central's Steven Colbert lands upset with White House 1

As if the Bush Administration didn't already have their hands full with various coverups, and other things to keep us Innocent Americans (tm) safe from International Terrorism [(c) 9.11.2001 Usama bin Ladin], they are now besieged by the accursed liberal media.

Steven Colbert upsets those "liberal sissies" at a White House press banquet. Watch it * HERE. */a>

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