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Comment Re:Misused? Murder is intrinsic in communism. (Score 1) 530

Now you can ask me why, in such a system, you would feel -motivated- to work twice as hard if it just makes the commune as a whole, instead of yourself, slightly wealthier, and that's a perfectly valid question. You probably wouldn't feel motivated to work twice as hard and spend 20 hours a day in the fields. Why is that "bad"? I expect you would be motivated to do something else with that time... create music or art, teach the children to fish or program computers, or perhaps you will experiment with new farming techniques to try and discover a better way of farming so that commune will collectively have to work even less, enabling everyone to spend even more time on non-farming pursuits... or whatever else you find personally fulfilling instead of trying to amass excess wealth. Are you going to try to convince me that this would be somehow a "worse" system?

Now who's loaded the argument. You assume that the majority of people are going to use that free time contributing to society. In reality, that's likely far from true. Most people would spend their time drinking beer, watching tv, or general recreation/laziness activities. Just look at what people do with their free time now. Look at countries with short work weeks. The Dutch average 29 hours a week at work (http://money.cnn.com/gallery/news/economy/2013/07/10/worlds-shortest-work-weeks/). Tell me: are they the pinnacle of innovation? What are they doing with their free time? Now I'm not saying it's not a good thing in general to have a shorter work week, but trying to claim people would automatically use the vacated time for the greater good of society is incredibly disingenuous.

Comment Re:Misused? Murder is intrinsic in communism. (Score 1) 530

You haven't met many CEOs, have you? Those that are CEOs or owners of small companies are indeed extremely busy. They also make shit money. Those that make the obscene salaries on the other hand have enough time for mistresses, hobbies and extra-curricular activities - far more so than any working drone underneath them.

You do know that most large companies started small, right? And that many of those obscenely paid CEOs went through the "extremely busy/shit money" period? I always saw the "obscene period" as a payout for the years/decades you worked building something successful, because as you said yourself: those years aren't pleasant, or easy. Of course, this doesn't account for the CEOs that fail and just bounce from company to company in high positions, but I believe that's a different problem.

Comment Re:Chattel slavery is so passé (Score 1, Troll) 21

Broad-spectrum legal reform is the kind of issue that seems blatantly obvious to even the most casual observer.
And yet the number of Congresscritters of any strip running on the idea is. . .um. . .wait a sec. . .let's look at Libertarians. . .
Unfortunately, all the power is draining into DC, where the money can be printed at will, thus giving a us positive feedback loop.

Comment Re: does it mean anything though? (Score 1, Troll) 123

One thing we know is that absence of regulation == total chaos.
Just ask a bureaucrat.
Furthermore, we know that people are stupid, and absolutely incapable of operating above caveman level without kindly bureaucrats.
In summary, ensuring Total Regulation is a basic national security requirement.

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