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Comment Re: Style (Score 3, Interesting) 126

The Russian market was also being propped up by those external investors. a closed system wouldn't have grown very big to begin with. hence why the Soviet Union couldn't keep up with the USA in military spending the USA had a world Economy and the Soviet union and the Warsaw pack, partially as not even full trade was allowed between them.

The USA didn't become a world trade powerhouse because of it's isolationist policies, but because we traded with just about anybody and sold anything including our own grandparents.

Comment Re:Because of Apple engineering (Score 1) 264

Actually iOS 8 uses more storage than iOS 7.

I prefer storage as the term. You store data on the 16 GB and the memory is the run time ram.
However I think the cost is the big difference. Apple lies their price points. The $699 price has been the same for how many revisions? They probably just can't get 32gb under that number.

Comment Re:Finally a universal binary standard (Score 1) 101

So what? Apps are already including modified interfaces for various resolutions.
Why not have one app and trim functionality based on screen size. So your 4" phablet gets one interface, your 7" tablet gets a slightly modified version of that. a 10" tablet and laptop gets another.

Windows 9 is supposedly going to do that. tablets will get metro, but laptops and desktops get the old. There is no reason why you can't push the metro interface all the way down to windows phone resolutions on the same device. attach an external monitor and a bluetooth keyboard and presto you have a standard desktop display.

Comment Re:Everyone loses (Score 2) 474

Right and who pays for all that government? The tax payers do. Smart people want government consolidation that reduces taxes not increases them.

The only good thing about more government is that they spend more time fighting over who does what which slows down everything. Yes slow governments are a good thing.

It is the big issues in the USA. We have something like 500 different sales tax rates paid to just as many different agencies all of which need funding to take our money.

Some things you want separate. Others not so much.

Comment Re:Sorry (Score 1) 334

Not really. Install a wifi router, with a modem. I haven't tried plugging a usb modem into a usb port on a dd-wrt box with a custom config might just do it too. google search, SFW, no idea on reliability, read all fine print)

Even a macbook won't last long with now a days without care.

Comment Re:Dial up can still access gmail (Score 0) 334

True but a chrome book, is all they need. can one install a third party email client on a chrome book? I haven't looked.

Bonus it is already locked down and they can't screw things up.

My really question is this. How do they get viruses? most viruses require a constant high speed connection. without it the virus itself can't do much.

Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 0) 425

right and where was windows phone, and Android before the iPhone was launched? how about full screen mobile browsers?

Sure there are lots of smart watches out there. All of them are thicker than the Apple watch and none of them thought of implementing NFC payments into the watch. Let alone the astounding watch feature of changeable watch bands.

The iPhone 6 really doesn't have any good competing pieces. However iOS still has one major feature than Android and Window phone lack. with in 3 months of a new OS launch /update 80% of all compatible devices have been upgraded. It takes android a couple of years to get to 25%. iOS is still supported on 3 year old devices. only google nexus android devices are supported any where near that long.

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